The Motor System Flashcards
Definition of motor control
Motor control involves a dynamically changing mix of conscious and unconscious regulation of muscle force, informed by continuous and complex sensory feedback, operating in a framework sculpted by evolutionary pressures.
Types of motor control
Goal directed
Running, walking, talking, playing guitar
Goal directed
Conscious, explicit, contorlled
Punching and pointing
Unconscious, implicit, automatic
Eye movements, facial expressions, throughout trunk
Different stimuli lead to responses via different ways- heirarchal control
Pain —> spinal cord —> (escape) —> motor, autonomic, endocrine
Fear —> sensorimotor midbrain —> (avoidance) —> motor, autonomic, endocrine
Threat —> cortex and limbic system ->(avoidance)—> motor, autonomic, endocrine
More Complex, Sophisticated Threat Detection and Avoidance Behaviour
Requires Additional or More Complex Processing Capacity (Neural Systems)
Sensorimotor system
Motor control governed by lower and upper motor neurons.
The lower motor neuron begins (has its cell body) in brainstem or spinal cord and projects to the muscle
The upper motor neurons originate in higher centres and project down to meet the lower motor neurons
Muscle fibre activation
Individual muscle fibres act in an ‘all-or-none’ manner, and so control of muscle force depends on the way in which lower motor neurons activate different types of muscle fibre
Muscle can only contract our relax
Antagonistic arrangement
Combined co-ordinated action
Recruitment of muscle fibres
Fast/slow twitch, small and large motor units
What is the muscle fibre and strength dependant on?
About the cross sectional area of an individual and different proportions of different types of fibre
How do muscles contract?
A skeletal muscle is attached to the bone by the tendon
A skeletal muscle comprises several muscle fasciculi (group of muscle fibres)
A muscle fasciculus comprises several muscle fibres (= muscle cells)
A muscle fibre is constituted of several myofibrils
Myofibrils contain protein filaments: Actin and Myosin myofilaments
When the muscle fibre is depolarised actin and myosin slide against each other which produce muscle contraction
The myosin cross bridge cycle
Relaease of the neurotransmitter ACh triggers a biochemical cascade in muscle cells
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Rigour Mortis
The release of acetylcholine causes a cascade of events resulting in the release of packets of calcium from inside the muscle cell (fibre)
This causes the myosin head to change shape, enabling it to bind with the actin filament
ATP (provides energy for cells) is required to break the bond between the myosin head and the actin filament
ATP is produced by oxidative metabolism, which stops upon death
So the muscle become contracted and remain that way until enzymes begin to disrupt the actin/myosin
What is a motor unit?
Motor unit = single alpha () motor neuron + all the muscle fibres it innervates – Different motor neurones innervate different numbers of muscle fibres – fewer fibres means greater movement resolution - those innervating finger tips and tongue
The motor unit is the final common pathway for motor control
Activation of an alpha motor neuron depolarises and causes contraction of all muscle fibres in that unit (all or none)
Muscle fibres innervated by each unit are the same type of fibre and often distributed through the muscle to provide evenly distributed force (and may help reduce effect of damage)
More motor units fire – more fibres contract – more power
Average number of muscle fibres innervated by single motor neuron (a motor unit) varies according to two functional requirements for that muscle:
1.Level of control
2. Strength
Typically a range of motor units in a muscle, some with few, some with many fibres.
Size principle
Units are recruited in order of size
Fine control typically required at lower forces
Lower alpha Motor neutrons
Originating in the grey matter of the spinal cord, or in the brainstem, an alpha motor neuron and the muscle fibres it connects to represent the ‘unit of control’ of muscle force
Fast and slow muscles
Training and exercise lead to changes in the thickness of muscle fibres and the proportion of different muscle fibre types
The motor pool
All the lower motor neurons that innervate single muscle
The motor pool contains both the alpha and gamma motor neurons (see later)
Motor pools are often arranged in a rod like shape within the ventral horn of the spinal column
Dorsal root
Sensory root
Ventral root
Motor output
Innervation of the muscle- Alpha Motor Neurons originate in the Spinal Cord
Cell bodies in the ventral horn: activated by:
-Sensory information from muscle
-Descending information from brain
Note the closeness and prominence of sensory input to the dorsal horn indicated in this diagram
Muscles can be contracted or relaxed to provide movement, but a good control system (the CNS) needs to know two things:
how much tension is on the muscle; Golgi tendon organs sense tension, force in muscle
what is the length (stretch) of the muscle; muscle spindles sense stretch- detect lengthening of muscle which leads to some determination of force
Golgi tendon organs- muscle tension (force)
The GTO is within the tendon (where the muscle joins to bone)
Mostly, it sends ascending sensory information to the brain via the spinal cord about how much force there is in the muscle
Critical for proprioception (guide movement)
Under conditions of extreme tension, it is possible that GTOs act to inhibit muscle fibres (via a circuit in the spinal cord) to prevent damage (Golgi tendon reflex/inverse stretch reflex)
1) The Golgi tendon organ will sense excessive tension on a muscle
2) sensory info is sent to brain via spinal cord through 1b sensory neurons
3) if the tension of muscle is too great, alpha motor neurons are inhibited preventing the muscle from contracting
Muscle spindles- muscle length
Muscle spindles sense the length of muscles, i.e. the amount of stretch
This information forms a key part of reflex circuits…….
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Reflexes can be quite simple or quite complex. They can operate without engaging with the brain, and are critical for the avoidance of injury and effective motor control
Many adjustments come from reflexes
Reflex circuit
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Stretch reflex
1) Muscle is stretched/lengthened suddenly
2) this is detected by the muscle spindles
3) a sensory signal is sent from the intrafusal fibres to the motor pool through gamma motor neurons
4) this synapses with an alpha motor neurone at the motor pool
5) an efferent impulse is sent to the extrafusal muscle fibres
6) this causes a muscle contraction that opposes the stretch
We need a system to detect stretch regardless the current muscle length
If intrafusal muscle fibre is controlled by same motor neurons as extrafusals, when muscle is slack (or taught), the system won’t be sensitive to slight changes
So, intrafusal fibres are innervated separately, by gamma () motor neurons
They keep the intrafusal fibres set at a length that optimises muscle stretch detection
Muscle spindle feedback
An efficient motor control system needs to know how much each muscle is stretching – information provided by muscle spindles
Muscle sensory receptors = muscle spindles
Embedded within most muscles
Composed of intrafusal fibers
Detect stretch regardless of the current muscle length
Sensory fibres are coiled around the intrafusal fibers
Intrafusal fibers are innervated separately, by gamma () motor neurons
They keep the intrafusal fibers set at a length that optimizes muscle stretch detection
Reciprocal Innervation- withdrawal reflex
Principle described by Sherrington (also called Sherrington’s Law of reciprocal innervation)
Reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles explains why the contraction of one muscle induces the relaxation of the other
Permits the execution of smooth movements
When, for eg pulling one leg away from a needle, there is a need to increase tension in the other leg to hold the weight of the rest of body- extension of one leg and withdrawal of the other
One pathway results in the Motor neurone to cause flexor muscle to withdraw limb
Another pathway inhibits the motor neurone that normally activates the opposing extensor muscle of the limb to prevent the extensor muscle trying to get rid if the withdrawal of the limb
1) Afferent fibres synapse with motor neurons in the spinal cord
2) causes ipsilateral flexion (the fibres of affected limb contract)
3) also causes contra lateral extension (extensors relax)
4) the limb then withdraws from the stimuli
Brainstem structures
Pathways and nuclei within the brainstem (and midbrain) connect sensory input to motor output in quite direct ways, providing an evolutionarily ancient but still very important control system
Ancient brainstem motor control
Without cortical involvement e.g. balance and postural control, also orienting, gross limb movement/positioning
Sophisticated e.g. branches of vagus nerve project to larynx to control speech – this circuit richly interconnected with cerebellum and other brainstem sensorimotor systems
Control of respiration
Speech: primitive sounds sculpted by cortex
Primitive vocalisations are driven by control of the respiratory circuit and some control or head or neck muscles
Motor cortex
Primary motor cortex exerts quite direct, top down control over muscular activity, with as few as one synapse (in the spine) between a cortical neuron and innervation of muscle cells
Upper motor neurone originates in primary motor cortex and in many cases projects straight down to synapse with a lower motor neurone
So theres a single synapse between the cortical command and movements of a limb- very direct level of control
Descending projections from cortical motor areas- complex sequences of movement
Motor command originates in motor cortex pyramidal cells (in layer 5-6, grey matter).
These are the upper motor neurons
Pyramidal cell axons project directly or indirectly (e.g. via brainstem) to spinal cord, where they synapse with lower motor neurons
The axons of these upper motor (pyramidal) neurons form the pyramidal tract
Most cortical projections innervate contralateral motor units- one side of brain control movement in opposite side of body
Overview of motor control
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The cerebellum and the basal ganglia are critical for regulation of movement, for initiation of movements, for modulation of movement, so that movements are successful and free
Also allows us to learn different movement patterns
The way that both of these systems feed into
motor control is by inputting directly into the motor cortex
rather than adjusting the commands as they come down through motor cortex primarily
The motor cortex: The Homunculus
Homunculus is a reasonable representation, but an oversimplification: damage to a single finger area doesn’t mean loss of voluntary control of that finger.
Representations are more complex and overlapping
After all, few motor commands require isolated activation of a single motor unit
Descending projections from motor cortex
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Two projections down the spinal column
There’s quite a few different tracts; 2 main
-Dorsolateral tracts
-Ventromedial tracts
Dorsolateral tracts vs Ventromedial tracts
Dorsolateral corticospinal tracts is positioned dorsally and laterally in the spinal cord
Travels straight from cortex to spine
Primarily involved in controlling distal limb muscles
Two versions of Dorsolateral tract:
-Dorsolateral corticospinal tract:
Direct pathway for trying to work on straight down to lower motor neurones in the spinal cord
-Dorsolateral corticorubrospinal tract
Other version has a synapse via the red nucleus
Ventromedial corticospinal tract innervates more proximal midline muscles and muscles of the trunk
More involved in posture movements rather than fine control movements
Two types:
-Ventromedial corticospinal tract
-Ventromedial cortico-brainstem- spinal tract
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Modulation of movement by the basal ganglia and cerebellum
This diagram indicates that the basal ganglia has a primarily inhibitory input over motor cortex, whereas the types of input that the cerebellum brings into the motor cortex is often of a excitatory nature so glutamatergic transmission
But don’t look at this and think one system is
increasing motor activity and the system is decreasing motor activity in that simple sense, because they’re both using their inputs, whether it’s inhibitory or excitatory, to modulate motor patterns
Basal ganglia works primarily by adjusting the amount of inhibitory input to different parts of the motor cortex, whereas the cerebellum works by adjusting the amount of excitatory input to different parts of the motor cortex
Definition of Basal ganglia
A group of subcortical structures that act as a ‘gate keeper’ for control of the motor system (muscles)
The basal ganglia are a group of nuclei lying deep within cerebral hemispheres
The basal ganglia role
Role in motor control not fully understood
Basal ganglia dysfunction implicated in many disorders
Receives excitatory input from many areas of cortex (Glutamate)
Output goes back to cortex via the thalamus
Output is mainly inhibitory (GABA)- the cortex is sending information to the basal ganglia about kind of the motor plans and the basal ganglia via the thalamus is inhibiting that activity
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Complex internal connectivity involving 5 principle nuclei:
Substantia Nigra (pars compacta & pars reticulata)
Caudate & Putamen (together=striatum)
Globus Pallidus (internal and external segments)
Subthalamic Nucleus
The selection problem
Multiple command systems
Spatially distributed
Processing in parallel
All act through final common motor path
[Cannot do more then one thing (well) at a time]
The Basal Ganglia: disinhibitory gating of motor cortex output
At rest the striatum is fairly quiet and therefore theres continues inhibitory output activity from the globus pallidus which is causing inhibition of the thalamus therefore the levels of active excitation in the motor cortex is dampened down
Can have a transient burst of excitation in the striatum that can cause transient inhibition of the basal ganglia output, globus palidus in this case
This enables a disinhibitory of burst activity in the thalamus and therefore the motor cortex and then on the level of the motor neurones
Not just motor loops
Basal ganglia also important in regulating cognitive and affective resources- how you focus your cognitive resources and regulation of emotion
The cerebellum is a large brain structure that acts as a ‘parallel processor’, enabling smooth, co-ordinated movements (regulating errors and perfection of movement)
It may also be very important in a range of cognitive tasks
Like basal ganglia, no direct projection to the lower motor neurons – instead modulate activity of upper motor neurons
Contains approx half total number of CNS neurons
Just 10% of total brain weight
Projects to almost all upper motor neurons
Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellum (simplified)-
Mostly from motor cortex (copies of motor commands)
Also somatosensory and visual areas of parietal cortex
Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellum- Spinal
Proprioceptive information about limb position and movement (muscle spindles, other mechanoreceptors)
Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellum- Vestibular
Rotational and acceleratory head movement (semicircular canals / otoliths in inner ear)
Cerebellum function
It knows what the current motor command is
It knows about actual body position and movement
It projects back to motor cortex
Computes motor error and adjusts cortical motor commands accordingly
Not just motor control, but motor learning too, in collaboration with basal ganglia and cortical circuits
Functional brain imaging studies have demonstrated that the cerebellum is involved in a wide variety of non-motor tasks
Bypassing the lower motor neurons
Agency of action
sense of agency give us a perceptual shock
Evidence suggests that sense of agency is retrospectively created
Connections between frontal areas that develop motor plans for voluntary action and the parietal (association) areas that monitor outcomes play a key part in computing sense of agency
The delay between motor command, and perceived outcome is crucial – too short or too long can disrupt sense of agency