Ethnic differences in Achievement Flashcards
What is ethnicity?
Refers to a shared culture, identity and history.
What is an ethnic group?
Is a group of people who see themselves as a distinct group based for example on religion, geography or language.
Who are the highest achieving ethnic group?
Who are the lowest achieving ethnic group?
Gpysy/ Roma traveller
Do Chinese and Indians do better than Black and Pakistani
Yes they do.
What is the National average in 2013 of percentage of pupils achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Math’s?
What is the percentage of Chinese girls achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
78% which is 18% above average.
What is the percentage of Chinese Boys achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
72% which is 12% above average
What is the percentage of White Boys and girls achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
59% which is 1% lower than average
Why are White boys and girls are at average of percentage achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C’s including English and Math’s?
This is because they form great majority of the school population and there is variation in class between them.
What is the percentage of Black Carribean girls achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
52% which is 8% lower than average
What is the percentage of Black Carribean Boys achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
39% which is 11% lower than average.
What is the percentage of Pakistani girls achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
54% which is 6% lower than average
What is the percentage of Pakistani boys achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A*C including English and Maths and relation to average?
41% which is 19% lower than average
Why can’t all Asian’s be classified together?
As this covers many different nationalities, religions and languages, also there are big variations in results e.g Indians and Chinese pupils do better than Pakistani’s and Bangladeshi?
On class do Working class do better than Middle class?
No Middle class do better than working class.
Who is the sociologist who found out the progress made by white pupils is less than when they come into school?
Hastings (2006)
What did Hastings say (2006)?
White working-class pupils make less progress between 11 and 16 than black or Asian pupils.
What does Hasting’s study show?
That it must be down internal factors in school causing underachievement.
What have the government introduced which mean teachers have to try harder to narrow the gap?
A ‘good pass in line with a average performance in high performing countries such as Finland and Canada, this means that teachers have to try harder to narrow the gap to these high performing children, to boost league potions.
What are the three External factors that explain ethnic differences in achievement (Cultural deprivation) ?
1) Intellectual and Lingustic skills
2) Attitudes and values
3) Family structure and parental support
Who are the sociologists that look at Intellectual and linguistic skills spoken at home?
Bereiter and Englemann (1966)
What do Bereiter and Englemann say about Language spoken at home(1966)?
they consider the spoken language by low-income black american families as inadequate for educational success. Also, children who do not speak English at home may also be held back educationally.
Why does Bereiter and Englemann study lead to underachievement?
Children are not able to use language to describe, analyse and evaluate. Also unable to use language to express abstract ideas.
What is A03 evaluation to suggests that Bereiter and Englemann study is Victim blaming?
Some sociologists see Cultural deprivation theorists are victim blaming black culture and language. Their culture and language are not deficient but possibly different in some ways.
What is the A03 evaluation to suggest that language isn’t a big factor using evidence?
In 2010 pupils which English as their first language were only 3.2 points ahead of those who had English as their first language, when it came to gaining 5 GCSE’s A*’s to C’s. Also Indian pupils still do well despite English not being first language.
What is the Attitudes and values explanation for differences in Educational achievement?
Some Black and ethnic minority children might be socialized into a fatalistic subculture ( counter to mainstream, focused on immediate gratification). This may be because of negative experiences with education or society itself.
What does it mean if black and ethnic minorities are socialized into a fatalistic subculture?
They will have a lack of motivation to succeed. Most children are socialized into mainstream culture, which instills competitiveness and a desire to achieve, equipping them for success.
What is the A03 evaluation to counter the Fatalistic attitudes and values from black and ethnic minority children including sociologist?
Lawrence suggests that Black culture and attitudes are not ‘weaker’ but simply the by product of racism in wider society.
Who is the sociologist that argues about Family structure and parental support?
Moynihan (1965)
What does Moynihan argue(1965)?
Argues that because many black families are headed by a lone mother, their children are deprived of adequate care due to struggling financially as well as lacking a male role model.
Why will this affect affect if black families are headed by a lone parent?
This will mean many black boys are likely to turn to an anti-educational macho ‘gang culture’
What is the AO3 evaluation to suggest that lone mother doesn’t affect all members of family including sociologist?
Driver suggests that Black families provide a strong role model for girls, thus explaining the higher rates of achievement amongst black girls.
Who is the sociologist that argues that the impact of racism leads to underachievement?
Pryce (1979)
What does Pryce (1979) say about the impact of racism?
Pryce argues that Black Caribbean culture is less resistant to racism because of the experience of slavery.
What does this mean if Black Caribbean culture is less resistant to racism?
This will lead to many black pupils having low self-esteem leading to underachievement.
What is another A03 evaluation of fastalistic attitiudes saying at infact ethnic minorities place higher value on education including sociologist?
Connor (2004) found that minority ethnic parents often placed higher value on education than white parents.
What else did Pryce (1979) say about slavery which meant black family’s didn’t exist?
The high rate of lone parent families amongst black community is argued by prcye to be tracked to slavery. . Slavery didn’t allow black family’s to exist, men don’t learn protecting role, which is passed down to next genrations. Underachievement stems from unstable families as a reuslt of slavery and self worth.
What is the A03 evaluation from Sewell to suggest that underachievement is caused by a lack of fatherly love?
Sewell says the absence of tough love from a father figure and peer pressure to conform to a ‘tough ghetto superstar’ image leads to poor attitudes to education.
Who is the sociologist that argues that the Chinese and Indian pupils benefit from ‘Asian work ethic’?
What does Sewell say about Chinese and Indian pupil?
Indian and Chinese pupils pupils benefit from supportive families that have an ‘Asian work ethic’ and place a high value on education.
Similarly, who is the sociologist that argues that adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model of school?
Ruth lupton (2004)
What does Ruth Lupton say (2004)?
Adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model of the school whereby children have respectful attitudes towards adults. This has a knock on effect at school.