Final Study Guide Flashcards
What did the Italian Renaissance start as?
A movement to recover Greco-Roman culture
Luther rejected the sacraments of the Catholic Church except for what 2 things?
Baptism and communion
What did the monarchs of the late 1400’s Europe want to do?
Expand their political power and acquire more territory
What did the Reformation expand?
Public access to primary schooling and improved secondary schooling though the gymnasium
What did people do on the eve of Reformation?
People sought for certainty in salvation through a variety of means including the worship of relics and the buying of indulgences
What was the Reformation in England triggered by?
Henry’s desire for a male heir
How did John Calvin believe salvation could be earned?
Living a decent and godly life
What was the major preoccupation in Renaissance art?
Realistic portrayal of the humanist nude
What book stressed that a prince should act without scruples for the good of the state?
The Prince
What was the deciding factor that brought about he revolution in France in 1789?
The government’s failure to resolve the economic crisis of debt
What document emphasized equality under the law ?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
What was the Scientific Revolution built upon?
intellectual and science accomplishments of the previous centuries
What did the sixteenth universities primarily focus on?
Classical studies and religion, not new scientific knowledge initially
Who believed that the heliocentric theory was a simpler and more accurate theory of the universe than other theories?
What type of art tried to combine religious reformation with classical Renaissance art?
Baroque Art
Where were Newton’s theories initially resisted?
Who beleived that mind and matter were separated?
Rene Descartes
What offered a new means to make profit and maintian social order in the eighteenth century?
What did the scientific revolution represent
cooperation in the pursuit of new knowledge
What became the standard form of rule adopted by most monarchies in teh 17th century?
What was the growth of the Duth Republic in the 17th century supported by?
its economic prosperity
Who ended the “Glorious Revolution” in 1688
James II
When was Great Britian’s constitutional monarch begun?
1689 with the English Bill of Rights
What is Voltaire renowned for?
His criticism of religious intolerance
What did Deism stress?
That the creator has no active role in the daily lives of human beings
What did published travel accounts of different culutres druing the Age of Enlightenment stress?
The naturalism of the noble savage, cultural relativism, and a skepticism of faith
Who said that the indiviudal must always bow to the general will of the majority?
During the eigteenth centure, what did intellecutal life become?
More secular with an emphasis on finding the natural laws that governed human life
What did Enlightenment thinkers believe?
Scientific analysis along with rational thought would help one understand all aspects of human life
How did the French philosophers (intellectuals) what to change the world?
With reason and rationality
Who’s painting of nature represented the Baroque-Rococo artistic style of the eighteenth century
Balthasar Neuman’s
What did Haydn and Mozart shift?
The musical center of Western Civilization from Italy to Central Europe during the eighteenth century
Who believed that government should not be involved in one’s economic life
Adam Smith
What were the reason’s the Britain became the world’s first industrial power?
- Rapid population growth
- surplus of labor
- agricultural innovations
- domestic and colonial markers
Who’s music bridged the gap between Classical and Romantic Music?
What nation had the most successful socialist part in the late 19th adn early 20 th century in Western Europe
What was the first industy to industialize in Great Britian?
The cotton textile
What disappeared from Western Europe during the nineteenth century?
What type of buildings represent a revivla of medieval architecutre?
What changed mass production?
The production of Henry Ford model T
On what continent did the state play a more direct role in supporting industrialization?
European continent
What did workers in the early industrial age loss?
The means of economic production and could only sell their labor for a wage
Where did entrepreneurs come from?
diverse social background
Who took control of Lombardy and France abandoned Venice in 1870 thus completing the unification of Italy ?
What fraction served under Garibaldi?
The red shirt military
What did Bismarch use in both domestic and foreign affairs?
When was authoritiarin and militaristic values championed over liberalism and constitutional values?
Nineteenth century Germany
Who saw all historical development as the result of class struggles?
Marx and Engels
What did Marx believed?
That the world would eventually become a classless society
What did Darwin’s evolutionary theory emphasize?
The idea of the “survival of the fit” in whick advanatgeous natural variants and enviornmental adaptions in organismsm determine thier survival
What was the dominant literary and artistic movement in the 1850’s and 1860’s
What did the Congress of Vienna determine?
To maintain the status quo and balance of power
What class embraced liberalism more than any other Western society social class
Industrial middle class
Wha placed a strong emphasis on individually?
Why was nationalism in nineteehtn century Europe concidered radical?
It encourage people to revolt aginst their imperial rulers
What resulted in the empire of Louis Napoleon?
France’s 1848 revolution
Who pushed many of his revolutionary ideas in 1905?
What does relativity theory argue?
That neither time nor space is absolute but relative to the obsrver
Who glorified teh irrationality of life?
Frederich Nietzsche
Who said that the ego is the seat of reason?
Who said repression drives unwanted thoughts into the uncoscious
What was social darwinism applied to?
organic evolution to human social order
Who argued that human socieites were evolving and in constant struggle with their environments?
Hervert Spencer
What is modernism?
music focus on exoticism, nationalist themes, and folk and primitive ideas
How were Jews treated during the nineteenth century?
They were citizens but still faced restrictions in most European nations
What was not done for European immigration during the late nineteenth century?
What was the “open door” policy during the Age of Imperialism?
Free trade in China
Who did NOT bring political Impedemocracy to India?
British impearl rule
What annihilatd Western Civilization belief in progress?
World War I
What was World War I triggered by?
Unstable nationalism
At the outset of the Great War what did most Europeans believe about war?
they beleived that war would be an exciting advencture
What did the failure of the German war plans in 1914 result in?
A deadly stalemate on the western front
When did Government take full control of thier econmies?
World War I
What did the women workers of World War I help promote
womens right to vote
Who was the leader of the Bolshiviks who promised “peace, lnad, and bread”
V.I. Lenin
In the aftermath of World War I what hapenned to birthrates?
They noticeabley declined
What did the Treaty of Versailles force the Germans to do?
acknowledge “war guilty” and to pay reparations
After the First World War what happened to Eastern Europe?
Eastern Europe became a series of many new nation-states
What did the Great Depression led to in Europe?
A rise of authoritarian movements in many areas of Europe
What did the totalitarian regimes of Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union hope to control?
Control every aspect of their citizens’ lives
Who brought Germany out of the Great Depression with rearmament and public works?
What did the Stalinist era in 1930 witness?
Millions of ordinary citizens arrested and sent into force labor camps
What reflected disillusionment with Western Civilization provoked by the horrors of World War I?
Artistic and intellectual trends
Who was a famous Surrealistic painter?
Salvador Dali
What did the dada movement in Western art NOT seek to bring?
Purpose and ambition back into art and life
Who designed post-modern architectural designs?
Walter Gropius
What did Hitler’s Lebensraum theory maintain?
That a nation’s power depended on the amount and kind of land it occupied
Why did Japan want an empire?
For its expanding population and lack on natural resources
When did Adolf Hitler lose World War II?
When he declared war on the United States after Pearl Harbor
When did war break out between Russia and Germany in 1941?
When Germany attacked Russia by surprise
Why did President Truman choose to use the atomic bomb?
To scare Stalin, see what the bomb could do in a combat situation, were afraid of the potential high casualties of American troops that might occur with an invasion, and were unaware of how deadly the bomb could be
What did the “final solution” call for?
extermination of all European Jews
Why was there civilian bombing?
To break the will of the people
What did World War II cost?
Four Trillion dollars
Who suffered the greatest population loss of World Ware II
Soviet Union
Where did the Allied postwar policy became focused on spheres of influence
At Yalta
After World War II, how many zones was Germany broke into?
Who became the Western Superpowers following World War II?
United States and the Soviet Union
Where was the Cold War developed?
In eastern Europe because of Stalin’s desire to establish pro-Soviet governments in Eastern Europe to serve as a buffer zone against possible western attacks on the Soviet Union
What was the U.S military policy by the 1950’s?
A massive retaliation against a Soviet invasion in Europe
What stressed the need for people to create their own values and give their lives meaning
Why was the Common Market In Europe found?
For economic reasons, including to promote free trade among member nation
Who dominated the art world after World War II?
The United States
What became the symbol of American cultural diffusion in the postwar years?
The motion picture
When did TV become available?
What did the “ permissive society” of the 1960’s NOT have?
declining rates of divorce
In 1960, college studnets DID NOT demonstarted against what?
declining student enrollments
What did the Vietnam War demonstrate?
The limitation of American power and imporved Soviety -American relations
What policy eased Cold War Tensions in the 1970’s?
The Detente
What was not inclued in postmodernism are?
In teh 1980’s what was not a cause of economic problems?
The Soviet Space Station
When did the Soviet Union Collapse?
What did Poland do in 1988 for the first time in 40 years?
Held the first free democratic elections in Eastern Europe
What is the standard currency of the European Union today?
What is the major challenge to unity in Europe today?
Many Europeans remained committed to a national identiy and do not see themselves as “Europeans”
Who did the United States wage war against after 9/11?
What was not one of teh factors that contributed to Islamic terrorist activity against the West?
The Defeat of the Muslim Pakistan by India in Kashmire
What is Jean Michael Basquiant today?
A Neo-Exprssionist artist
What industy has not rejected realism?
Video game
What is the major criticism of our age today?
We displace cultural uniqueness and bodily presence
What led to a worldwide rescssion?
The collape of the U.S. Housing marked in 2007-2008
What is a transational corportaion?
A company that has divisions in more that two counties