The relationship between theory's and methods (feminism/positivism/interpretivism) Flashcards
What are our 3 theory’s?
What is positivism?
What is interpretavism?
Social action
What is feminism methodology?
How do ontology epistemology and methodology impact each other?
How ontology impacts on epistemology which impacts on methodology
What is ontology?
What is your reality of the world
Is it structural or action
What is epistemology?
What kind of knowledge do we see
Is it objective facts or a subjective opinion
What is methodology?
What procedure can we use to acquire knowledge/evidence
Is it quantitative- objective positivist
Is it qualitative- subjective interpretation
Positivist- what are positivist?
They prefer macro
Uses scientifically and objective methods
-Society exist independently to individuals, its an external force thats observable, measurable and predictable, we are passive
Positivist- what methods do they prefer?
Structured, quantitative methods and aim to get predictable and formulaic patterns in behaviour
-Look for a casual relationship and prefer value free, reliable, representative, large scale, quantifiable methodology
Positivist- bottom up or top down?
Top down
Example of positivist study?
Durkheim- le suicide
Positivist- what are Durkheim’s category’s of suicide?
Fatalistic- people lose the will to live and therefore want do die as there’s nothing to live for e.g. prison- very high social control
-Anomic, no purpose in life- low social control
-Egoistic- Not integrated into society, selfish-
Altruistic- so willing to die for society so very highly integrated into society
Positivist- Critics of Durkheim?
-Unethical, suicides a sensitive topic
-Unreliable, can’t operationalise its different for everyone
-Atkinson, coroners decide what suicide is, just socially constructed
Interpretivists- what are interpretivists?
They are micro
-Society’s dependant on individuals so it’s subjective
-Reality’s created by individuals interactions and the meanings are
-Social worlds created by internal forces so unpredictable and changing so can’t objectively be measured and studies
-Individuals shape society
Interpretivists- what method do they prefer?
Unstructured, qualitative methodology to uncover and interpret meanings behind behaviour and interactions
-look for meanings and validity, small scale indebt methodology
-Interested in experimental data to learn about experiences and motives about how they feel
Interpretivists- is this bottom up or top down?
Bottom up
What is feminist methodology?
It made important contributions to the way in which research is conducted and has offered an alternative to the dominance of positivism and interpretavism
What do feminists believe about methodologies?
They have become male stream
Positivists- detach from participants, this can mirror the power relationship experienced by participants in everyday life
Soft feminism methodology?- Jayaratne
Jayaratne argues if we treat these with caution they many be used to further the position of woman because statistics give a picture can make evidence for law to change
Hard feminism methodology? Oakley?
Oakley advocates for a collaborative approach like qualitative methods
This is like unstructured interviewers so there is some informality
Feminism- what is conscious partiality?
Value free eraser h replaced by conscious partially
Female researchers must identify with the women they study e.g. researcher characteristics
Why should feminist research be action research?
The reasearch should actively take part in research for the woman liberation, not just a spectator
Why do Marxist and ethnic minorities take a similar view to research as feminists?
They are all fighting against oppression
Feminist- why should some sociologists believe research should not be value free?
More to society than being oppressed
Research should have had a purpose, liberation