The Physiology of Training: Effects of aerobic and anaerobic training Flashcards
What are 2 key things to consider when training/performing?
- Source of energy (contribution of each energy system)
- Fibres used for force production (muscle fibre recruitment)
Principles of training - what is overload?
Training effect occurs when a physiological system is exercised at a level beyond which it is normally accustomed.
Principles of training - what is specificity?
Training effect is specific to:
- Muscle fibers recruited during exercise.
- Energy system involved (aerobic versus anaerobic).
- Velocity of contraction.
- Type of contraction (eccentric, concentric, isometric).
Principles of training - what is reversibility?
Gains are lost when training ceases.
What is the main aim of endurance training? What would the quantity of this training look like?
Training to increase VO2 max (large muscle groups, dynamic activity)
20 to 60 min, ≥3 times per week, ≥50% VO2 max.
What is the average % increase in VO2 max for people who do endurance training, and how does this differ between trained and untrained athletes?
Average = 15 to 20% increase.
*Smaller increases in individuals with high initial VO2 max.
* Individuals with high VO2 max may require higher exercise training intensities (>70% VO2 max) to obtain
*Up to 50% in those with low initial VO2 max, 2-3% improvements in low responders.
How much does genetics determine VO2 max?
Approximately 50% of VO2 max in sedentary adults.
- Genetics also plays a key role in determining training response.
What is the average improvement in VO2 max, and the difference in improvement between high-low responders?
Average improvement in VO2 max - 15-20%
* Low responders improve VO2 max by 2 to 3%.
* High responders can improve VO2 max by ~50% with rigorous training.
VO2 max is defined by the Fick equation. What is this equation?
VO2 max = maximal cardiac output x a-vO2 difference.
What are the differences in VO2 max between individuals determined by?
Primarily due to differences in SV max.
* Maximal cardiac output and VO2max are tightly coupled
How does short-duration training improve VO2 max (4 months)?
Increase in SV dominant factor in increasing VO2 max.
How does longer-duration training improve VO2 max (28 months)?
Both SV and a-vO2 increase to improve VO2 max.
Endurance Training Increases maximal Stroke Volume in Several Ways, one of these being increased preload, how?
-↑ Preload (EDV).
- ↑ Plasma volume. (days)
- ↑ Venous return. (days)
- ↑ Ventricular volume (months to years)
What occurs with eccentric cardiac hypertrophy?
Chamber size and wall thickness increased
Endurance Training Increases Stroke Volume in Several Ways - what are these?
- Decreased afterload (TPR)
- Increased contractility
- Increased preload (EDV)
How does decreased afterload increase SV?
- ↓ Arterial constriction (↓SNA).
- ↑ Maximal muscle blood flow with no change in mean arterial pressure.
- i.e. increase in CO parallels the decrease in resistance.
How does increased contractility increase SV?
*↑ Contractility (independent of SNS input and other factors constant (EDV, HR, afterload))
* Greater force produced with each contraction (animal studies)
* Improved ‘twist mechanics’ of the LV.
What is the relationship between CO and O2 consumption?
Predominantly linear.
Sub-max reduction in CO in highly trained…
At any given sub-maximal workload heart rate is lower following training due to an increase in stroke volume. Therefore, the required cardiac output can be achieved with fewer beats per min. Why is resting heart rate lower after training?
-Vagal tone increased
-Also allow greater filling time (EDV)
Why may max HR fall slightly in the highly endurance trained?
Intrinsic firing rate of SA node decreased?
Reduced metabolic cost for cardiac muscle and longer diastolic time for coronary blood flow
How does muscle blood flow increase?
-↓ SNS vasoconstriction
-↑ diameter and compliance of arteries
- Increased arterial diameter is SPECIFIC TO LIMB BEING USED
- Permits greater ‘volume flow per beat’ to limb
How does the muscle fibres improve the ability to extract and utilize O2 from the blood?
*↑ Capillary density.
* Slower blood flow through muscle.
*↑ Mitochondrial number/volume
How does exercise training increase the total capacity of vascular bed in muscle?
i. large conduit artery expansion
ii. increased numbers of resistance vessels
Increased capillary supply and O2 delivery in trained muscle
-During contractions, transit
time of RBCs decreases
-Training increases capillary
density, thus reducing
diffusion distance
-Transit time is increased
overall because with bigger
capillary network, RBCs take
longer to pass through
What effect does endurance training have on mitochondria in muscle fibres?
Increases the volume of both subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar (80% of total) mitochondria in muscle fibers.
- Results in improved oxidative capacity and ability to utilize fat as fuel
Do muscle mitochondria adapt fast or slow to training?
Muscle mitochondria adapt quickly to training.
* Double within 5 weeks of training
What difference do vascular remodelling and muscle metabolic changes make to muscle blood flow in exercise?
- During submaximal exercise, blood flow in trained muscles is lower BECAUSE
the A-V difference greater (better O2 extraction) - During maximal exercise, blood flow in trained muscles is higher AND the A-V difference is greater