The Four Noble Truths - Buddhism Flashcards
What does the noble truth Nirvana mean?
- the cessation of suffering is attainable
What does the noble truth Dukkha mean?
-means that ordinary life brings about suffering
- because if ‘impermanence ’ the truth that everything is constantly changing
What does the noble truth Magga mean?
It means there is an eightfold path to the cessation of suffering
What does the noble truth Tannha mean?
It means the orgin of suffering is attachment. Craving
The three root poisons
-greed (rooster)
-ignorance (pig)
-hatred (snake)
all suffering is ultimately caused by these human urges
What is the noble eightfold path?
set of guidelines on how to live. Last truth. By following it Buddhists belive they are on the path to remove suffering and set them on the road to enlightment
What does wisdom (prajna) on the path include
- Right view - understanding life involves change
-Right intentions - aim to resist desire and show compassion
What does morality (sila) on the path include
-right speech - telling lies, speaking harshly, spreading gossip, pointless chatter
-right action - avoid stealing, harming living things, sexual misconduct
-right livelihood- jobs should reflects buddist values
What does meditation (samadhi) on the path include
- -Right mindfulness - beinf more aware of own feelings and how your actions affect others
-Right concentration - train your mind
-Right effort- meditation
What is the middle way
‘the middle way’ beetween a life of self indulgance and a life of self denial
the buddha taught both ectremes ( hardship and luxury) keep people tied to the three root poisons
Theravada Buddhists
they concentrate on following the path to enlightment. Their key quailty is Wisdom. This is gained mainly by meditation and or the study of the pali canon
Mahayanists Buddhists
try to develop the six perfections as the path to enlightment. Their key quailty is compassion (this leads to bodhisattvas being reborn again and again in order to help all beings
Benefits of following the noble eightfold path
- step guide on how to live
-helps gain positve kamma - if everyone followed it the world would be a better place
-helps focus on positve actions rather than negative ones
Difficulties of following the noble eightfold path
- hard to follow without expert guidance due to emphasise on widsom nd need to study scipture
-not always easy to do right thing lies
-meditation is difficult to master
-buddhist living in western world can be hard to follow