The person of Jesus Flashcards
The transfiguration
When Jesus meets Elijah, Abraham and Moses and God declares Jesus as his sin
Hypostatic union
Belief in the perfect conjunction of Jesus’ two natures (100% God and 100% human)
St John quote on trinity
“The Word was God”
Thomas quote on trinity
(to Jesus)
“My lord and my God”
John quote on Jesus’ divinity
“God’s spirit will come again in Jesus’ name”
Matthew quote on Jesus’ divinity
“Jesus has a saving God-like power”
Corinthians on how Jesus was treated
“Jesus is worshipped, something done to a God”
Karl Rahner quote
“Human consciousness must have an unknown future in front of it”
Hume’s interpretation of Jesus’ miracles
Jesus’ miracles in the New Testament cant be trusted. Either the gospel accounts must be trusted or rejected. If accepted it shows Jesus’ power.
Schiellbeck’s interpretation of Jesus’ miracles
Can be interpreted with a metaphorical meaning today.
NT Wright’s interpretation of Jesus’ miracles
Jesus cures people from groups who have been excluded/oppressed.
Miracles show a greater authority than a power to alter the way the universe works
St Paul resurrection quote
A christian faith without resurrection is impossible.
“He did not raise him if in fact the dead aren’t raised”
E.P Saunders quote
“Without the resurrection, would Jesus’ disciples endured? Probably not”
Jesus morality quote
“Being morally pure was more important than maintaining ritual purity”
Hick’s interpretation of Jesus’ as an incarnate
Metaphorical understanding - Jesus remains close to God and is an inspiration for Christians today to live a moral life
Bishop Apollinaris of Laodicea on the human mind
“Human mind is enslaved to filthy thoughts”
Evidence for Jesus as a revolutionary
Turning over the money changers tables in the temple as they were exploiting their role
Quote for Jesus as a revolutionary
“I did not come to bring peace, but a sword”
Early Church on Jesus’ image
Historians argue that the early church tidied up Jesus’ image
Quote showing Jesus had an unknown future
“My father…Take this cup from me”
Fear of arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane
Healing miracle
Healed a man who was blind from birth
Raising from dead miracle
Raised Lazaraus from the dead
Demon exorcism miracle
Restores a possessed man and gave his inner demons to pigs
Food miracle
Distributed enough food from 2 fish and 5 loafs of bread to feed 5000 people
“We have here but 5 loafs and 2 fishes”