The Pregnant Patient Flashcards
What should be commented on in the documentation of the breast exam (for all women)?
Skin Changes
Nipple Changes
Axillary lymph nodes
In the documentation for a pelvic exam what is a critical part to document?
Name and role of chaperone for pelvic exam
(for example: Assistant: Jane Smith, RN)
What is gravida?
A woman who is or has been pregnant (regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy)
What is nulligravida?
A woman who has never been pregnant and is not currently pregnant
What is primigravida?
A woman who is pregnant for the first time or has been pregnant once
What is multigravida?
An woman who has been pregnant more than once
What is nullipara?
A woman who has never given birth or never had a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks
What is primipara?
A woman who has given birth only 1 time (been delivered only once of a fetus/fetuses born alive or dead with a gestation of 20 or more weeks)
What is multipara?
A woman who has given birth 2 or more times (past 20 weeks)
What are some presumptive signs of pregnancy?
- Missed period or unusual bleeding pattern
- Nausea/vomiting
- Breast changes, size, tenderness, increased sensations
- Increased urinary frequency
What is Hegar’s sign?
Softening of uterine isthmus
What is Chadwick’s sign?
Bluish or cyanotic appearing cervix and upper vagina due to increased vascularity
What is Goodell’s sign?
Softening of cervix due to increased vascularity
What is Piskacek’s sign?
Asymmetric bulge or soft prominence of uterus caused by placental development
What are positive signs of pregnancy?
- Fetus identified by ultrasound
- Fetal heartbeat detected by doppler or ausculatation
- Objective detection of fetal movement
- Delivery of baby
What are some symptoms of early pregnancy?
Breast enlargement/tenderness
Urinary frequency
Pelvic discomfort/pressure
What will be seen on the uterus and cervix PE at 6+ weeks gestation?
Enlargement and softening of uterus