The provisional government Flashcards
When did Lenin return to Russia?
3 April 1917
When was Lenin’s April Theses released?
17 April 1917
What were the two slogans of the April Theses?
Peace, Bread and Land
All Power to the Soviets
Why did the Provisional Government not withdraw from the war?
Russia was virtually bankrupt however was running on loans and war credits from wartime allies
What did the Petrograd Soviet think of the war?
Russia must withdraw
What did the Provisional Government do on 27 March 1917? What was controversial about it?
Formally declare to their allies their desire for a “lasting peace.” Miliukov drafted a note to confirm the governments desire to “fully to carry out the obligations required.”
When was the Provisional Governments war time statement reach the press? What was the effect?
20 April 1917.
Socialists saw it is an imperialist gesture.
This resulted in street disturabances.
How did street disturbances in April 1917 affect Russia’s government?
Minister of War, Guchkov, resigns. Miliukov resigns as foreign minister.
Lvov invites members of the Soviet to join the government; Mensheviks and SRs join.
Kerensky became minister of war.
Why did the Provisional Government fail to address land issues?
The liberals believed they needed to pay compensation to the former landowners, however there was not enough money. They believed a Constituent Assembly must solve the issue.
How did peasants in the spring of 1917 rebel?
Organised themselves into armed mobs and attacked the manor of the local landlord. The lord either fled, was arrested, or was forced to sign over agreeing to peasant demands.
What did peasants demand in the countryside?
Lower rents, compulsory sale of grain, tools, or livestock to peasants at fair prices.
What did the Provisional Government do in May 1917 that exacerbated the peasants anger?
Moved to protect property rights of landowners through legislation
Who led the June Offensive?
Kerensky and Brusilov
How many soldiers deserted during the June Offensive?
170 000
What were the losses of the June offensive?
Several hundred thousands of men were lost and several million square miles of territory were lost.
What were contributing factors to the governments crisis in June besides the war?
Ukrainian autonomy, and the fraction of the coalition between the Kadets and the Socialists. Prince Lvov resigned as prime minister.
What happened on 8 July 1917?
Kerensky becomes prime minister.
What happened on 3 July 1917?
Thousands march in the street demanding the Provisional Government abdicate.
Who joined protests on 4 July?
20 000 sailors from the Kronstadt naval base and 20 000 workers from the Putilov steel works.
What did the Provisional Government on 6 July in response to protestors?
Arrested 800 Bolsheviks, Bolshevik paper Pravda was banned, Bolshevik headquarters raided.
How did Kerensky and Kornilov differ in their attempts to consolidate power in mid August?
Kornilov wanted to purge socialists from the government. Kerensky disagreed as he came from the soviet and felt if the government was too right wing it would lead to monarchism or civil war.
What occurred on 26 August 1917?
Kornilov requested Kerensky appear at military headquarters; Kerensky suspected a plot and so was able to give himself temporary dictatorial powers.
How did Kerensky raise defences against Kornilov?
Turns to soviet for assistance and ordered the release of all Bolshevik prisoners to be freed and armed. Bolsheviks effectively organise militias and expand the Red Guard
How were Kornilov’s forces stopped?
Railway workers persuade them no coup had happened
how did political groups emerge from the Kornilov affair?
Kerensky emerged as ineffective. Bolsheviks were revised, seen as defenders of the revolution.
What did Trotsky do in September 1917?
Becomes chairman of the Petrograd Soviet