The Nazi State 1933-39 Flashcards
People’s community - Germans were expected to sacrifice for their country
Trade unions replaced with
Deutsche Arbeitsfront
Dachau opening
March 1933 Heinrich Himmler opened Dachau
30,000 prisoners
Gestapo established
Herman Goring established gestapo
1936 Heinrich Himmler = Head of Gestapo too.
Rudolf Hesse quote
“Adolf Hitler is Germany and Germany is Adolf Hitler
Joseph Goebbels full title
Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Herenfolk threatened by…
Who are untermenshen
How many members did the Nazis have in 1935
5 mill +
Cheap radios that Goebbels mass produced so everyoje could hear Hitlers speeches
What year did Germany reach highest radio ownership
Leni Riefenstahl films
Victory of Faith
Triumph of the Will
Day of Freedom - Our armed forces
Goebbels propaganda quote
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will
When was the first book burning
May 1933
By 1937 all teachers has to be nazis. Schools focused on racial science, state obedience & Nazified history.
Compulsory Nazi youth groups
Hitler Youth
League of German Maidens
Reichskirche rules
No more bible or crucifix
Mein Kampf and sword on the alter
Why was Nazism less popular with Catholics
Devotion to Pope - couldn’t view Hitler as all powerful
Hitler + Vatican agreement
Concordat 1933 - Bishops had to swear alleigiance, neither could get involved in the other’s affairs (bye bye centre party)
How did Pope Pius XI respond to Hitler banning Catholic youth groups
Published Mit brennender Serge, denouncing the Nazis
New Pope
Pope Pius XII used to be papal nuncio - aware of situation + ouspoken critic. Worked behind the scenes to prevent Jewish persecution
Catholic church’s protest
Summer 1941 Bishop August von Galen gave sermons against the Nazis, in particular against the euthanasia of disabled people
Sterilsation of disabled people launched in
Euthanasia of disabled people launched
Under Aktion T4…
doctors euthanised <70,000 disabled people between 1939-41
Percentage of Germany that was Jewish
less than 1%
Jews were linked to the threat of communism through…
Karl Marx, a german Jew
Jews couldnt work in
School, courts, or army
Anti- Semitic art exhibition
Eternal Jew
Kristallnacht triggered by
Jewish Hershell Grynszpan killing German ambassader Ernst von Rath on the 7th Nov 1938
Kristallnacht date
night of the 9th/10th Nov 1938
Damage done of Kristallnacht
> 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed
200 synagogues destroyed
30,000 Jewish men arrested
91 jews killed in brutality
German minister for Economics
Hjalmar Schacht
Reducing unemployment in Germany
Public works (autobahnen)
National labour front - 6months service for men 18-25
Conscription in 1935
How much did unemployment drop between 1932 to 1939
6 mill in 1932 to 100 thousand in 1939
Women and work
Law for Encouragement of Marriage meant women had to adhere to Kinder, Kuche and Kirche
Hermann Gorring
Increased agriculture
Controlled trade in + out to prevent shortages
Sped up rearmament
Synthetics for raw materials