The Nature Of Human Beings - Buddhism Flashcards
What is Kamma
literally means action. Describes by the buddha as the law of cause and effect.
Buddhists believe that our consciousely chosen actions (actions with intentions behind them) have consequenses. this consequence many not be for years to come
Definition of skillful/unskillful actions
- skillful actions are actions that are well thought through with good intentions behind them
- unskillful actions are bad actions that will lead to bad consequences or results. These actions often spring from free poisons
example of skilful actions - the parable of the burning house
-a fathers old house burns down - he lies to children that are playing and not coming out that they have special carts of different kinds for each of them but they are all the same.
the father represents the buddha and the children are the sentiments
benefits of belief in Kamma
- means you have an awarness that your actions affect your life
- improves control and self-discipline
-hopefully meaning that you have a good impact on society and others around you
-help control the 3 poisons
-accept own suffering
Difficulties with belief in Kamma
- if u are suffering from something that happened to u in previous life it might seem your life is unfair and unjust
-difficult and time consuming to always consider every action
-some may argue we should focus more on the consequences of actions rather than intentions
What is Samsara?
-it is the cycle of rebirth. Buddhists believe that all humans are locked into this and the only escape is to live life following the buddhas teachings, particularly the eightfold path
samsara - 14th Dalai Lama example
he is believed by his followers to be the reincarnation of the original one who is born in in 1391 as Gendun Drup. He no longer needs to be reborn but chooses to be, so that he can help other living beings
- 3rd noble truth only way to end craving and unstasifactorinary
-hard to describe as it is experience beyond the impermanent nature of words
Theravada beliefs about Nibbna
-The path of enlightment is the one of the arhat (worthy of respect)
-takes many lifetimes to achieve
-the final stage is ahrat at this stage all attachment to self is gone
Mahayana Beliefs about nibbana
-for them the path of Arhat is to narrow and individualistic
-instead the path for them is Bodhisattva which means ‘being of enlightment,
-a bodhisattva is a being who is dedicated to helping others achieve enlightment they actively put off their own
The Three Jewels
-The Buddha (the doctor)
-The Dhamma (the medicine)
-The Sangha (the community)
How do the three jewels help buddhists
-help buddhists pratically to cope with the inevitable suffering which life involves
-points buddhists in the right direction to enlightment
-helps them make sense of life
-very special and valuable to a buddhist
The first jewel - the buddha
-he rediscovered ancient path to enlightment
-hes a role model
-his teahings live on after his death
The second jewel - the dhamma
-buddhas teachings
-includes 3 marks of existence, 4 noble truths etc
-way of life
-indicates way to enlightment
The third jewel - the sangha
-two types the laity (lay community) and the ordained (monks and nuns)
-helps preserve teachings and traditons of buddhism
-huge respect for monks in traditonal buddhist countries