Pluralism and theology Flashcards
St Cyprian of Carthage on Exclusivism
“Outside the church there is no salvation”
- Anyone that wants to go to heaven has to be a Christian.
Titus on Exclusivism
“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to mercy”
- We are made righteous by faith, not by our works
John on Exclusivism
“I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through me”
- People are only saved through Jesus.
Only one religion is true and only members of it can be saved.
Augustine’s ‘limited election’ version of exclusivism
Only some Christians will be saved by God’s grace
Original sin gives all humans an irresistible temptation to sin.
This means we can never be or do good enough to deserve heaven through our own efforts
Criticism of Augustine - Pelagius
It’s not fair or loving to condemn people to hell for the actions of their ancestors.
We had nothing to do with Adam and Eve’s disobedience – so how is it fair to punish us with hell for their actions?
Only one religion is true, but members of other religions could be saved
Rayner on inclusivism
By no fault of their own, people are unaware of Jesus but adopt qualities which are deserving of salvation - ‘anonymous christians’
All religions are equally true and equal paths to salvation.
Hick quote
“human beings opening their minds to a higher divine Reality”
Hume’s criticism of pluralism
All religions cannot be true since they make contradictory truth claims
Hick on theological differences
Theological details such as the divinity of Jesus or number of Gods are part of the ‘conceptual lens’ that different cultures project onto reality
Dr Andy Bannister
Christianity is the only true religion, due to the role of Jesus as the son of God and his sacrifice for humanities salvation
Narrow exclusivism
Only some Christians will reach salvation
Vatican II on inclusivism
“Through no fault of their own do not know Christ…these too may reach salvation”
Inculpably ignorant
People who don’t know Jesus through no fault of their own eg age, location, culture.
Job and inclusivism
“I know that my redeemer lives, and at the end he will stand on earth”
Before Jesus’ time, his confidence in God gains him salvation.
Kraemer on exclusivism
Any other religion is a misguided attempt to the truth, which are cultural constructs.
Hick’s theocentric view
A view arguing that revelation comes from God and not Jesus.
“Myth of Jesus”
The incarnation was a metaphor to explain Jesus’ special consciousness of God. This is a myth which has become falsely objectified and treated as fact.
We belong in the phenomenal world so we aren’t capable of knowing God due to our finite minds which can only make a limited attempt.
Bible quote suggesting pluralism
“God…Wants all people to be saved”