The Neurobiology of Concussions Flashcards
What is a concussion?
Concussions can also be referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI)
- L. Concutere, to shake violently
- L. Concussus, action of striking together
What does a concussion do to the brain ?
Defined as a biomechanically induced transient disturbance of neurological function.
- May or may not be associated with loss of consciousness (LOC);
- Temporary loss of brain function;
- Produce a variety of physical, cognitive and
emotional symptoms (often subtle);
- Symptoms subside naturally.
What causes a concussion?
Rapid acceleration and/or deceleration of the brain.
Resulting in brain colliding with skull, both the front and back (or side to side)
- Coupe-Contre Coup
- CSF, meninges and skull cannot brace this type of impact
Bruising and swelling of brain tissue follows and may persist for up to 48 hours;
- Brain contusion and cerebral edema; - Increased intracranial pressure.
Impact can be direct or indirect, it doesn’t matter (sport related collision vs. blast exposure at war).
Impact can be linear, rotational or angular, this does matter.
- Or, probably, a combination of all;
- Direction of force is extremely important for predicting extent of injury/recovery.
Does Direction Matter
Direction of force will dictate presenting symptoms, long-term consequences, extent of damage and rate of recovery.
This makes it difficult to compare concussions between patients (in humans).
Rotational Forces
The magnitude of rotational force is thought to dictate concussion severity.
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
Shearing forces cause axons to detach from cell
- Damaged axons display indiscriminate release of
the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate;
- Excitotoxic lesions subsequently occur from 24-48
hours post injury.
Parts of the brain most affected by rotational forces
midbrain and diencephalon.
- Disruption of normal cellular activities here is thought to produce LOC;
- Also damages frontal and temporal lobes.
subdural hematoma
Unrestricted movement of the of the head results in axon shearing, often leading to subdural hematoma collection of clotted blood and accompanying increased pressure on the brain.
Brain contusions are typically viewed as the hallmark of brain damage following a brain injury.
Epidural hematoma
Epidural hematoma results from the collection of blood between the dura mater and the skull.
The Aftermath – Acute Metabolic Cascade
Acutely, a concussion can lead to neural & vascular tissue damage, leading to a distortion of cell membranes.
- Neuronal activity picks up (glutamate);
- Cerebral blood flow is interrupted (hematoma);
What are concussions associated with
Concussions are associated with an indiscriminate release of glutamate which produces a cascade of events known as the metabolic cascade, leading to a cerebral energy crisis.
What is Glutamate
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. It is present in more synapses than any other
What happens when Glutamate released
Once released into the synaptic cleft, glutamate can bind to three post-synaptic receptors:
1. AMPA receptors;
2. NMDA receptors;
3. Kainate receptors.
All 3 receptors allow Na+ entry into the post-synaptic cell
and therefore cause depolarization and excitatory post-synaptic potentials.
NMDA receptors are also permeable to calcium.
Glutamate Excitotoxicity
Too much glutamate being released can cause damage to surrounding neurons.
Excitotoxicity can occur with overexposure to glutamate (or other excitatory AA’s), caused by a prolonged depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron.
When neurons are subjected to prolonged stimulation
by glutamate, a large % of cells die via 1 of 2 mechanisms:
1. Necrosis and Apoptosis
Necrosis: characterized by rapid lysis of the cell due to osmotic swelling;
Apoptosis: delayed cascade of biochemical events that leads to DNA breakup and ultimately cell death.
Glutamate activation of NMDA receptors
Glutamate activation of NMDA receptors can, in some cases, allow the entry of calcium (Ca2+) into the cell.
At large enough concentrations, Ca2+ is extremely toxic to a cell:
- Overactivation of NMDA receptors;
- Massive influx of Ca2+ (and Na+, and K+ efflux);
- Ca2+ is sequestered in mitochondria and interrupts normal function;
- ATP production is hindered;
- Can lead to initiation of apoptosis.
The Aftermath – Energy Crisis
Recall: your body spends an extraordinary amount of energy (ATP) fueling Na-K pumps. Following a concussion, and an indiscriminate release of glutamate, most of the surrounding
neurons are depolarized and fire action potentials.
Na-K pumps are working in overdrive to restore ionic homeostasis becomes this requires a ton of
Increased demand for ATP results in massive increase in glucose metabolism.
However, increased demand for glucose comes at a time when cerebral blood flow is reduced and mitochondria are dysfunctional (double whammy);
Hypoglycemia ensues, leading to cognitive deficits and an energy crisis that leads to secondary injuries.
Secondary Injuries - BBB Permeability
Anaerobic glucose metabolism (glycolysis) involves production of lactate to lactic acid.
Overproduction of lactic acid results in acidosis, and subsequent damage to the blood brain barrier (BBB).
BBB permeability follows, leaving organism extremely vulnerable to outside toxins.
Secondary Injuries - Inflammation
Following brain injuries, a patients condition may deteriorate in stages, which suggests that brain injuries result in various waves of potential damage.
- Primary vs. secondary effects.
Secondary effects may take days, weeks or months to develop, and can persist for weeks, months and even years.
Clinical Symptoms of mTBI
Symptoms of a concussion are individualistic, as they are entirely dependent on location of structural damage.
A patient may experience:
- Headache, pressure in the head is a vascular injuries;
- Temporary loss of consciousness (LOC) is a brain stem;
- Confusion is a corpus collosum;
- Amnesia surrounding the event is a hippocampus, frontal lobes;
- Ringing in the ears is a temporal lobes;
- Nausea and/or vomiting is a area postrema;
- Changes in mood and emotional disturbances is a amygdala
Detection & Diagnosis
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool – 5th Edition (SCAT-5)
- The SCAT-5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussions;
- Designed for use by physicians;
- Pre-season SCAT-5 scores are useful for comparing pre/post injury
SCAT-5 involves:
- Checklist for observable signs of trauma;
- Memory assessment;
- Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) assessment;
- Symptom inventory (completed by athlete); - Battery of cognitive screening tests;
- Neurological screen.
Second Impact Syndrome
Prior concussions increase the likelihood of a 2nd concussion and cause greater morbidity in both human and animal models.
Repeated concussions have a cumulative effect on the human brain.
Second Impact Syndrome (SIS)
- Occurs when an individual suffers a concussion while still symptomatic from a previous concussion;
- SIS carries a 50% mortality rate, 100% morbidity rate (in animal models).
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE, aka dementia pugilistica) is the result of multiple, sub-concussive blows to the head.
This is not a concussion issue.
CTE is a progressive degenerative disease found in individuals with repeated head trauma (e.g. boxers, football players, hockey players, etc.).
Characterized by neurofibrillary tangles, plaques and neuronal death.