The Renaissance and Reformation Study Guide Flashcards
Northern Humanists championed (supported) what?
the study of classical and early Christian texts.
What did The Italian Renaissance began as a movement to recover?
Greco-Roman culture
Who dominated Florence during the High Point of the Renaissance?
The Medici
What began to gradually decline in the 1400’s?
During this time period of history what were marriages in Italy used for?
To strengthen family alliances
What article stressed that a prince should act without scruples for the good of the state?
The Prince
Where were Humanists often employed at?
- Teachers at Universities
- Secretaries in city-states
- advisers at the courts of princes
- bishops
What Roman senator and writer serves as an inspiration for civic humanists?
The development of what resulted in the spread of literacy and new knowledge through the Western Worlds?
The printing Press
The realistic portrayal of the humanist nude was a major preoccupation in what type of art?
The statue David was scrupled by what Italian masters?
Donatello and Michelangelo
Who was among the first Italian humanist who were never painted?
Where was Michelangelo’s painted?
The Sistine Chapel ceiling
Who painted The Last Supper?
Leonardo Da Vinci
What were Northern Renaissance artists more interested in?
Everyday of humanity and not the secular human form as the primary subject of painting
What did the Monarchs of the late 1400’s want to do?
Expand thier political power and acquire more territroy
What dynasty took control of the postiion of the Holy Roman Emperor after 1438?
In 1453 what did the Ottoman Turks do?
They conquered the Byzantine Empire
Who wanted people to read the Bible in their own vernacular language?
John Wyclif
What did the Renaissance Popes act like?
The secular rulers of the period
Who wrote the book Utopia? What is Utopia about?
- English Humanist Thomas More
- A satire on European government and society
What Humanists was concerned about the inner peity in Christianity?
On the eve of the Reformation, how did people sought for certainty in salvation?
- Worshipping of relcis
- Buying of indulgences
Who believed the no amount of good works could satisfy God’s righteousness?
What did Luther believe was the only source of truth?
The Bible
What led to Luther’s eventual break with the Roman Catholic Church?
The widespread sale of indulgences by preaching monks
In what work did Luther call on the German princes to overthrow the papacy in German Lands?
The Address to the NObility of the German Nation
What work made Luther an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire?
The Edict of Worms
How did Luther spead his ideas?
Every possible way availiable literary and musical means of the period
How did Luther see the Peasants War of 1524-1525?
A soical revolution aginst God’s divine order
What sacrametns of the Catholic Church did Luther reject?
All except baptism and communion
What religon forbids teh sale of indulgences?
The Peace of Augsburg in 1555 determinded what?
The German rulers of each territory determined the religion of their land
Who began the Protestand Reformaiton in Zurich?
Ulirch Zwingli
Who advocated adult baptisms, and if they had been baptized as a child, a second baptism?
What triggered the reformation in England?
Henry’s desire for a male heir
What is millenarianism
The belief that the world is going to end soon
What act separated England from the Roman Catholic Church?
The Act of Supremacy
Who was called Bloody Mary and why?
- Mary Tudor
- Executing more than 300 Protestants
Elizabeth I is best described as a..?
Moderate Protestant
What did John Calvin preach about?
Ideas of predestinaiton and the absolute sovereignty of God
How did Calvin beleive salvation could be earned?
Living a decent and godly life
What did Calvin create in Geneva from 1541-1564?
A religious theocracy
What did the Reformation change in schooling?
Expanded public access to primary schooling and improved secondary schooling throuh the gymnasium
What supported the superior state of marriage over celibacy?
The Reformation
What was kept taverns as importatnt aspects of people’s lives due to the Reformation?
Who was the founder of the Society of Jesus?
Ignatius of Loyola
Who was a Jesuit missionary who spead Christianity in Asia?
Francis Xavier
What was the direction of the Catholic Reformation exemplified by?
The Roman Inquisition and the creation of the Index of Forbidden Books
What reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs aginst the Reformation?
The Council of Trent
What were French Protestan minority known as
Who were the politiques?
Those who placed politics ahead of relgion in an attempt to end the wars of relgion
What did the Edit of Nantes do?
- Helped resolve France’s War of Religion
- Protected the rights of French Huguenots
Who was the greatest advocate of militant Catholicism?
Philip II of Spain
Who led the resistance to Spanish rule in the Netherlands
William of Orange
What resulted in infaltinon?
Silver from the New World
When did England achieve a great victory over the Spanish Armada?
The end of the 1600’s
Who was Holy Roman Emperor Charles V’s chief rival?
Francis I of France
Where did Charels V face a threat to his power from the Ottoman Empire?
The Eastern Part of his empire