Distributive Negotiations Flashcards
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Any means of settling disputes
outside of the courtroom
power tactic that involves using a direct approach to push your own agenda and/or attack the other party’s position.
distributive negotiation
achieve an efficient compromise by focusing on the distribution of outcomes
Distributive negotiation is essentially
a contest to see who gets the biggest share
Mixed-motive bargaining
when the negotiating agenda has significant elements of conflict and potential for integration
component of leverage or power 1
benefits the negotiator brings to the table
component of leverage or power 2
counterpart’s BATNA
specific behaviors used by a party in a negotiation
tactics in distributive negotiations
tend to be more direct and assertive because there is little emphasis on the relationship between the parties.
involves the use of reason and logical presentation of facts or data
involves being friendly to the other party to get him to like you
Coalition building
obtaining the support of and forming an alliance, there is strength in numbers, when you don’t have enough influence on your own.
Dependes each party having something to offer that the other party wants.
Upward appeal
obtaining support for your position from people in higher positions of authority
Imposing sanctions
use of coercive power to achieve the desired results
tactic for changing the balance of power in a negotiation 1
improve the quality of your own BATNA
tactic for changing the balance of power in a negotiation 2
decrease the quality of the other party’s BATNA
tactic for changing the balance of power in a negotiation 3
decrease your value of the other party’s contribution
decrease your value of the other party’s contribution 4
increase the value of your contributions
where one party makes an extreme opening offer in an attempt to throw the other party off balance
going head to head with the other party to see who will back down first, exaggerating your position or even making false threats
engaging in aggressive behavior, it may involve name-dropping to imply a closer relationship with those in power
including issues in your opening offer that are really not important to you, but give you something to trade later
asking for additional small things after negotiation has begun or even reached tentative agreement on the main issues
Overwhelming the other party with information
providing the other party with so much information that she is left feeling distracted and overwhelmed so she will agree to whatyou want just to avoid wading through all the information
Good cop/bad cop
It is rooted in the scenario of two police officers trying to convince a suspect to confess.
Many times the use of hardball tactics can be _______ altogether by befriending the other party early in the negotiation
a hardball tactic can neutralize its effect
it may be necessary to ____ the behavior and establish ground rules for behavior during the negotiation
respond with a hardball tactic of your own
information sharing
In integrative negotiations, it is a crucial component in the creating value stage where it is necessary to identify alternatives for meeting the needs of both parties
Claiming value
To obtain as much of the settlement range as possible.
What you give up in a negotiation
When the parties to a negotiation cease to make progress toward a settlement.
The amount of power a negotiator has in a negotiation
Making concessions on issues that have a low priority to you in return for gains on issues that have a higher priority.
Tentative agreement/TA
An indication that the parties agree on a particular issue in anticipation of reaching an agreement on all issues involved.
Winner’s curse
The feeling that you could have done better in a negotiation