Christian moral principles Flashcards
Using the direct words of God found in the Bible (commandments) to live morally
Ethics must be a combination of biblical teaching, church teaching and human reason
Ethics are governed by the individual - with the guiding principle of agape being applied using human reason
Propositional revelation
The idea that God has given Christians the Bible and this is all they need to make choices
Non-propositional revelation
Faith found in personal encounters - gaining knowledge of God through experience (could be revealed through nature)
What is a propositional approach to the Bible?
Accepts that the words of the Bible are messages from God - he is revealed through the Bible
What is a non-propositional approach to the Bible?
Instead of revealing himself through the Bible (which depicts life experiences), God lived a human life through Jesus
Example of contradictions in the Bible
David and Goliath vs 10 commandments
David is rewarded by God for killing Goliath, but the 10 commandments states “do not kill”
Issue with taking the psalms literally
They are a set of poems which poses issues as they are therefore somebody’s feelings about an event which is no longer relevant. But poetry is also up to interpretation - it is never a moral guide.
Issue with taking corinthians literally
They are letters in which we do not know are in response to - we don’t have full context despite positive messages being portrayed.
Psalms quote
“The work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have set in place”
Corinthians quote
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast”
Sola scripture
By scripture alone, using the Bible as the supreme authority in all matters as it is the literal word of God
Advantages of reading the Bible literally
It makes the bible a trustworthy and valid source of information. It gives answers to ethical dilemmas with no errors or mistakes.
Richard Mouw on reading scripture
Sola Scripture stance.
Just because there is one biblical commandment on love doesn’t mean the whole Bible is focused on love (criticising autonomous christians)
Criticisms of sola scripture
We will naturally make our own interpretations even if we try not to.
If God dictated every word in the Bible, why does it include so many writing styles?
The Bible has contradictions - if God wrote every word surely he would be consistent?
How does the Catholic Church make decisions?
Choices aren’t confined to the Bible, but are accessible to the natural world/reason/conscience/church teachings.
The Catechism is a summary of the combination of scripture and tradition.
Hays and Spohn on sola scripture
When someone reads the Bible they are influenced by interpretations.
When interpreting scripture you shouldn’t interpret as an individual but instead consider the Church traditions/communities.
Hays and Spohn quote
“the interpretation of scripture can never occur in a vacuum”
Allen Very’s approach to biblical ethics
The bible contains teachings which are specific to the social/cultural contexts at the time.
Eg verses about same sex relationships can’t be applied to modern day contexts
Protestant vs Catholic models
Protestants prioritise the Bible as they believe that tradition comes from the Bible. However, Catholics prioritise tradition and is not open to changing this view, because tradition became before the Bible
Theonomous bible quotes
“All scripture is God breathed”
“No prophecy of scripture came about by the prophets own interpretation”
Luther quote on sola scripture
“A simple laymen armed with scripture is greater than the mightiest Pope without it”
Luther on sola scripture
The Church isn’t needed to mediate between them and christ, “priesthood of all believers” - Churches only purpose is to preach the Bible anyway.
Calvin on sola scripture
An “error” to think the church has authority over the Bible. The “eternal” truth of God isn’t dependent on the interpretation of men.
Pope Paul VI on tradition
Catholicism feels entitled to create “sacred tradition” - its own teachings.
The line of Peter
The unbroken line of Popes from Peter to now.
Peter - “on this rock I build my church”
How does the Protestant church make decisions?
Bible (sola scripture)/tradition/reason
Luther on church practices
Rejected as they seemed to conflict with teachings.
How does the Anglican Church make decisions?
Bible (prima scripture)/tradition (a healthy debate)/reason
Fletcher’s situation ethics and autonomy
Main theme of the Bible is love, so whatever is most loving is ethical.
Fletcher quote on autonomy
“Only valid if they serve love”
Criticisms of Fletcher and autonomy
- Not genuine Christian ethics, Fletcher has ignored important Biblical commandments except love.
- Pope Pius states that Jesus spoke of the importance of following all commandments
Fletcher’s defence of criticisms surrounding autonomy
Jesus said “love thy neighbour” is the “greatest commandment”
Tillich on autonomy
Love is a central precept alongside justice and out growing wisdom of the past. Laws of the Bible can be learnt from but we need fairness for all - this is bought about by love.
Sermon on the Mount on autonomy
An illustration of putting love into practice.
J.A.T Robinson on autonomy
“Love has a built in moral compass” which directs people to the most important need.
Kung on autonomy
Euthanasia goes against Catholic morals, but through the use of reason they know that keeping someone alive at all coasts is wrong.
Criticisms of love as autonomy
- Love is subjective
- Love requires reason alongside it
- It can become an excuse
- Agape is unrealistic