Using nucleic acid sequencing and detailed comparisons of cell structure, systematists have recently begun to sort out the group of organisms known for decades as the
three domain system
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya)
efer to organisms that are neither plant, animal nor fungi but exhibit their characteristics.
are all eukaryotic but vary in structure and function more than any other group of organisms.
Most unicellular but some are colonial and multicellular.
Many are incredibly complex; within a single cellular membrane the organism must carry out the myriad of life functions performed by the complex tissue and organ systems of plants and animals. Some are autotrophic, others completely heterotrophic.
is distinguished from all other protists by the presence of a spiral or crystalline rod of unknown function inside their flagella.
Division Euglenophyta
Clade Euglenozoa,
They are single-celled organisms, usually 35-55 um long, spindle-shaped or elongated; shape is maintained by an outer boundary of protoplast, the pellicle or periplast. They are able to greatly distort their body to change direction.
flagella, typically two (2),
They have a reddish eyespot (=stigma) and contractile vacuole near the reservoir. Their numerous chloroplasts contain several photosynthetic pigments
Nucleus lies in the less viscous cytoplasm.
distortion of Euglena
euglenoid motion
The flagella of Euglena, typically two (2), arise from the base of reservoir and pass through narrow passage called
photosynthetic pigments of Euglena
chlorophyll a and b, beta-carotene and xanthophyll
Storage products of Euglena
are starch-like polysaccharides, paramylum and oils.
may occur as discs, rings, rods or spherical granules in cytoplasm.
Euglena thrive best where
thrive best where there is an abundance of organic wastes, where water has brown or green color, also in calm waters.
include the apicomplexans, ciliates and dinoflagellates, all of which are characterized by membrane-bounded sacs (=alveoli) just under the plasma membrane.
Division Pyrrophyta
Clade Alveolata
function of ____ in Pyrrophyta is unknown but researchers hypothesize that they may help stabilize the cell surface or regulate the cell’s water and ion content.
important members of the plankton in both fresh and marine waters, although there is greater diversity among the marine species.
photosynthetic protists are so-named because of their two whip-like flagella, which in many species project through cellulose walls that resemble armor plates.