The Orthodox Jewish Funeral Rite Flashcards
This was the first monotheistic religion
There are how many Jewish groupings in the US?
These continue the ancient traditions and beliefs
These allow a greater flexibility and have adapted to modern practices
These fit somewhere in between the Orthodox and Reform
All services and arrangements are under the direct supervision of whom?
The local Rabbi and a funeral director
When should the rabbi be notified of the death?
If the death occurs on the Sabbath, when should the Rabbi be notified
Immediately following the Sabbath
No removals are to be made during this period
Sabbath - sundown friday to sundown saturday
If death was from a violent cause, all blood stained clothing and other material should be removed with the remains and placed where?
In the casket with the remains
Members of this (men for men, women for women) carefully undress the remains and carefully position the body on the sheet face up with feet facing the door, with the windows in the room open
Chevra Kadisha
The deceased is addressed by name in Hebrew and is asked by the participants what?
To forgive any indignity
What should be placed at the head during removal?
A lit candle
These within the household should be covered
Only ___________ may handle the body
Observant Jews
The entire removal process is called
Laying Down (Hashkava)
From the time of death, until the time of the funeral, a ___________ may remain in the room with the body or within visual distance
Shomer (Watchman)
If civil laws require embalming, these laws supercede the laws and regulations of the
If the body is embalmed, what is to be done with the blood?
Placed in containers and placed in the casket alongside the body
Normal preparation of the Orthodox Jewish body begins with the rite of washing the deceased by ________ as directed by rabbinic authority
The Sacred Society (Chevra Kadisha)
Prior to dressing, these must be on hand
Tachrichim Broken Pottery Israel earth Wooden instruments Pails and pitchers Sheets torn in strips for waching A Tallis(for men)
It is the responsiblity of whom to shroud the body
Chevrah Kadisha
The Tachrichim should be made of
White linen without binding, hems, knots, or pockets
How many garments are in a Tachrichim for men?
How many garments are in a Tachrichim for women?
What are the garments in a Tachrichim for men?
Miznefes (headdress) Michnasayim (Trousers w/ closed feet) K'sones (shirt with sleeves) Kittel (Robe w/ collar + sleeves) Avnet, Gartel (Sash) Tallis (prayer shawl) Sovev (small linen bag used as a headrest)
What are the garments in a Tachrichim for women?
Bonnet (Covering for hair) Michnasayim (Pants w/ closed feet) K'sones (Blouse) Kittel (Long Robe) Gartel (sash) Apron Face Cover Sovev (Linen Sheet)
A linen bag is filled with this and placed in the casket as a headrest
Straw and Israel earth
Most Orthodox Jewish funerals are held in
The funeral home or at the cemetery
A menorah is placed where?
Near the casket
These are not normally used in an Orthodox Jewish funeral
The order of the service is determined by whom?
The Rabbi
No funerals may be held when?
On the Sabbath
A cortege (levaya) may stop at the
During the procession to the grave, the Rabbi may stop the casketbearers how many times to pray?
The site around the actual grave is usually plain with none of these
Artificial grass, mechanical lowering device, or sometimes tent
On leaving the gravesite, the mourners should wash their hands ___ times by pouring water on them from a vessel
Which hand should they being with while washing their hands
The observance of this begins on the day of the burial and ends on the seventh day after burial
A 30 day mourning period during which the mourners abstain from all festivities or amusement following the death of a relative
The anniversary date of a death, where a candle is burned in the home for a 24 hour period
For the death of a parent, the mourners will abstain from all festivities for a period of
12 months