The role and importance of persuasion in negotiation Flashcards
The presentation of arguments and supporting evidence to get others to adopt a new behavior or belief.
Understand others’ motivations and needs
Establish credibility
Frame for common ground
Engage in joint problem solving
Support preferred outcome with logic and reasoning
Reinforce with appeal to emotions and basic instincts
Understand others’ motivations and needs
Listen actively and check for understanding
Establish credibility
Positive impression or appearance, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Composure
Frame for common ground
1- perspective we would like the other party to consider.
2- open-minded way for alternatives and ideas to be compared and contrasted.
3- logical structure by which decisions can be made.
Reinforce with an Appeal to Emotions and Basic Instincts
Reciprocity/obligation, Scarcity and Consensus/social proof
In general, people want to, or feel obligated to, repay favors and kindness
People are more motivated to go after that which they perceive is scarce.
Consensus/social proof
People often decide what to do based on what they see others doing.
cognitive dissonance
to explain the tension that exists when individuals’ beliefs do not align with their behaviors.
inoculation theory
A theory in persuasion that holds that persuaders can be more effective when they anticipate potential objections and address them before they
ACE Theory
A theory in persuasion that holds that people use three criteria (appropriateness, consistency, and effectiveness) to determine whether to respond
to a persuader’s arguments.
Ask for a favor
Push for stereotyped response
Consider the effect of the context
Consider the effect of timing
Ask for a favor
That is, you’ve given, and given generously, and instead of directly asking him to pay his debt, you instead ask for a favor.
Push for stereotyped response
Every language has its share of proverbs and
idioms. Whether true or perceived to be true, these responses often come without a need to expend extensive cognitive energy
Consider the effect of the context
Many people will pay more for the same or similar item depending on where they purchase it.
manipulation or coercion
convincing people to agree to something that is not in their best interest or anything they would ever do without the influence of the persuader.
To defend yourself against manipulation:
● Be clear on your convictions and why you hold them.
● Think substance, not appearance.
● Doubt the truth of what’s being said.
● Know the source.
● Consider the needs of others besides yourself.