The Reformation 17.3-17.4 Flashcards
What tool allowed Luther to spread his ideas and propel the reformation into a religious revolution?
The printing press
Who invented the printing press?
Johannes Gutenburg
What occurred before the reformation that made the people more accepting of religious change?
Secular rulers challenged the Pope
Germany was divided into competing states
Northern merchants resented paying taxes to the Church
World leaders saw the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority
Church leaders had become corrupt
European leaders were jealous of the Church’s wealth
The renaissance made people question the church
What pope admitted to have fathered several children?
Alexander VI
What were the main issues that the church faced and what needed to be reformed?
Priests and Monks were uneducated, couldn’t teach people well
Priests were marrying, gambling and drinking
Indulgences were being sold
What were the names of 2 early reformers that came before Luther but saw little success?
John Wycliffe of England
Jan Hus of Bohemia
What did Martin Luther’s parents want him to become?
A lawyer
What did Martin Luther become?
A monk and a teacher
Where and what did Martin Luther teach?
Scripture at the University of Wittenburg in the German state Saxony
What was the name of list of complaints about the church that Luther made?
95 Theses
When was the 95 theses published?
October 31, 1517
What inspired Luther to write the 95 theses?
A friar Johann Tetzel was selling indulgences to raise money to rebuild St. Peter’s cathedral in Rome
Why did Luther dislike the idea of selling indulgences?
Indulgences were not supposed to affect God’s right to judge, and that selling indulgences gave people the impression that you could buy your way into Heaven
What is an indulgence?
An indulgence is a pardon. It released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins.
Who did Luther attack in his 95 theses?
Where was the 95 Theses posted?
On the door of the castle church in Wittenburg
What 3 main ideas did Luther stress in his teachings?
- People could win salvation only by fait in God’s gift
- All church teachings should be based on the bible. Pope and church were false authorities
- All people with faith were equal so people didn’t need priests to interpret the bible for them
What was the church’s response to the spread of Luther’s ideas?
- Church officials originally viewed Luther as a rebellious monk that needed to be punished
- Eventually Pope Leo X issued a decree that threatened Luther with excommunication, Luther threw the letter into a bonfire in Wittenburg and he was excommunicated
What was the Emperor’s response to the spread of Luther’s ideas?
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and devout catholic, called Luther to stand trial in the town of Worms, Luther refused
- Charles created the Edict of Worms that declared Luther a heretic and outlaw
What did the Edict of Worms say?
Along with declaring Luther an outlaw and heretic, the edict stated that all of his books were to be burned and that no one was to give Luther food or shelter
What was Luther’s response to the Edict of Worms?
Luther was sheltered in the castle of Frederick the Wise of Saxony, he stayed there for a year and translated the bible into German
What is the name of the followers of Luther?
What occurred during the peasant revolt?
Peasants were inspired by the rebellious nature of the reformations and rose up against serfdom. They raided and burned monasteries.
What was Luther’s reaction to the peasant’s revolt?
Luther wrote a letter urging German princes to show no mercy in putting down the rebellion. German armies crushed the revolt and as many as 100,000 were killed. This caused Luther to lose the trust of many peasants.
What was the term originally given to the group of German princes who opposed the catholic church?
What are the 3 main protestant religions?
What are the 2 main catholic religions?
Eastern Orthodox
Roman Catholic
After the defeat of the Protestants by King Charles V, what was created?
The peace of Ausburg
What did the Peace of Ausburg allow?
Princes to decide what religion the people of his state would follow
Who became King of England in 1509?
Henry VIII
What title was given to Henry VIII by the pope for his efforts to combat Luther’s ideas
“Defender of the Faith”