Key Terms Flashcards
Ageing Population
An increased average age in a population due to declining fertility rates and rising life expectancy.
Arranged Marriage
Mutual discussion about a proposed match by the parents.
Beanpole Family
A multi-generational extended family.
Birth Rate
The number of births per 1000 over a year.
Cereal Packet Family
A functionalist concept which argues that the idealised version of the family is the nuclear family of mother, father and two children.
Classic Extended Family
When three or more generations live together in one household.
A group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.
Confluent Love
Argues that individuals are now looking to create meaningful relationships that are based on love and respect.
Conjugal Role
The separation of a couple’s household roles, depending on their gender.
Death Rate
The number of deaths per 1000 over a year.
The study of populations.
Dependency Culture
A way of life characterised by dependency on state benefits.
Dependency Ratio
The relationship between working and non-working parts of the population.
Dependent Population
Those of school age and those over the age of retirement.
Division of Labour
The range of tasks within a system.
Divorce Rate
The number of divorces per 1000 over a year.
Domestic Division of Labour
The way that domestic work is divided out between partners.
Domestic Labour
The different roles and responsibilities that need to be completed within the household.
The act of leaving a country to settle permanently in another.
Expressive Role
A functionalist perspective of the female’s role in the family - to provide personality stabilisation, emotional support and child rearing.
Extended Family
A family that extends beyond the nuclear family.
A group of people related by blood or marriage.
Familial Ideology
The promotion of the heterosexual, nuclear family as the ideal family, in which the father is head of the household and the mother focuses on nurturing and caretaking.
Fertility Rate
The number of births per 1000 women aged 15-44 over a year.
The process of all parts of the world becoming interconnected, so that national boundaries become less important.
A house and its occupants regarded as a unit.
Ideological State Apparatus
Denotes the institutions which were formally outside state control but which served to transmit the values of the state in order to maintain order in society.
The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
When group identities such as class and gender matter less. Individuals tend to have less loyalty to their social groups and more freedom to choose different lifestyles.
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of children that die per 1000 live births, over a year.
Instrumental Role
A functionalist understanding of the male’s role in the family - to discipline and provide economic support for the family.
Integrated Conjugal Role
Where the husband and wife carry out many activities together and with a minimum of task differentiation and separation of interests.
Refers to how individuals are related to each other.
Life Course
The way in which lives evolve and change as people experience personal events or rites of passage.
Life Expectancy
The age in which men and women are expected to live.
Marriage Rate
The number of marriages per 1000 people over the age of 16 per given year.
The movement of people from one place to another.
Modified Extended Family
Family members who don’t live in the same household but keep close ties with each other.
Having one husband or wife at a time.
Natural Population Change
The difference between the number of live births and deaths each year.
Net Migration
The difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants throughout the year.
Nuclear Family
A family group that consists of two parents and their children.
A system or society in which men hold the power, and women are largely excluded from it. Women’s interests are subordinated to the interests of men.
When a culture allows a woman to take more than one husband.
Marriage to more than one partner at the same time. There are two types.
When a religion or culture allows a man to take more than one wife.
Primary Socialisation
The process by which parents and significant family members teach their children how to behave in a way that society accepts and expects.
The transfer of something from public to private ownership and control. The opposite of nationalisation.
Privatised Nuclear Family
A nuclear family that is separated from any extended family and is self-reliant.
Pure Relationship
When individuals decide to carry on maintaining their relationship because it meets their emotional and sexual needs.
Reconstituted Family
When two families join together after one or both partners have divorced their previous partners (step family).