Exam 3 Notes Flashcards
After taking the first call, the person in charge should call the institution and determine what?
Call hospital and ask for the designated office
Find out status of death certificate
Try to get estimated time the body will be released
Any body that dies in a hospital must be cleared by whom?
Living Legacy
Any body that dies in a hospital must be cleared with Living Legacy. This is known a what?
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
If the body is not embalmed within 48 hours of time of death, the body must be refrigerated at a max of what temperature?
44 degrees
When should the deceased be dressed?
Just prior to casketing
An institutional removal is from where?
Hospital, nursing home, medical examiner, hospice, etc
Always carry the remains how?
Head high, feet first
If not embalmed immediately, the remains should be
covered with a clean white sheet
Most professionals feel that cosmetic application should be done only
in the reposing room
Do not put jewelry on the deceased until the remains are
in the casket
When jewelry is to be interred with the deceased, be sure you have this happen
A family member witness the closing of the casket
One of the most important of all operations associated with the preparation of a remains for disposition is this
placement in the casket (Casketing)
On a full couch casket, the remains should be centered, utilizing this as a guide
the lid
The head can either be straight or up to ___ to the right
15 degrees
The head should always be higher than the chest, and the chest should be higher than this
the stomach
Adjust these to a neat, natural appearance
Hands Shirt collar Suit coat Dress Sleeves Waist sash
If the abdomen is sunken, pad beneath the clothing with this
Batting cotton
This almost always requires some padding
A thorough aspiration
This almost always requires some padding
A thorough aspiration
The utilization of a facility other than the funeral home for the wake and service, usually a public building, church etc (not a private residence) outside of the funeral home
Placing the deceased in state
Normally, the body should be placed perpendicular to the altar, with which end facing the altar?
The foot
In which case would the head end be facing the altar?
A priest
How should the pillow be placed in the casket when shipping remains?
Wrong side up and covered with plastic
The remains should be ________ completely when shipping
Paper or cotton can be placed over ________ to prevent lateral movement
Upper chest and under the elbows and sides
Always ________ on non-autopised cases to prevent post-embalming purge
Pack the trachea
When shipping remains, these should always be used
What should be placed in the foot end of the casket when shipping a remains?
Register book Memorial Cards Flower cards/Floral Record Casket ornament - cross etc Mass Cards Embalming Report and note regarding cosmetics VA form, flag
When shipping a remains by air in a gasketed casket, do not do this
Clost completely
Head card (air bill) is a waterproof envelope that contains the following information
Name of the deceased
Destination of the deceased
Name, address, phone number of the sending funeral home
Name, address, phone number of the receiving funeral home
Burial Transit Permit
Routing information
One who publicly undertakes to transport from one place to another for a stated compensation the property of any person who may request his services up to the capacity of his facilities
Common Carrier
Common carriers are regulated by whom?
Interstate Commerce Commission
Does the body have to be embalmed when shipping via common carrier
Does the body have to be embalmed when shipping via common carrier
There are three options for shipping a body via railroad. What are they?
Rough box or air tray
Ziegler box inside a casket
Ziegler bos alone
This dominates shipment by rail
Air tray
How do airlines charge?
Weight: Per pound per mile
Cargo flights are generally _________ than passenger transport
More expensive
When shipping by air, casketed remains are shipped in what?
Air trays
When shipping by air, uncasketed remains are shipped in what?
Combination case
How would you be charged when shipping by sea?
By cubic foot
What book is used when sending casketed remains to foreign countries?
Yellow Book
Whom should be contacted when shipping remains to foreign countries to get the necessary forms?
The nearest consulate
The rolling stock of the funeral home, charges based on one way or round trip mileage
Private Carrier
This must always accompany the deceased
Burial Transit Permit
Where are death certificates filed?
In the locality of death
Where are burial transit permits filed?
In the locality of disposition
Cash advance items must have this statement included with it
We reserve the right to add charges to cash advance items
Cash Advances by funeral home
Clergy offering Copies of death certificate Newspaper death notice Cemetery/Crematory charges Shipping Costs Flowers Long Distance telephone calls Any other cash advances
Cash Advances by funeral home
Clergy offering Copies of death certificate Newspaper death notice Cemetery/Crematory charges Shipping Costs Flowers Long Distance telephone calls Any other cash advances
Why have many funeral homes eliminated their arrangement office desks?
Desks tend to intimidate the consumer and place the funeral director in an authoritarian, psychologically, dominant position over the consumer
Whom has the authority to open the grave?
Only the deed holder
What does a death notice do?
Notifies that the death has occurred
Lists immediate family
Lists times of services
What information is included in the obituary?
The facts - name, where deceased lived, date, place of death, age
Biographical info - occupation, education, memberships, hobbies, interests
Service information
What is the purpose of the death certificate?
Control of epidemics
Used to establish facts in a court of law
Mortality statistics
Establish cause of death for claims
Prove death for eligibility for death benefits (SS, Veterans, Insurance, etc)
What is the purpose of the death certificate?
Control of epidemics
Used to establish facts in a court of law
Mortality statistics
Establish cause of death for claims
Prove death for eligibility for death benefits (SS, Veterans, Insurance, etc)
What is a transcript?
A legal, certified copy of the death certificate containing some kind of embedded official seal
How are transcripts obtained?
Purchased from a health department or other related government office
Death certificates are filed where?
In the locality of death
A legal form issued by a local government authorizing disposition of a dead human body
Burial Transit permit
What is the purpose of a burial transit permit?
A legal permit to transport and dispose
A record of disposition
What are the two types of burial transit permits?
Comes as part of the death certificate
Issued separately when filing
What are the transportation fees?
First call, removal Common carrier Coach/Hearse Family Car Casket Bearers Clergy Flower/Utility Vehicle
Miscellaneous charges include?
Memorial cards/folders Register book Flowers Acknowledgement cards Casket Emblem Grave Marker Rosary, crucifix, etc
Miscellaneous charges include?
Memorial cards/folders Register book Flowers Acknowledgement cards Casket Emblem Grave Marker Rosary, crucifix, etc
A clear explanation of your role as a professional funeral director and embalmer and what this includes
Professional Service charge
How long do you need to wait in Maryland before cremation?
12 hours
List the appropriate items commonly used to meet the funeral needs of those being served
Casket Outer Burial Container Clothing Urn for cremated remains Burial plot or crypt Monument or marker
This is the most important factor when working the floor serving the public
Proper Attitude
This is the most important factor when working the floor serving the public
Proper Attitude
If possible, avoid closing the casket in the presence of whom?
Friends and family
Why should closing the casket in the presence of the friends and family?
Because it will add emotional burden
Who should act as a witness when closing the casket?
A family member or clergy
Never wait until the morning of the service to maintain this
Automotive Equipmet
Where should family be in a procession
Directly behind the hearse
Historically, what was a funeral procession known as?
Where should the limo be in the funeral procession?
Directly behind the hearse, slightly to the right to allow the hearse driver to see the processional
What equipment needs to accompany interment, inurnment, entombment?
Tent Greens Folding Chairs Support lumber, including 4 x 4 timbers Lowering Device Block and Tackle