Socialism vs communism In Ve Republic Flashcards
What were primary issues that allowed the left to come into prominence for the first time in the last century?
abortions and homosexuality all saw the relative growth in exposure
What were major changes that the Left saw?
steady integration into globalisation and a capitalist economy
they pushed for decentralisation with certain departments becoming economic strongholds for the economy outside of Paris
three types of Party classification
Mass party
Cadre party
‘catch all’ Party - increasingly desirable given the context of the election system
What issues characterised the initial struggle for dominance on the left in the Ve Republic?
The cold war
fear of communism
A necessary dependence on smaller parties such as the Trotskyist supporters and the Parti Socialiste Unifié of the far left
How was the PCF regarded pre 5th Rep?
They had adopted a strong ideal that crossed Marxist beliefs with French rev traditional beliefs
Promised a future of no poverty and exploitation of the lower classes. The inclusion of associations such as the union de Femmes Francaises and the mouvement de jueness were important in giving enjoyment to the masses as well.
The PCF’s stance on the Ve République
They opposed it and suffered as a result
The isolation of the Party caused what with regard to the Deputies
the number of deputies they had decreased from 150 to 140
by 1988 what was the percentage of communist votes in the Presidential election?
6.8 %
What fundamental change in the demographic of the communist party took place?
Many of the resistance generation passed away whilst the new voters and members could no longer sympathises with the views of the Party- the same happened to the Gaullists as well
What was the effect of the rise of Unions in France and Larger firms who respected worker rights?
The PCF lost blue collar supporters and had to appeal instead to a new group of voters
The death of the leader Thorez saw what change?
de-sovietization as the Party no longer supported the global push for communism that was once attached with the Russians
How did Marchais further decrease the popularity of the PCF?
He supported Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Marxism was discredited
The PCF had lost it’s political direction in many senses
What was the problem on a local scale for the communists?
there was a lack of realism in the eyes of the communist mayors
These mayors however were damaging the image of the PCF by not solving the no. 1 problem of unemployment
Problem with the Party structure of the PCF
It endorsed democratic centralism which proved a weakness for reaching a wider support base
Many of the dissidents within the party were often expelled
Discussions within the Party were censored and monitored which proved very difficult for new ideas to be established
What difficulties did the Political system present to the 5th Republic?
the 2 stage voting system made it harder for to contest the Gaullist Majority
When was the common Programme created and what was it?
the first alliance between the PCF and the PS in 1972
How did the Common Programme benefit the Socialists?
It was near impossible for the commies to gain enough support to win the elections and thus supported Mitt in the elections of 65 and 74.
Why were the communists forced into the Alliance?
because they had a hunger to change their image
they were locked in a union with the PS
they eventually left the alliance in 1984 over fears of destruction
How did Marchais fast track the decline for the Party
He failed to drop democratic centralism
reinforced ties with Moscow
Failed to reach out to a wider support base
How did the PCF mutate slightly
eventually dropped its revolutionary identity
increase in membership of women and younger people
abandoned dependence on blue collars
What was the second Alliance with the socialists called?
‘La gauche Plurielle’ - 1997- 2002
Why did the second alliance work better for the PCF
Jospin made sure that communist views were respected, for example with the electricity negotiations
Why was Hue criticised?
for turning the Communist party into a PS mark two, this was fair as they depended heavily on the PS to make their mark
How did the PS look at the outset of the Ve Republic?
it was a struggling party with only around 70,000 members
they were keen to crush capitalism and clericalism
the position of the PS in the 60s
internal confusion and conflict
Deferre for example only achieved 5% of the votes in the Presidential elections
the position of the PS in the 70s
Period of Revival- name changed officially to the PS
Overtook the PCF in number of votes for the first time
position of the PS in the 80s
In power for the best part of the decade
failed to achieve economic transformation they had promised
position of the PS in the early 90s
the vote dropped to below 20%
position of the PS in the late 90s
they became part of an Alliance under Jospin premiership where they enjoyed a resurgence with the commies and the greens
What was the name of the alliance formed in the late 60s
the FGDS failed to make any connection with the students though
What did DG’s resignation spark?
gave way to Deferre to take advantage but failed- this in turn gave way to Mitterand
How many voters did Mitterrand attract
3 million out of the 5 million PCF voters
1981- what was the state of play between the two lefties?
the commies were reluctant to support their rivals but did so in order to maintain municipal gains
The socialists were ahead though
What did Mitterrand do by attracting the PCF support?
he had to look towards the a new Third Force- including the Centrists and the ecologists because the PCF had been weakened so much
What was the problem with Mitterrand diversifying support?
the groups he targeted prospered proportionately to the failure of the PS
Priorities in the Gauche Plurielle
anti-immigration laws reversed and employment opportunities became more prominent
How were smaller parties perceived in the Gauche Plurielle?
they were somewhat indispensable to the Alliance
The PS needed more than ever to maintain the credibility of the allies
Internal problems that arose in the GP
rivalries, between the MDC and PCF in particular who did not favour the Green parties ideas
Mauroy’s role in French Politics
PM from 81 to 84
First sec to P from 88 to 92
How could Mitterrand take the role of first sec in the PS
he joined the PS in 71 with the CIR and through a series of machinations he was able to gain this position
key divisions in the PS
Chèvenement left the PS and formed the MDC
Jospin and Fabuis were also divided
Pros of factionalism in the PS
voting for each motion could be done more fairly
each faction could compare themselves with others
there was a good representation of the shifting balance of views
Negs of SP factionalism
proved a problem in view of the imminent succession of Mitterrand
The poor image of the PS in the 90s was worsened by the squabbling on TV by the Fabusiens
Mitterands early statement on the PS
that the anyone who does not accept a rupture with a capitalist society will not be accepted a place into the PS- his views became less and less polarised in order to attract view, as time went on
Main doctrinal agreement in Programme commun
communists accepted the western bourgeois democracy
the socialists committed to nationalisations in France
Example of ways in which the spirit of socialism was lost in the 80s under Mitterrand
anti capitalist supporters at congress’ in toulouse and Lille in 84 and 86
business taxes were reduced and unemployment rose under them
Importance of policies under Jospin
they anchored the lefts credibility
whilst they also allowed them to pursue more pleasing policies to the markets including the 35 hour week and Universal health care
How did the PS finance itself
mainly through the URBA group which was illegal
How was the image of the PS ruined in the early 90s, named the socialist disgrace.
Mitterrand’s war record was revealed and the Urba incident too
Voting in the Party
by 81 had become a catch all party as the Gaullists had done in the 60s and increased suport of catholics and young people of whom now 45% were voting for the PS
Jospin reforms
tax on capital assets
1 billion franc emergency investment into unemployment
Social modernisation bill- work related rights