The Nervous System Flashcards
largest and most prominent part of the brain that contains 2 hemispheres with 5 lobes. Performs higher mental functions, interprets sensory stimuli, plans and initiates movement
5 lobes
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insula
grey matter
neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelineated axons
white matter
myelineated axons
elevated ridges on the convolutions of the surface of the brain
elevated ridges on the convolutions of the surface of the brain
sulci (sulcus)
shallow grooves on the surface of the brain
longitudinal fissure
deep groove along the mid sagittal plane of the brain and separates R and L hemispheres
Frontal Lobe
controls voluntary skeletal muscles, intellect, decision making, personality
Parietal Lobe
general sensation
Temporal Lobe
hearing and smell
Occipital Lobe
memory, taste, and integration of the activities of the other cerebral lobes. Located deep within the cerebrum
Corpus callosum
large, comma shaped, tract that connects the L and R Hemispheres
C shaped bundle of fibers that function in olfaction and as a component of the limbic system (learning, behavior, memory, emotion)
processes, integrates, and relays information
maintains homeostasis
regulates biological rhythms
monitors and coordinates movement
maintains homeostasis
controls reflexes
monitors movement
integrates and relays information
Cerebral cortex
thin layer of gray matter contains: Sensory areas, motor areas, association areas
Primary motor cortex
located in pre-central gyrus of the frontal lobe and controls voluntary movement
Frontal eye fields
superiorly located to Broca’s area and control the voluntary movements of eyes
premotor cortex
anterior to the pre-central gyrus in the frontal lobe involves planning movements
cerebral white matter
myelinated nerve fibers that transmit impulses between the cerebral cortex and the lower brain areas. 2nd region of the cerebrum