Exercise Metabolism CONTD. Flashcards
What does measurement of pulmonary gas exchange do?
provides a noninvasive technique to ‘estimate’ fuel utilization during exercise and involves measurement of
respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
When must measurements of pulmonary gas exchange be performed?
During steady-state exercise (that is below lactate threshold) to be reflective of gases in tissues.
- Assumes that “0” protein is used as a fuel during exercise.
What is the ‘crossover’ concept?
The shift from fat to CHO metabolism as
exercise intensity ↑
What is the crossover concept due to?
- Recruitment of fast muscle fibres (abundance of glycolytic enzymes, fewer lipolytic enzymes)
- Increasing blood levels of epinephrine stimulate glycolysis and lactate production (inhibits fat metabolism by reducing the availability of fat as a
Why does fat metabolism increase as exercise duration increases (at 40-59% VO2 max)?
Increased rate of lipolysis
*Breakdown of triglycerides (by lipases) glycerol + FFA.
*Stimulated by rising blood levels of several hormones
(epinephrine, norepinephrine and glucagon)
Glycogen is depleted during prolonged (>2 hrs) high intensity exercise, what does this cause?
-↓ rate of glycolysis and production of pyruvate (important precursor for Krebs-cycle intermediates)
-↓ rate of Krebs-cycle activity
What is the only way fats are metabolized?
Via Krebs cycle oxidation
What is FATmax?
Highest rate of fat oxidation. Reached just before lactate threshold.
What is lactate threshold?
The point at which blood lactic acid rises
systematically during incremental exercise
What % of VO2 max does lactate threshold occur at in UT individuals?
50-60% VO2 max
What % of VO2 max does lactate threshold occur at in endurance TRN individuals?
65-80% VO2max
What else can lactate threshold be referred to as?
Anaerobic threshold
What is onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)?
The point at which blood lactate reaches >4mmol/L
How is accelerated glycolysis a possible explanation for lactate threshold?
NADH produced faster than it is shuttled into mitochondria (exceeds transport capacity of the hydrogen shuttle mechanism)
Failure of this mechanism to keep up with the rate of glycolysis results in pyruvate accepting un-shuttled H+ to
form lactate
How is recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibres during intense, rapid exercise a possible explanation for lactate threshold?
LDH isozyme (exact form of the enzyme) in fast fibres has
a greater affinity for attaching to pyruvate → promotes lactate formation
How is reduced rate of lactate removal from the blood a possible explanation for lactate threshold?
Blood flow to muscle prioritized over tissues responsible
(e.g., liver) for removing lactate
What are the 4 possible mechanisms for lactate threshold?
- Low muscle O2
- Accelerated glycolysis due to epinephrine
- Recruitment of fast-twitch fibres
- Reduced rate of lactate removal
How fast is lactate removal from the blood post-exercise?
Rapid. <60 mins
What is the main benefit of lactate?
It can be used as a fuel source during exercise (cori cycle)
What is the most likely cause of DOMS?
Likely microscopic injury to muscle fibres, resulting in slow cascade of biochemical events leading to inflammation and edema within injured muscle.
What is the Lactate shuttle?
Produced in one tissue and transported to another to be used as an energy source