Debate between science and religion - orgins Flashcards
The question “where did it all come from?” has been pondered by humans for centuries.
In recent times there have been many debates, discoveries and theories and these contrast with the ancient stories which were once told.
Point 1
based on, perhaps, the most well known story of the creation of the universe found in the book genesis in the bible - creation story dates back 4000 years
Point 1 explanation
In the story the universe was created by God who said ‘let there be light’ on Day 1. On
days 2 – 4 the heavens, earth sea and the universe were all created by God who spoke
them into being. Some Christians believe that this ancient story is literally true. They
believe that both space and time began at this point. This is because they believe the
Bible to be the word of God and it would not contain information which is not true.
Point 1 evidence
Prof. John D Whitcomb stated;
“What God recorded in Genesis is absolutely perfect! …there is no 67th book of
divinely-inspired revelation, namely, modern science, to tell us how God really created
the world!”
The consequence of those who believe this it that they do not believe in or accept the
theory of the Big Bang in relation to the origins of the universe because it is not found in
the Bible. These Christians believe in a six-day creation of everything in the universe
including life.
Point 1 link
These ideas suggest that the religious and scientific views are mutually exclusive since
Literal readers of the Bible will not accept any scientific theories because they are not
written in the Bible.
Point 2
My second point focusses on how Liberal/non-literal Christians read the story of creation
in Genesis.
Point 2 explanation
Most Christians do not read the story of creation literally. They recognise that the Bible is
not a scientific textbook and the language used at the start of Genesis is a type of
Hebrew poem that needs to be interpreted rather than taken literally. Liberal Christians
are able to accept the findings of scientific theory of the origins of the universe and
maintain their faith.