The Pope and Saints Flashcards
What happens when a Pope dies?
His ring, the Fisherman’s Ring is broken and a cardinal called the Camerlengo is then placed in temporary charge of the church. The Camerlengo declares the Pope’s death and ensures that the traditional arrangements for the Pope are followed
How much days of mourning are there are there following the Pope’s funeral?
Where is the Pope buried?
In the Vatican Grottoes beneath St Peter’s Basilica
How much days after the Pope’s funeral does the College of Cardinals meet to start the electoral process?
around 16
What is the name of the meeting the College of Cardinals meet to start the electoral process?
a Conclave
How old do a Cardinal have to be in order to be able to take part in a Conclave?
Under 80
Where does the College of Cardinals meet, pray and then vote for a priest?
The Sistine Chapel
How does the Conclave work?
The College of Cardinals are locked into an annexe of the chapel to cast their votes in a secret ballot and are not allowed to leave until a new pope is elected
How much votes should there be in order to elect a pope?
At minimum, two thirds of the cardinals plus one votes
How much votes should there be in order to elect a pope if in two weeks a Pope isn’t elected?
At minimum, a half of the cardinals plus one votes
What happens if the ballot doesn’t end in election (not enough votes)?
The ballot papers are burned with a chemical that makes black smoke that comes out of the chimney of the Chapel. The public can see this from St. Peter’s Square and the public know that there is not a new pope yet.
What happens if the ballot does end in election?
The ballot papers are burned without the chemical that makes white smoke that comes out of the chimney of the Chapel. The public can see this from St. Peter’s Square and the public know that a new pope has been elected
What does the Dean of the College of Cardinals announce from the balcony after a new pope is elected?
Habemus papam
What does Habemus papam mean?
Habemus papam is Latin for we have a Pope
What are some titles of the Pope?
-Holy Father
-Bishop of Rome
-Vicar of Christ
-Servant of Servants of God
Why is the Pope called Pope?
Pope means father. This shows that the Pope must be like a loving father to God’s people on earth
Why is the Pope called Holy Father?
because it shows how the Pope must be like a loving father to God’s people on Earth
Why is the Pope called Bishop of Rome?
Because he is the bishop of Rome
Why is the Pope called Vicar of Christ?
A vicar acts in place of someone. The pope acts in Christ’s place as Head of the Church on earth.
Why is the pope called Servant of the Servants of God?
Those who work in the Church are servants of God. Since the Pope server the whole Church, he is the servant of servants of God
What are some duties/roles of the Pope? (Give 3)
-appointing bishops
-visiting more than 5000 bishops at least once every 5 years
-selecting members of the College of Cardinals
-offers a weekly blessing to tourists and Catholics
-writes Papal Encyclicals
-is a source of authority
What is a Papal Encyclical?
a letter, usually about the official teachings of the Church, written by a Pope to people.
What is a cardinal?
part of the pope’s support network and they pledge to be available to him at any time.
Who chooses cardinals?
The pope
How would you address a cardinal?
your eminence
What are the three grades of Cardinals?
-Cardinal Bishops
-Cardinal Priests
-Cardinal Deacons
Why are the different grades of cardinals not important?
They are only important when organizing the order of processions on great occasions
Cardinals wear a zucchetto and a biretta. What are these?
A zucchetto is a skullcap and a biretta is a four-cournered hat with a tassel
Cardinals wear scarlet/crimson coloured robes. What does this colour represent?
It represents the colour of blood. This symbolizes the commitment of each cardinal to defend the church to the death
What are cardinals responsible for?
electing the pope
What is Pope Francis’ most recent encyclical?
Fratelli tutti
What does Fratelli tutti mean?
all brothers and sisters
What is Fratelli tutti about? (Give 3 points)
-act like a good Samaritan
-Fraternal love
-love your neighbor
-we were working towards peace but it began to go backwards
-we should see ourselves as brothers and sisters living in a common home
What is Fraternal love?
Love between brothers
How do you become a saint?
Through the process of canonisation
True or false? The canonisation process can only start when the holy person is dead
Who approves the Cause of Canonisation?
The pope
What is the Cause of Canonisation?
a process that is taken to see if a person is worthy of being a saint
How can a Cause of Canonisation be started?
If someone If someone is a big fan of someone who devotes their life to God they can create a petition. The petition is sent to the bishop of the diocese where the individual lived or died
What is the first title a potential saint is given?
Servant of God
Which Vatican department decides whether or the person shows heroic sancity?
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints
What are the two things that must be proved for the person to be declared venerable by the pope?
-living a virtuous life
-doing good works
What does virtuous mean?
having or showing high moral standards
What does heroic sanctity mean?
showing exceptional holiness in a brave and courageous way
A miracle attributed to the holy person after their death is evidence that _________________
they are in heaven
Three conditions that must be met for a cure to be considered miraculous are ____________
After the first miracle, a person becomes ___________
What is the ceremony called when someone is made Blessed?
After the second miracle, what title is given to the person?
Who makes the declaration that someone is a Saint?
The Pope
Order the four steps of saint hood
-servant of God