Christian moral action Flashcards
Following the life, example and teaching of Jesus
Cheap grace
Grace that is offered freely, but is received without any change in recipient, and is ultimately false as it does not save
Costly grace
Grace followed by obedience to God’s command and discipleship.
Bonhoeffer discipleship quote
“No other road - only obedience to the call of Jesus”
Bonhoeffer obedience to Jesus quote
“Besides Jesus nothing has any significance. He alone matters”
Jesus quote supporting discipleship
“Nobody who looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God”
Bonhoeffer obedience quote
“It is only through obedience that you come to learn the truth”
Bonhoeffer on civil disobedience
Duty to God outweighs duty to the state.
For example, he spoke about Nazi ideas at the university he worked in and was banned from public speaking.
What was the oath of the confession church/Karl Barth?
Jesus is the only way to God, rejecting other worldly leaders such as Hitler.
Only Jesus can have authority over the whole of a persons life.
Jesus quote about suffering and sacrifice
“Pick up your cross and follow me”
What are the burdens of Christian life?
Avoiding temptation
Bearing the sins of others
Bonhoeffer quote on Christian suffering and sacrifice
“The first Christ suffering which every man must experience is the call to abandon the attachments of the world”
A commitment to stand alongside and be with those less fortunate, the oppressed, those who suffer.
Biblical example of solidarity
Parable of the sheep and goats.
The sheep help the oppressed
Bonhoeffer quote on relation to God
“Our relation to God us through participation in the being of Jesus”
Bonhoeffer example of solidarity
He returned to Berlin from the US, as he wanted to share the suffering of humanity.
David Jensen on Bonhoeffers solidarity
It was a subversive act which was against the state and for the sake of human relationships with each other.
It fits with the idea that Christians were called ton live responsibly.
Criticisms of Bonhoeffer’s emphasis on suffering
It might not be possible to live according to his ideas in times of peace/justice.
Downplays the joy/hope in the message of the resurrection
Advantages of Bonhoeffer’s emphasis on suffering
The time he lived influenced his writing to over emphasise suffering as a concept of discipleship.
We all experience some form of suffering.
To avoid sacrifice/suffering would mean to fail the following of Jesus’ call.
The Bible on civil disobedience
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established”
Jesus on civil disobedience
“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”
Jesus challenging authorities
Healing on the Sabbath
St Paul quote supporting sacrifice
“To live is christ, to die is gain”
Bible story of Martha and Mary
Martha is caught up in the complexities of life, but Mary (who is devoted to God) has found peace