The Role of Education Flashcards
What do Functionalists believe is the role of education?
- Socialises young people into values of achievement, competition, equality of opportunity, social solidarity, democracy, religion and morality.
- Needs to emphasise moral responsibilities that members of society have towards each other and the wider society.
What do functionalists believe about the teaching of history?
- The teaching of history is important because it develops a sense of loyalty to your own society and country.
What does Parsons say education produces?
- Parsons –> education helps to produce a value consensus
What does education teach according to Functionalists?
The skills required by a modern industrial society. They can be general or specific.
General skills - skills that everyone needs like literacy or numeracy.
Specific skills - needed for particular occupations
What does the Functionalist theory on education tie in closely with?
The human capital theory –> claim investment in humans through education and training acts a lot like investment in new machinery.
According to Davis and Moore, what does education do:
- Allocates people to the most appropriate job for their talents, using examinations and qualifications.
- Examination system encourages competition, individual achievement and hard work.
- Most capable people get most important jobs in society.
- High rewards for some jobs are justified because the system is based on merit and it benefits society.
- The rewards system ensures those doing the most important jobs are awarded the highest pay.
What are some criticisms of a Functionalist approach to education?
- In terms of skills provision, many argue that the education system doesn’t produce the skills needed for the economy.
- Assumes everyone has the same access to a high quality education.
- Education doesn’t necessarily transmit values to all of its pupils.
What are some criticisms of the Marxist approach to education?
- The hidden curriculum isn’t always accepted - some students rebel.
- Education isn’t simply reproducing workers. The workplace requires teamwork rather than obedience.
- Bowles and Gintis conducted their research in 1976 in America - is this even applicable to Britain?
What do Neo-Marxists believe Marxists and Functionalists do.
That they overemphasise conformity in education.