The Modern Era Flashcards
What factors influenced the outcome of the 1968 Election?
- Assassination of Democratic candidate Robert Kennedy in June 1968.
- Riots at the Democratic National Convention in August 1968.
- American frustration over the ongoing war in Vietnam- prompting LBJ to not run for reelection.
What domestic achievements did President Nixon have before Watergate?
- Creation of the EPA and celebration of first Earth Day.
- Passage of Title IX.
What is the EPA?
- The Environmental Protection Agency.
- Government agency that oversees policies regarding threats to the environment (ex. pollution).
What is Title IX?
- Addition to the Civil Rights Act that ensure that government funded schools and universities will not discriminate based on gender.
- Created provisions for increased classroom and extracurricular activities for female students.
How did President Nixon’s foreign policy impact the Cold War?
- Nixon promoted “detente”, encouraging eased relations with the communist world.
- He made trips to China and the Soviet Union greatly improving the relationship of the US with those countries.
What is the SALT I Treaty?
- Strategic Arms Limitation agreement between the US and Soviet Union.
- Example of detente.
- Created to help improve relations between the US and communist world.
How did US involvement in Vietnam change under Nixon?
- Nixon promoted Vietnamization- which started to decrease US troop numbers in Vietnam.
- Nixon approved American ground troops in Cambodia- which prompted unrest on college campuses.
- Nixon promoted peace talks with North Vietnam.
What is Vietnamization?
Decreasing American involvement in Vietnam. Increasing responsibility of the war to South Vietnam.
What were the Paris Peace Accords?
- The peace agreement between the US and North Vietnam- ending American military involvement in the Vietnam War.
- Marked the first official defeat for the US military.
What is Vietnam Syndrome?
Frustration towards American military involvement in foreign conflicts that increased after the US defeat in Vietnam.
What happened during the Watergate Scandal?
- During the 1972 Election year a group of burglars broke into Democratic Party offices after being paid by Nixon supporters.
- The group was arrested and an investigation started- prompting President Nixon to become involved in a cover-up with involved attempting to block the investigation and paying hush money to those involved.
- After he was reelected, The Washington Post. releases evidence exposing Nixon’s role in the cover-up.
Who was the Committee to Reelect the President?
- The group of Nixon supporters that helped organize the break-in at Democratic Party offices at the Watergate complex.
How did the Watergate Scandal impact Nixon’s presidency?
- After investigators realized that Nixon did not help plan the break-in but DID help cover-up the connection to his campaign, he was facing criminal charges and impeachment.
- To avoid being removed from office, Nixon became the first (and only) President to resign the office in August 1974.
Why did President Ford decide to pardon Nixon?
- Ford thought it would help America move on from the Watergate scandal and focus on other important issues.
How did Americans feel about the government after Watergate and Vietnam?
- There was extreme distrust and frustration toward politicians and the policies of the American government.
What challenges faced the US economy during the 1970s?
- High unemployment.
- High inflation.
- Gas shortages/Energy Crisis.
What is stagflation?
Economic trend during the 1970s; involving high inflation, a stagnant (slow) economy, and high unemployment.
What factors helped President Carter win in 1976?
- He was a simple, kind, honest, and religious man.
- Anger at the Republican Party after the drama of Watergate and the pardon.
What was the importance of the Iranian Hostage Crisis?
- After a 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, Carter attempted to support their ousted leader prompting protests in the capital.
- Dozens of Americans were taken hostage during these protests and held for over a year.
- Carter’s inability to get the hostages free before the 1980 election influenced his defeat.
Why and how did the US intervene in the Soviet Afghan War?
- Why? the US wanted to prevent the Soviets from strengthening Communism in Afghanistan
- How’s? The US sent money and weapons to the fighters facing the Soviets; the US adopted economic sanctions against the Soviets; the US boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics.
Who was the Mujahideen?
- Group of Islamic freedom fighters who fought against the Soviets during the Soviet Afghan War from 1979 to 1989.
- The US supported them.
- A young Osama bin Laden was a member of this group.
What factors influenced the Election of 1980?
- Struggling economy
- Ongoing Iranian Hostage Crisis
- Belief that Jimmy Carter was a weak leader
- Reagan’s strong public speaking skills as a former actor.
What changes did President Reagan want to adopt to address challenges within the economy?
- Large tax cuts for the wealthy.
- Decrease the influence of labor unions.
What is Reaganomics?
- Reagan’s plan to address ongoing challenges in the American economy
- Focused on large tax cuts for the rich– to encourage increased spending .
What changes did President Reagan want to adopt in the American military spending?
- Reagan wanted to significantly increase American military spending, to demonstrate our superiority over the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?
- Reagan Era military idea that proposed creating a space-based nuclear missile defense system.
- The extremely expensive program was ridiculed by Reagan’s critics- and nicknamed the “Star Wars” program.
What controversy surrounded the Iran Contra Scandal during the Reagan Administration?
*During the Iran-Iraq War, the US was giving weapons to Iraq and selling weapons to Iran.
* The US funneled money from the weapon sales with Iran to illegally support the terrorists (the Contras) in Nicaragua.
How did the relationship between the US and Soviet Union change during Reagan’s presidency?
- At first Reagan was incredibly hateful toward the Soviet Union, calling them the “Evil Empire”– and significantly increased US military spending, making things very tense.
- However, after Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union, the relationship greatly improved between the countries.
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
- Soviet leader that came to power in 1985.
- Promoted reforms in the Soviet Union that made the government more open and honest; while decreasing its communist principles of control over the economy.
- His reforms helped lead to the end of the Cold War.
What factors led to the end of the Cold War?
- Economic challenges and food shortages in many communist countries as military spending went up.
- Protests against communist governments throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union resulted in many peaceful revolutions.
- Attitude of reform encouraged by younger leaders in communist countries (like Gorbachev).
What was the significance of the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989?
- It helped lead to the peaceful decline of the communist government in East Germany; and the reunification of West and East Germany.
- Widely televised it encouraged peaceful protests in many other communist nations– and symbolized the beginning of the end for the Cold War.
What caused the collapse of the Soviet Union between 1990-1991?
- Several portions of the Soviet Union that were once independent (like Ukraine) declared their independence from the Soviet Union.
- Once these portions had all moved to be independent, the Soviet government was dissolved- and Russia was reestablished alongside its new independent neighbors.
How did the political map change after the end of the Cold War?
- Communism disappeared from Eastern Europe.
- Germany reunified.
- Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia broke up into multiple countries.
- Only 5 communist nations survived (such as China, Cuba, and North Korea).
What factors helped allow for the growth of modern technology during the 1980s?
- Emergence of new innovators like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates; with companies like Apple and Microsoft.
- Access to smaller and more affordable microchips.
- Efforts to make computers and other new technologies more user friendly.
How did the emergence of modern technology during the 1980s impact American society?
- Increased ownership of computers.
- Continued development of new ideas like cell phones and the internet into the 1990s.
- Made life at home, school, and work easier.
How did American foreign policy change following the end of the Cold War?
- The US became involved in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations (ex. Bosnian Civil War, genocide in Kosovo, Somali Civil War).
- Increased attention to conflicts in the Middle East. (ex. Persian Gulf War).
- 25% decrease in military spending
What caused the US to enter the Persian Gulf War?
- Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait, an American ally through the oil trade.
- The US wanted to protect American oil interests in the region; especially in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
What was Operation Desert Storm?
- The American military operation during the Persian Gulf War.
- Aimed to force Iraq out of Kuwait after their 1990 invasion.
Who was Saddam Hussein?
- Leader of Iraq that ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. (George HW Bush era)
- Overthrown by the US military in 2003. (George W Bush era)
What was the outcome and impact of the Persian Gulf War?
*Outcome: The Persian Gulf War resulted in a US victory- forcing Iraq out of Kuwait- but leaving Hussein in power.
* Impact: George HW Bush had 90% approval rating after this victory; Iraq detonated explosives in Kuwaiti oil wells causing a MASSIVE oil spill in the Persian Gulf.
What caused the Waco Siege?
- The FBI and ATF received reports that residents of the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, TX were stockpiling military grade weapons and committing child abuse.
- When government officials arrived at the compound a shootout erupted leading to a 51-day standoff; which eventually ended with a fire that killed dozens of Branch Davidian (including many children).
What was the effect of the Waco Siege?
- Many antigovernment extremists believed that the federal government was too aggressive at Waco- and caused many innocent deaths.
- Afterward these people want revenge against the government.
Why and how did the threat of domestic terrorism increase during the 1990s?
- Why: Many antigovernment extremists wanted to get revenge on the government after incidents like the Waco Siege.
- How: In 1995, two American citizens (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols) planned and executed a bombing at a Federal Building in Oklahoma City– the deadliest domestic terrorist attack in US history.
How did American policy decisions during earlier decades impact the growth of global terrorism near the start of the 21st century?
- the US government’s support of Israel in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinean conflict- angered many in the Middle East.
- Ongoing US involvement in the Middle Eastern oil business was viewed as American imperialism.
- US involvement and behavior during the Persian Gulf War, Iran-Iraq War, and Soviet Again War was also viewed as unnecessary involvement in the region by some people in the Middle East.
What is Al Qaeda?
- Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization formed in 1988.
- Responsible for multiple terrorist attacks against the US– including the 9/11 Attacks.
Who was Osama Bin Laden?
- Saudi born leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization.
- Connected to multiple terrorist attacks against the US before he was located and killed by the US military in 2011.
What key events demonstrate the growing threat of global terrorism near the start of the 21st century?
- 1993: Al Qaeda bombed the World Trade Center.
- 1998: Al Qaeda bombed two US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
- 2000: Al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen.
How were Al Qaeda and the Taliban connected before 9/11?
- After being kicked out of Saudi Arabia and Sudan- Bin Laden relocated to Afghanistan just as the Taliban government took control of the country.
- The Taliban government helped fund Al Qaeda training centers while Bin Laden planned the September 11th Attacks.
How did the September 11th Attacks physically impact the US?
- Deadliest terrorist attack in world history; killing nearly 4,000 people; including many airplane passengers, flight crews, business and government employees, and first responders.
- Billions of dollars of damages in NYC and DC; after the WTC and Pentagon attacks.
How did the September 11th Attacks emotionally impact the US?
- The 9/11 attacks unfolded on live television- spreading widespread trauma.
- While some Americans were upset that more wasn’t done to prevent the attack, American patriotism soared after the attack.
What was Flight 93?
- One of the four airplanes hijacked on September 11, 2001.
- After hearing from family members about the attacks, passengers fought back against their hijackers- ultimately leading to the plane crashing in a rural area near Pittsburgh.
- All passengers were killed- however, the plane did not hit its likely target in DC- saving many lives.
How did the US government change after the 9/11 Attacks?
- Airport security was enhanced with the creation of TSA.
- The Department of Homeland Security was formed.
- The USA PATRIOT Act. was passed.
What is the Department of Homeland Security?
- US cabinet department created to house the CIA, FBI, NSA, TSA, and immigrations services after 9/11.
- Created to improve communication and collaboration among these agencies.
What is the USA PATRIOT Act?
- Policy passed after 9/11 to enhance the government’s ability to maintain surveillance of its citizens (especially their digital devices) to protect national security.
- Faced many criticisms over infringing upon citizen privacy.
Why did the US invade Afghanistan and Iraq starting in 2001 and 2003?
- Afghanistan: The US wanted to topple the Taliban government that funded Osama Bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks.
- Iraq: The Bush Administration believe Iraq posed a future threat based on rumors they had WMDs (weapons of mass destruction).
What was Operation Enduring Freedom?
- The initial US military operation in Afghanistan that started weeks after 9/11.
- Focused on trying to topple the Taliban government and search for Osama Bin Laden.
What is the “Axis of Evil”?
Phrase used by President George W. Bush after 9/11 to refer to countries he believed posed the greatest danger to the US in the future: Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.
What important challenges has the US faced in the modern era?
- Instability in Afghanistan and Iraq following long periods of war in those countries; the Taliban returned to power.
- The emergence of new terrorist threats- like ISIS.
- Supporting Ukraine during its ongoing war with Russia.
- Concerns about future military or economic threats from communist nations- such as North Korea and China. (ex. Congressional ban on Tik Tok over security concerns).
- US financial aid in ongoing Israeli Palestinian conflict has caused protests in the US and resulted in reports of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the US.