The Origins Of The Cold War (4) Flashcards
Why was Germany important in the Cold War?
- Power vacuum after WWII (no leader + allies all had claim)
- Geographically central
- Location where East + West spheres physically meet
What was the agreement concluded on Germany as a result of the conferences?
- Split into 4 zones of occupation
- Treated as one economic unit, under the Allied Control Council
- Demilitarised + denazified
What was the purpose of the Allied Control Council (ACC) in Germany?
Coordinate the agreement of unanimous economic + political decisions in Germany
Was the ACC successful in Germany?
Limited success
- Increasing differences among four powers, all wanted own methods
- Each governor had veto, which resulted in a return to that country’s national policy (reducing amount of negotiation)
What were the goals of the Soviet zone?
- To create an economically weak Germany that would be unthreatening to the Soviets + communist
- To trigger a whole-Germany communist movement
- To eventually unify Germany + have it enter the Soviet sphere
How did the Soviets hope to create an economically weak Germany?
- Temporarily dismember country (4 power occupation)
- Collect high reparations
- Place Ruhr under joint occupation + limit production there
What reparations did Stalin want from Germany?
- Asked for $20 bill at Yalta
- Wanted all powers to gain reparations from own area of occupation, but Soviets to be given an extra 25% of reparations from Western zones
How did Stalin justify his desire for extra reparations from Western zones?
- Soviets had large losses in war
- West had the most German land (84%) and most German people (72%)
What were the four political parties in the Soviet zone?
- KPD (Communists)
- SPD (German Social Democrats)
- LDPD (Liberals)
- CDU (Christian Democrats)
What was the dominant political party in the Soviet zone?
KPD (communists)
Did the KPD start a communist movement as Stalin had hoped?
What was done to increase communist influence in Soviet zone in Feb 1946?
Soviet Military Administration merged…
Into SED (German Socialist Unity Party)
Did the SPD want to merge with the KPD?
- Their leader (Schumacher) opposed the merge
Russification took place in the Soviet zone. Give examples
- Land reform
- Nationalisation of large industry
- Learning of Russian in schools became compulsory
(Zone generally became poor + oppressed like Soviet Union)
What were the goals of the British zone in Germany?
- To make joint occupation work
- To repair German industry + economy
- To prevent “a revived Germany in league with or dominated by Russia”-Bevin (1946)
What was the living situation in the British + American zones?
- Better than Soviet zone
- Not oppressed + benefited from Marshall Aid
- Improved further after Bizonia formation, as could cooperate economically
What were the goals of the American zone in Germany?
- To make joint occupation work
- To repair German industry + economy
What was the industrial area in the British zone? What did the Soviets want with it? What did the French want with it?
- Ruhr Valley
- Soviets wanted it placed under joint control, so they could limit production
- French wanted it placed under joint control, so they could profit from it
How much Marshall Aid did Germany receive from the allies?
$1.7 bill
What were the goals of the French zone in Germany?
- To create a divided (into small autonomous states), economically weak Germany that would be unthreatening to the French
In what way did British and American zone goals shift?
Shift away from wanting to make four power occupation work, in favour of a divided Germany (Bizonia)
When and why did the British + American zones change opinion on four power occupation + start wanting to form Bizonia?
- Their desire for German recovery was being greatly hindered by the Soviets, who were becoming increasingly difficult to negotiate with
- West shared opinions, so wanted to join together + cut off Soviets
In what way did the Soviet opinion differ from the opinion of Britain + US regarding future of Germany?
- Soviets wanted to restrict economic progress: demanded high reparations, demanded shared control of Ruhr, actively removed factories etc
- West wanted to allow economic progress: argued Soviets were demanding for too high reparations that would cause deprivation in their zones, wanted British control of Ruhr
What was Bizonia?
Economic merging of the British + US zones in Germany
When was Bizonia formed?
Jan 1947
What ended four power occupation in Germany?
Creation of Bizonia in Jan 1947
Outline the process of the formation of Bizonia
- May 1946: US refused to deliver reparations to Soviets until they agreed on plan for Germany’s recovery
- Jan 1947: US refused to give Soviets control of Ruhr or let deprivation continue in W.zones - so formed ‘Bizonia’
Who did France originally side with regarding Bizonia? Why?
Soviets - they were supporting the weakening of Germany
Why did France change their negative opinion on Bizonia + agree to collaborate to form Trizonia?
Realised they could side with their traditional allies, as the dismemberment could weaken Germany like they wanted
How did the West publicly justify forming Bizonia, despite agreeing to four power occupation at Potsdam?
Said the economic merge was necessary to allow enough economic progress for the agreed reparations to be collected
How did the Soviets react to the formation of Bizonia?
- Objected, arguing it broke the agreement of four power occupation + West were trying to form a capitalist Germany
- Tried to prevent it…
MOSCOW CONFERENCE (March-April 1947): demanded new central administration, but West refused (didn’t want unification under Soviets)
LONDON CONFERENCE (Nov-Dec 1947): demanded new central administration + their reparations back, but West refused
Who met at the Moscow Conference + London Conference?
Council of Foreign Ministers
USA, Britain, France, USSR, China
What did Britain, US, France + Benelux states agree to in early 1948 London conferences that heightened tensions in Germany?
- New currency in Western zones (excluding W.Berlin)
- Suggested formation of West Germany (including French zone)
- Drafted constitution for this new West Germany
Why did the Western zones introduce a new currency?
- Improve economy
- Begin formation of economically unified West Germany
- Begin ‘Western European Integration’ (tying West Germany to Western economies)
What was the new currency that was introduced in Western zones?
When did Western zones introduce a new currency?
20th June 1948
What was the Soviet response to the Western introduction of a new currency?
- Angered: West didn’t consult them, old Reichmarks flooded into Eastern zones devaluing Eastern economy
- 23rd June: introduced new currency in East called “Ostmark”
- 24th June: began Berlin Blockade
When was the Berlin Blockade?
Started: 24th June 1948 (4 days after currency change)
Ended: May 1949
Airlift ended: Sept 1949
What was the Berlin Blockade?
Stalin ordered all access to West Berlin to be closed - by closing off roads and waterways
What caused the Berlin Blockade?
Rising tensions between the superpowers in Germany due to formation of Bizonia, differences between zones (economy, currency, living standards)+ inability to negotiate between
Why did the West continue to airlift in supplies after Stalin ended the blockade?
Wanted to be prepared, in case another blockade was issued
What were the differences between the German zones that caused the high tensions that culminated in the Berlin Blockade?
- Differences in economy (West growing with Marshall Aid, East shrinking with closed industry)
- Differences in living standards (West free, East russified + oppressed)
TRIGGER: Differences in currency
Which groups were unable to successfully negotiate between the German zones, which caused the high tensions that culminated in the Berlin Blockade?
- Allied Control Council
- Council of Ministers (e.g. failed London Conference)
How did the West retaliate to the Berlin Blockade?
- Counter blockade (stopped trams of goods into E.Germany from West)
- Berlin airlift (26th June 1948 onwards)
- Children’s airlift (Sept 1948-March 1949)
What did Stalin hope to achieve from the Berlin Blockade?
End the rising tensions in Germany by forcing the West out of Berlin and hopefully ultimately out of Germany
Who was Bevin?
British Foreign Secretary
Who was Clay?
Military governor of West Berlin
What were the two main solutions raised to deal with the Berlin Blockade? Give examples of someone who supported each
- Berlin airlift (supported by Bevin, who disapproved force)
- Armed convoy in Berlin (supported by Clay)
Why did the West choose peaceful options to deal with the Berlin Blockade?
Wanted to end the blockade + not submit their presence in Berlin, without risking full scale war
What was the Berlin Airlift?
West supplying goods (food, clothes, coal, etc) to West Berlin through three allied air corridors
How many tons of supplies were West flying in each day of the Berlin Airlift? How did this compare to usual?
Supplying: 2,000 tons/day
Usual: 12,000 tons/day
Why did the West start the Children’s airlift in Sept 1948?
Feared the health of the vulnerable in Winter, as were only supplying 2000 tons/day but needed estimated 5000/day in Winter to keep West Berliners alive
How many vulnerable people were airlifted to West Berlin in the Children’s Airlift?
Approx 15,000
Were there any issues with the Berlin Airlift?
Some issues with providing enough supplies + bottlenecks in Winter (but overall successful - luckily Winter fairly mild)
Why was Stalin forced to end the Berlin Blockade?
- Saw West were not willing to back down regarding desire for presence in Berlin + West German state
- Airlift was continuing + becoming more efficient (8000 tons/day in April 1949)
When was Trizonia formed?
April 1949
What were the results of the Berlin Blockade?
- Stalin had to concede to the existence of West Berlin + a West German state (the Federal Republic of Germany)
- Stalin had to leave behind his desire for a unified Germany + create an East German state (the German Democratic Republic)
When was the constitution approved for the FRG?
- Written: pre-blockade
- Approved: May 1949
What was the situation in the FRG?
- Aligned with capitalist West
- Free elections
- First leader: Konrad Adenauer (anti-communist) to make internal decisions
- Britain, US + France have final say over foreign policy + security, via the ‘High Commission’
What was the situation in the GDR?
- Aligned with communist Soviets
- One party system dominated by the Socialist Unity Party (SED)
- First leader: President Pieck
- After Pieck’s death in 1960, presidency abolished + SED ruled (lead by Ulbricht)
What was the forerunner to NATO + why was it not suitable?
Western European Union
- Established 1948
- Aimed to protect against German resurgence
- Needed more funding, more military strength + members outside Europe to protect against growing communist/Soviet threat
What were the two countries present in NATO that weren’t members of the Western European Union?
- Canada
What was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)?
An alliance between 10 European states, Canada + USA (all non-communist) that aimed to work together to provide mutual security (against communists + other threats) and international peace
What are two quotes about NATO?
Aimed to “settle any international disputes… by peaceful means”
“An attack against one or more of them…shall be considered an attack against them all”
What was the Soviet response to NATO?
- Argued it was an aggressive organisation designed to promote Western capitalism + pressurise European states into complying with US interests
- Emphasised they had no desire of using military force in Europe
When was NATO formed?
April 1949