Inside the Catholic Church & Mass Flashcards
Why are some Christian Churches built up on hills?
To show that they are the most important building in the area. Also it would be easy to see and defend it
Why were churches built facing east?
East is the direction of the Holy Land and where Jesus lived
What are the 10 main features of a Catholic church?
-Votive candles
-Confession box
-Statue of Mary
What are the 6 most important features of a Catholic church?
What is the altar and why is it important?
The altar is a table which holds the items for Holy Communion. This is important as it represents the presence of Christ during mass
What is the tabernacle and why is it important?
The tabernacle is a special cupboard where the consecrated Eucharist is kept for later use. It is important as it holds the presence of Jesus Christ
What is the lectern and why is it important?
The lectern is a special stand where people read from and it is used to hold the Bible. It is important as it symbolizes the spreading of the Word of God because of the many scriptures, readings and teachings that have been spoken from there.
What is the font and why is it important?
The font is a basin that holds the water for Baptism. It is important as it represents the beginning of somebody’s christian life. It is also a symbol of cleansing and rebirth.
What is the crucifix and why is it important?
The crucifix is a cross with the figure of Jesus on it. It is important as it represents Jesus’ suffering and death.
What is the cross and why is it important?
An empty cross. It is important as it represents Jesus’ resurrection- his victory over death- and it is a symbol of christianity.
What is a pew?
A long bench used for seating the congregation or a choir
What is the congregation
a group of people gathered for religious worship.
What is mass?
A religious service worshiping god and celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist. It follows fixed events which are called the orders of mass
What are the orders of mass in order?
1-Greeting, penitential rite
2-Liturgy of the word
3-Creed, Prayers
5-Preface, Eucharistic prayer
6-Our Father, sign of peace
What are greetings and the penitential rite and why are they done?
The greeting is at the start of the mass and the priests greets the people. The penitential rite is said which is a rite where you confess your sins. The greeting is done to make people feel part of the community and the penitential rite is said so we can acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness.
What is the Liturgy of the word and why is it done?
The Liturgy of the word is a series of readings from the New and Old Testament and the Gospels. A homily is said to explain the readings. The Liturgy of the word is said to inform people about the word of God
What is the Creed and prayers and why are they done?
The creed is a confession of faith. The creed is done so we can feel a sense of unity and strength towards our faith. Prayers are a private times between God and the people saying them. They are done so people can develop a relationship with God and so they can request help and forgiveness or give thanks.
What is the Offertory and why is it done?
The offertory is a service where gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar. It is done so they can be than transformed into the body and blood.
What is the Preface and the Eucharistic prayer and why are they done?
The Preface is the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer which usually has dialogue between the priest and the congregation. It is done to set the tone and engage with the congregation. The Eucharistic prayer is a prayer which turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. This is done because it shows that Christ is in the room with us.
What is the Our Father and the sign of peace and why are they done?
The Our Father is a prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples which is said to help connect with God. The sign of peace is a gesture of good will to each other and is done so people can connect with each other.
What is Communion and why is it done?
Communion is where the body and blood of Christ is received. This is done to re-enact the last supper
What is the Blessing and why is it done?
The blessing is when the people are dismissed by the priest and sent to spread the word. This is done to remind people to spread the word and to make people feel part of the community.
What is the process called when the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood of Christ?
What is it thought to give you when you eat the body/bread of Christ?
What is it thought to do to you when you drink the blood/wine of Christ?
wash you clean of your sins