The Role Of The Scientific Community In Validating New Knowledge: Report Writing Flashcards
What is the order of the format for a report
1) Abstract
2) introduction
3) Method
3a) Design
3b) Participants
3c) Apparatus/materials
3d) Procedures
3e) ethics
4) Results
5) Discussion
6) reference
——> use this mnemonic: “Alex Invites Many Distinguished People, Always Preferring Excellent Restaurant Dining Rooms.’
What is the abstract
- A summary of the research, outlining the aim, hypothesis, method, results and conclusions.
- It is the first section of a report but is written after the report has been written
What is the introduction
- This section considers the area in psychology in which the study is located and then focuses on previous research which has been carried out on the same area
- This may include conflicting research or research that this study aims to clarify.
- It will justify the current research and identify the aim of the current research, as well as research predictions and hypotheses
What is the method
- A lengthy section which includes all the details necessary for someone to be able to carry out the same research
- It will include the design, participants, apparatus/materials used, procedures and ethics
What is the design
- this sub-section will state the research design (e.g. repeated measures or cover observation), how participants were allocated to conditions AND justify these choices
What is the participants
- (used to be called the ‘subjects’)
- this subsection will include the techniques used for obtaining the participants as well as any relevant features such as number, age, gender, etc
What is the apparatus/materials
- this sub-section contains a description of any apparatus used
- it could describe word lists or stimulus material
What is the procedures
- This sub-section explains how the participants were approached, what was said, standardised instructions, timings and what actually happened in the research
What is the ethics
- this sub-section will include any significant issues with what was right or wrong about the research as well as how the wrong things were dealt with
What is the results
- This section will refer to the raw data and provide verbal summaries and descriptive statistics, such as measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and graphical representations
- It will also contain the results of any inferential statistical test and whether the results were significant or not
What is the discussion
- Focuses on what the results show, relating it to the research introduction.
- it will give evaluation of the method and implications for theories and applications
- plus suggestions on how to improve the research and new ideas to pursue
What is the reference
This section contains a list of the original sources that were referred to by name and date in the introduction and discussion