The moderated extreme right or a radicalised right Flashcards
2012 improvements of voters made by M Le Pen
she had improved her votes by 1 million
How did Sarkozy describe the new FN under Marine
a democratic party born out of a Neo-Facist alliance, the mainstream had been radicalised in the eyes of Sarkozy
How has time been a factor in improving the image of the FN??
the far right in the FN can no longer be blamed for the crimes of WW2
What does UPM stand for
Union of Popular Movement- merger took place in november 1995 to create more a of a central right Party
Leading up to 2012 to reconfirm votes what did Sarkozy do? Ie what was his focus
the country was in a crisis, talked about the identity of France being ruined
Needed to be more moral and physical borders to reduce the increase in Net immigrant movement
What did the chief of staff under Sarkozy say about France?
that “ils veulent que la France reste la France”
Which was a large issue that separated the far right from the rest of the Parties?
equality, they said it was an unachievable desire
What did many argue would have happened had Sarkozy not conducted such a rightist campaign?
that the FN would have been able to secure more votes
What criticisms did Sarkozy make that backfired
He criticised the elites despite having been part of this system of clubs for the past 20 years
why was voting for Le Pen at the end of the first decade no longer a taboo?
the parties rhetoric became more and more reasonable in the eyes of many
she wanted to get rid of the idea that her party would receive only protest votes
Example of the increased radicalisation of Sarkozy
he proposed to take France out of the Schengen area in a bid to reduce immigration
What main policy in the late 00’s attracted a more populist movement for the FN?
the socio-economic crisis that France was experiencing was the main priority for France
in 1973 the FN identified the most with which political leader?
The regime of Pétain
from the years up until the change of the century what was the engine of productivity in the eyes of the FN?
the economic inequality
Le Pen described the Party as the antithesis of Rousseauistic egalitarian values
Immigration policies in the 80s
repatriation of Immigrants and ban on intercultural teachings
Radicalisation of immigration policy in the 1998
Mégret looked to give a 5000 Franc allowance for Babies born intO French Families
Example of reversed death penalties by 2002
death penalty would be given instead a referendum
How did JM Le Pen show his conciliatory side/ less confrontational
by saying the gas chambers were simply a moment in history
Tone of the nation during the elections of 2002 where Chirac one?
demonstrations against Le Pen who passed to the second round
What contrast can be seen between the 2002 election campaign of Le Pen and the 2007 one?
He made efforts to be a man of the Republic, shown by launching the campaign at Valmy
By 1998 had they already made some strides towards a more balanced/ Republican attitude?
yes, a formal declaration to adherence of anti-discriminatory values highlighted this
Main priority for Le Pen in 2012
becoming a party of government, rather than the doctrinal consistency
How did Marine LP twist stances on abortion to favour the masses - SOCIAL SHIFT
she said abortion costs could be used instead to help the elderly
Le Pen made an effort to shift the social policy of the Party but where was this less evident within their policy?
expulsion of foreign offenders
40,000 new prisons
fight against islam
In regard to Europe was the stance consistent from the 90s
yes, they were still anti-schengen
the 24% of votes that Le Pen received in the pre-election polls of 2012 showed… and what does this show?
that many of the votes had come from Lutte Ouvrière - shows that perhaps the Party was still attracting plenty of radicals even though it was supposedly de-radicalising
this is a large percentage considering most Presidents aimed for around 25% to be a contender in the second round
What showed that the Party has recently been attracting a wider scope
the municipal elections of 2014 highlight wins in leftist strongholds
Can the DNA of the FN ever be altered fully?
really at the core the anti republican values are still situated, with Le Pen criticising the trinity values
The far right is no longer anti system but
the system is anti-right - there has been a failure to form alliances
The party is nowadays
on a quest for integration that embodies many of the Republican values and internally encompasses many different individual motives
How has Le Pen described the management of local government in recent years?
as more managerial compared to the ideological driven approaches to towns such as toulon in the 1990s
What indicates that the Party is nevertheless on the outside
at rallies there are still radicals promoting national priority
there is a relentless ambition to promote sovereignty by reinstating the Franc and renegotiating France’s EU membership
how did the FN come about?
Up until 1972 the ordre nouveau was a prominent far right movement but in the relative world of politics was not a big player- spurred on by victory in Italy from the MSI they formed the FNUF and copied their values, even their emblem
how would you describe the ordre-nouveau’s ideology?
as somewhat neo-fascist
What were the themes that the FN advocated early on and why wasn’t this a success?
immigration and security - coherent enough if the public needed these issues solving
What happened when the ON withdrew from the FN?
costly to the development of the FN as they lost support dramatically
Danger of having such extremist views and example
the ON clashes with the communists in the 60s over views and was banned from Party politics- this left their reputation tarnished
How did Le Pen avoid complete marginalisation during the 70s
joined forced with catholic fundamentalists and integrated the national revolutionist group
What attitude could limit in theory most extreme parties?
increasing competition certainly has led to stubbornness in the FN, only recently has their success when they decided to de-radicalise some of their issues
Alliance formed with UDF?
In 1998 during the regional elections the FN ensured UDF victory in some regions in return for administrative influence