The role of education in society Flashcards
What are 3 core functionalist believes?
Organic analogy
What is the organic analogy?
The body is like all the structures of society, each work together to function.
What does Macro mean?
It is macro because it looks at large scale structures,.
What does Consenus mean?
Society is in harmony working together for the greatest good.
What view do Functionalists have on society?
They are a conservative view of society.
What is Functionalists main view of education?
It is the transmission of society’s norms and values, without a shared system of norms and values, cooperation and social solidarity and therefore social life itself would be impossible.
Who are the main contributors to the functionalist view of the role of education?
Durkeim (1903), Parsons (1961) and Davis and Moore (1945)
What does Durkheim (1903) argue about the role of education?
Durkiem argues that education performs two basic functions: Promotes social solidarity and specialist skills
What does social solaridity mean?
(transmits societies norms and values). Teaches children to follow universalistic rules which are essental for cooperation in society.
What does specialist skills mean?
Modern economies have a strong division of labour and require specialist skills. Education can help with this because it equips individuals with specialist skills needed to participate in work in a modern economy.
What would Marxists say (A03) to criticize Durkheim?
Marxists would argue the values transmitted by education are not society’s shared values, but rather those of the ruling class.
Who is the sociologists that states that education puts more value on competition and developing individuals rather than social solidarity?
Hargreaves (1962)
What does Hargreaves say (1962) (A03) ?
Argues that schools place more value on competition and developing an individual than on developing a sense of social solidarity.
What does Parsons (1961) say about the role of education?
Argues that the school is the ‘focalising agency’ of modern society and provides a bridge between family and society as a whole. It role is seoncdary socialization and meritocracy?
What does Secondary socialization mean?
During primary socialization, everyone is treated differently (special), but in society this cannot function, everyone is treated in the same way (law). It socializes us into the shared values of a meritocratic society.
What does Meritocracy mean?
The ablitiy to rise and fall based on merit. Society is meritocratic based on Individual achievement (everyone achieves through own efforts and abilities, not where you come from) and Equal opportunity.
What are 2 main differences within the family and in wider society for functionalists?
Within the family 1)Child is judged by particualristic standards ( rules that only apply to that particular child) whereas in society We are treated and judjed by universalitistic standards ( laws apply to everyone).
Within the family a child’s status is ascribed (given by birth) but within wider society A person’s status is achieved (not ascribed, based on meritocratic princples)
What is a AO3 evaluation suggesting education isn’t meritocratic, for Parson’s theory?
Education isn’t meritocratic because schools discriminate against some groups (e.g. working class and black pupils) and don’t give them an equal opportunity to achieve.
What is another A03 evaluation that goes against saying A person’s ascribed status isn’t important in comparison to wider society?
A person’s ascribed characteristics- their class background, gender and ethnicity- are more important in determining their income later in life than their achievement in school.
What is another A03 evaluation against Functionalists view on socialization by Interactionists?
Interactionists argue that the functionalist view of socialization is too deterministic. Not all pupils passively accept the school values- some reject and rebel against them.
What do Davis and Moore (1945) talk about the role of education in society?
See the function of education as a tool of selection and role allocation. They argue that inequality is necessary to ensure that the most important roles in society are filled by the most talented people. Schools encourage competition so society can select the most talented for specific positions.
What is A03 evaluation of Davis and Moore (1945) against role allocation?
Class differences in achievement suggest that not everyone actually has the same chance in education. (give evidence)
From the article from the Guardian ‘Privately educated elite continues to take top jobs, finds survey’ what could you say that goes against Davis and Moore (1945) view?
We don’t have a meritocratic education system, as people who are privately educated, get the best jobs, also private education isn’t accessible for everyone. This is shown through article that ‘almost 3 quarters (71%) of top military officers were educated privately.’
What could be another A03 evaluation against Davis and Moore suggesting that schools do not always prepare us for our future roles?
It is difficult to see a link between subjects studied at school and what is required of workers in their jobs. Education doesn’t always prepare people for future roles.
What is a A03 strength for Functionalists view of education?
It is difficult to argue against the need of social solidarity to keep a society of tens of millions of people together.
What do Neoliberalist believe about education?
They believe the state should not provide education. A free market encourages competition and drives up standards. Schools should be more like a business and operate in an educational market.
What is the New right view?
The new right is a political view that draws on neo-liberalism
Give 3 similarities between New right view and Functionalism?
1) Some people are naturally talented than others
2) Education is based on meritocracy
3) Education should socialise the young into a shared culture and create a sense of national identity.
Give 2 differences between New right thinking and Funcionalists thinking?
1) The reason for the failure is that education is run by the state.
2) Schools that get poor results or waste state money are not accountable for their consumers and this encourages poor standards.
What does New right believe the state provides?
One size fits all : belief that the state (and education) cannot meet all peoples needs. Schools are not responsive to their consumers = lower standards
What is the Solution for New right?
Marketisation of education, make schools more responsive to their consumers. Idea of choice and competition within education. New Right argue that creating an education market, forces schools to respond to the needs of pupils, parents and employers
So if schools are run like a educational market what does it mean for school standards?
This will raise standards because the funding formula means that schools have an incentive to be successful, since those that attract more pupils get more money.
Who are the sociologists that look at data from low income families?
Chubb and Moe (1990)
What did Chubb and Moe find (1990)
They compared 60,000 low income pupils from private and state schools and found that students from private schools do 5% better than those from state schools.
What does Chubb and Moe (1990) finding suggests that state school?
State education is not meritocratic, It has failed to create equal opportunity because it doesn’t have to respond to pupil’s needs. Also Private schools deliver higher quality ed because unlike state schools they are answerable to paying consumers – parents.
What is the solution for chubb and Moe (1990)?
Create market system in state education - give control to consumers. Via voucher system to spend on buying education from a school of their choice.
How would Vouchers raise standards for schools?
Vouchers would be school’s main source of income. Schools would have to compete to attract parents’ vouchers by improving the quality of education they offer. Those that did so would grow, while schools that didn’t would close.
What is a A03 evaluation that would benefit Middle class?
Middle class would be able to top up meaning they would get to the better schools. Those who are likely to be in them bad schools would be Working class and black.