Class internal Flashcards
What is labeling?
To label someone you attach a meaning of definition to them e.g. bright or troublemaker, based on streotypical assumptions
What did Howard becker (1971? study about labeling?
He interviewed 60 Chicago high school and found teachers labelled pupils according to how close they fitted the image of the “ideal pupil.” MC seen as closest to the ideal.
Why was it the case that in Becker’s study in(1971) the middle class were seen as the ideal?
They are most likely not to have a language barrier, so speak in the elaborated code or conduct and appearance influencing decisions because of this teachers would label them positively and provide better teaching.
What were the two sociologists who identified spurters in 1968?
Rosenthal and Jacobson
What was rosenthal and Jacobson’s study in 1968?
They tested pupils and told teachers they had identified spurters which teachers knew of at random. They returned later and found that half had spurted.
Why had the half of students spurt ahead in 1968?
This was due to labeling, causing different treatment to students leading to a self fulfilling prophecy.
What type of experiment was Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1968?
A field experiment.
What is a field experiment?
Sociologists can manipulate a real, natural occurring situation to discover a cause and effect.
Can you name 2 problems of the experiment of Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)?
1) It isn’t ethical putting working class at a disadvantage
2) sample size is small, meaning it isn’t representative of population.
What is an evulation point to counter argue Rosenthal and Jacobson’s study(1968)
Margaret Fuller(1989), Black girls at London comprehensive rejecting there labels.
What does Margaret Fuller study say about labeling?
This shows that the labelling theory is to determinstic, by being assigned a negative label, it doesn’t mean you will inevitably fufil that label. Having that negative label can have a positive effect on teachers to prove teachers wrong.
What influence does teachers label have on students?
It can influence the construction and development of students identities or self concepts.
What is a self-fufling prophecy?
It is a prediction that comes true by virtue of it being made.
What is Streaming?
Judgments on Cultural capital and Academic ability.
What do studies show about students who are streamed?
They are most likely to follow the self-fufling prophecy.
What is the A-C economy?
This is a system in which schools focus their time, effort and resources on those pupils who have the potential to get 5 A*’s to Cs, to boost school league position.
What where the 2 sociolgists that went into 2 secondary schools and watched how students were streamed?
Gillbourne and Youdell (2001)
What did Gillbourne and Youdell (2001) study?
They found out in 2 secondary schools teachers use stereotypical notions to stream pupils. They found that working class a seen to have less ability so are placed in lower stream.
Why is it hard for Working class pupils to move up a stream?
As teachers have low expectations of them, they are locked in their stream, as Becker says ‘they get the message’ so live up to expectations and underachieve.
Why would Middle class benefit from streaming?
They are likely to be placed in a higher stream, reflecting teachers view of ideal pupil, as a result, gain confidence and perform better leading to improved grades.
What do Giibourne and Youdell (2001) what the A-C economy has lead to?
They say A-C economy since marketisation has lead to Educational triage.