Final Study Guide Flashcards
What are crucial to the development of civilization?
An urban focus and district religious strucutre
When did women lose social status and power?
The development of the Neolithic Revolution
What are 4 Indo-European languages?
German, Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit
What is the Hebrew conception of God?
God is one that is personal and whose word is law
What was the monotheistic religion that developed in the Ancient Near East that focused both on moral ethics and following the law of God
Who took the complex writing system of the Ancient Near East and simplified it?
The Phoenicians
What was the largest and most tolerant of the Near East Empires?
Persia Empire
What did the Judo-Christian heritage give Western Civilization?
The concepts of monotheism, morality, social justice, and law
What landscape qualities helped shaped the development of civilization in Ancient Greece
Valleys, Bays and Harbors, Mountains, and a Long Seacoast
What era of Western Civilization saw the spread of and imitation of Greek culture throughout the Ancient Near East
The Hellenistic Era
What did the popularity of Stoicism and Epicureanism philosophies suggest?
It suggested that there was an openness to explore thoughts of the University of Humans in the Hellenistic World
What was the result of the development of the Greek polis?
Greece being divided into fiercely competitive states
What did the Athenian Democratic develop into during the Age of Pericles?
A direct system and Athenians became deeply attached to their system
What was Hellenisitc philosophy concerned about?
Human Happiness and not the life of the Greek Polis
The Greek Polis valued what more than anything else. Give an Example
It valued the common welfare of it’s citizens. This is why Sparta was so extreme in its values in building the perfect soldier.
When did Jews began to settle in and form thier own communities in cities in Egypt, Asia Minor, and Syria?
The Hellenistic Age
What helped pave the way for the rise of Christianity in the Hellenistic World?
Popularity of mystery cults and religions
What book celebrated the honor and courage of Greek aristocratic heroes in battle
The Iliad
In what book did, Plato believe that kings education as philosophies were the only individuals who could build the perfect society
The Republic
Who was the most important figure in the rise of Christianity after Jesus?
Paul of the Tarsus
What were part of the “terrible third century” of the Roman Empire
Civil War, Natural Disasters, Germanic invasions, and Inflation
What did the Rape of Lucretia represent
- The end of Etruscan rule in Rome
- A model for women’s behavior
- The end of Rome’s control by monarchs
What stimulated manufacturing and industry but was ultimately secondary to agriculture in the Early Roman Empire
Trade and Commerce
What varied widely in the different areas of the Roman Empire in terms of its extent and speed
Who were the paterfamilases led by
The male head of family
What did Rome offer its most favored allies that help a sucessful expansion
What were government back spectacles used to control the masses
Gladiatorial shows
Under who’s rule did the Roman Empire turn towards absolutism with the Senate losing power
What was Rome’s imperial expansion based off of?
An opportunity and possibility of wealth and glory
What were the early values of Christianity
Humility, Charity, and True brotherly love
Why did Italy’s geography make Rome an ideal location?
It was easily defended
What did Augustus halt?
Imperial expansion into central Europe
What were policies of the late Roman emperors Diocletian and Constantine based on
coercion and loss of freedom
What did the Edict of Milan do? (issued by Emperor Constantine)
It made Christianity a tolerated religion in the Roman Empire
Who defeated the Muslims from Spain a the Battle of Tours near Poitiers, France in 732
Charles Martel
In Germanic society, what was the legal procedure that developed as an alternative to seeking acts of revenge for injury to one or one’s family
The Weregeld
What did the departure of the Roman legions in 410 allow the Anglo ans Saxon Germanic tribes do
There were allowed to invade and settle of the island of Britain
In Germanic society, what was believe to reveal the truth of one’s guilt or innocence?
The Ordeal
What suported the claim that they held preeminet position in the Roman Catholic Church?
The Papay used the Petrine Doctrine
What were western monasticim characterized by?
Monks and nuns seeking a structured life of study, work, and prayer
What Pope used monasticism to convert the German peoples of Europe?
Pope Gregory the Great
What did the Byzantine emperor Justinians do?
made codification of Roman Law is his most lasting contribution to Western Civilzation
What large dome, is know for symbolizing the sphere of heaven?
Hagia Sophia
What did Iconoclasm resulte in
the splitting of the Latin and Greek Orthdox Christians beginning in the 700’s and officially in 1054
What happened due to the rise of agriculture in parts of Europe duing the early Middle Ages
Forests began to be cleared
Because the population was so small in the the Early Middle Ages what did it’s economy subsiste on?
A limited argicultural economy
The coronation of Charlemagne in 800 symbolized what?
The fusion of Roman, Germanic, and christian cultures
What were the Carolingian monks instrumenatl in?
The preservation of Classical Latin writings by copying the manuscripts in the monasteries
What was the Carolingian Renaissance characterized by?
Illuminated manuscripts
What was the staple of the medieval diet?
What were the chief repercussion of the Viking raids of hte 800s and 900s?
Increase in the power of local aristocrats to who threatened populations turned to for protection
What was the major obligation of a vassal in the Feudal System?
Provide his lord military service
The economy of the Early Middle Ages was what?
- underdeveloped
- mostly agricultural
What were new agricultural methos of the High Middle Ages brough up by?
A change from the two-field systme to the three field system
What was in contact with every aspcet of a peasant’s life in the High Middle Ages?
The Church
How was the aristocracy described during the High Middle Ages?
Men of War
How were women considered in medieval though
Considered to be subservient to men and subject to male authority
What did marriage amoung the aristocracy establish?
Political alliances between families and increase thier wealth
WHo assumed the leading role in the revival of trade during the High Middle Ages?
Medieval city skylines were dominated by what?
Towers of churches, castles, and town halls
What method was used in medieval university instruction?
Lecture method
What did Medieval universities curriculum consist of?
Trivium and Quadrivium
What led to the to a revival of Classical antiquity?
Circulation in the west of Latin translation of philosophical and scientific works saved by Muslims scholars
What was scholasticism preoccupied with?
The reconciliation of faith with reason
What does Vernacular mean
local language
What landmark scholastic book did Thomas Aquinas write
Summa Theologica
How were troubadours chiefly encourgaed?
With song of courtly love of nobles, knights, and ladies
What style architecutre of churches were dominant in the 1000s and 1100s?
How were Romanedques churches lit
They were lit by candle and were notoriously dark
What addition allowed Gothic cathedrals to soar upward?
Where did Gothic architecture emerge and was perfected?
Who required all sub vassals to swear allegiance tohim after his conquest of England?
William I of England
What was one of the great political developments in England during the thirteenth centruy?
English Parliament under Edward I
How could the Magna Carta be described?
As an affirmation of the traditional rights of English barons
What strenghtened the power of the Capetian monarchy
- emergence of a council of advice,
- a Chamber or accounts for finance
- The Parlement
- The Estatesl-General
By the end of what centruy was Spain fee of Muslim conrol in the northern half of hte country
twelth century
During the High Middle Ages what did the Holy Roman Emperors attempt to do?
exploit the resources of Byzantine civilization
What did Russia’s religous developments led to?
A close affinity between Russian civilization and Byzantine civilization
What did followers of the Cathar (Albigensian) heresy believe?
The spirt was pure but the body was corrupt and evil
Who accepted accusations of heresy against anyone?
The papal inquisition, or the Holy Office
What did the Christian Crusades freqently inspier in the High Middle Ages?
Persecutions of European Jews
What did Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095 promise those who joined the Crusades to recapture the Holy Land?
Remission of sins
What did the Crusades result in?
- Cultural exchanges between Christians and Muslims
- Economic growth of Italian port cities
- Strengthening of European monarches
- A rise of intolerance and violence against European Jews
Where did the bubonic plague originate
How much of Eroupe’s population diead because of the Black Death between 1347-1351
What were the reactions to the Black Death
- An increase of violence and murder
- The formation of gropus like the flagellants
- An obession with death in everyday life
Who was accused of causgin the plague by poisoning town wells during the Black Death
What did Ars Moriendi mean
The art of dying
What did the Black Death do towards workers wages?
Raised them becuase of scarcity of labor
How did the relationship between the rich and the poor become after the Black Death
It got worse as the positions of the landlords deteriorated and they sought to limit the gains of the peasants
What cause the English Peasant Revolt of 1381
The rising economic expections of ordinary people
What was a major issue behind the Hundred Years’ War?
Edward III or England’s claim to the French throne
What was the desicsive roel of peasant foot soldiers in the Hundred Years’ War a sign of?
The decline of feudalism
Who saved France by inspiring French soldiers to break the English siege of Orleans?
Joan of Arc
Who failed to develope a centralized monarchialc state during the 1300’s?
Italy and Germany
When did the conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philop IV France start?
When Philip taxed churchmen without the Church’s permission
When did hte papacy reside in Avignon?
What badly damaged the faith of amny Christian believes
The Great Schism of the Roman Catholic church from 1378-1415
What did Mysticism stress
An tensely personal feeling of oneness with God
Who claimed that reson could not prove spiritual truth?
William of Occam
Was is considered teh suprmems ummary of medieval though
Dante’s Divine Comedy
What did Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales do?
It portrayed characters from a variety of starus leves, both high to low-born
Who was Petrarch?
He was a Florenine who wrote in vernacualr sonnet poems to his love Laura
What did the artist Giotto create?
Works of art displaying a new kind of realism
What was the biggest thirteenth and fourteenth- century invention?