"The Minister's Black Veil" Reading Check Flashcards
Where is this story set?
In the 1600s
What were the Salem witchcraft trials, and when did it happened?
At least twenty accused witches were executed;
What is a sexton?
A person in charge of the maintenance of a church
Where is Milford?
What does Goodman mean?
A title of respect similar to “Mister”
What is a parson?
A rector or vicar
What happened when Reverend Mr. Hooper arrived at the door of the Milford meetinghouse, or was at least near it?
The sexton stopped ringing the bells and people were questioning if it was really Mr. Hooper
Why were people amazed to see Mr. Hooper?
He was wearing a black veil
Describe Mr. Hooper.
-About thirty in age
-A gentlemanly person
-Was dressed cleanly for Church
Was Mr. Hooper to exchange pulpits with Parson Shute?
But Shute had to excuse himself because he had to deliver a funeral sermon
What did the black veil not cover?
Mr. Hooper’s mouth and chin
In what manner was Mr. Hooper walking towards the meetinghouse?
He had a slow and quiet pace but still greeted others
How did the congregation react to Mr. Hooper’s black veil?
They did not like it;
Goodman Gray said he had gone mad, and an old woman said Mr. Hooper had changed himself just by hiding his face
Did Mr. Hooper notice the perturbation of his people?
He entered almost noiselessly
Did Mr. Hooper notice the perturbation of his people?
He entered almost noiselessly and bowed as he passed hs oldest parishioner
What did the vulnerable man (the oldest parishioner) do?
He did not really notice Mr. Hooper’s black veil until Mr. Hooper made his way into the pulpit
Did Mr. Hooper wear the black veil while he delivered his sermon?
How did Hawthorne personify the black veil?
He stated, “It threw its obscurity between him [Mr. Hooper] and the holy page]}
What was the rhetorical question in the story?
“Did he seek to hide it from the dread Being whom he was addressing?”
What does vulnerable mean?
Commanding respect
What does crape mean?
Piece of black cloth worn as a sign of mourning
How did Mr. Hooper usually preach?
He used “mild, persuasive influences”;
He wasn’t overtly passionate
How was Mr. Hooper’s preaching style different than from his usual style?
While it was marked by his usual characteristics of style and manner, there was something different about it;
The subject was more dark;
He references secret sins and sad mysteries;
It’s like he was calling out his audience on their sinful behaviors
How did Hawthorne use juxtaposition in his text?
“the most innocent girl, and the man of hardened beast”
How did Mr. Hooper’s speech affect its audience?
It shook them;
It felt as though they were being called out;
The audience couldn’t believe it was really Mr. Hooper behind the veil
What happened after Mr. Hooper delivered his sermon?
People acted differently around him;
While he still went on to greet the congregation, on one wanted to walk beside him
What happened before Mr. Hooper left?
He wore a sad smile
What does Omniscient mean?
All-knowing God
What does iniquity mean?
What does indecorous mean?
What does ostentatious mean?
Intended to attract notice
What does sagacious mean?
Shrewd; wise
Do Puritans hold an afternoon service on Sundays?
What happened after the afternoon service?
The funeral for a young lady was held
What happened when Mr. Hooper arrived at the funeral?
He didn’t get as lively a resonse as he got in the morning assembly because it was now a fitting cloth
According to a superstitious old woman, what happened when Mr. Hooper stooped over the coffin, which made his veil hang in a way where the corpse could see his face?
The corpse shuddered
How was Mr. Hooper’s funeral sermon?
It was full of sorrow but it was also hopeful, as he prayed that the entire congregation would too be ready to enter Heaven as the young lady
Why did the congregation members look back during the walk at the street, during which Mr. Hooper was all the way in the back?
They had a feeling that he and the young maiden’s spirit were walking hand in hand
What were the congregation expecting when Mr. Hooper arrived at the wedding in the evening?
That the weird aura around him would be gone by then
What does tremulous mean?
Characterized by trembling
How did the congregation and the couple react to Mr. Hooper’s donnnig of the black veil?
The bride was pale and quivering;
The ceremony was dismal
What happened when Mr. Hooper caught sight of his own sight in the reflection of a looking glass?
He shuddered, dropped his untasted wine on the carpet, and ran away
How does Hawthorne use personification in the story?
“For the Earth, too, had on her Black Veil.”
What does waggery mean?
Mischievous humor
What does “If…kneel” mean?
It’s a reference to Hawthorne’s short story “The Wedding Kneel”;
A kneel is the slow ringing of a bell, as at a funeral
What happened the next day?
Mr. Hooper’s black veil and the mystery behind it was the talk of the town
What does impertinent mean?
Not showing proper respect
Did anyone ask Mr. Hooper the meaning behind the black veil directly?
Despite the popularity of the issue, no one confronted Mr. Hooper about it, leaving it to the responsibility of someone else;
Eventually, this responsibility was assumed by the Church
What is one notable motif in the story?
Mr. Hooper’s constant melancholy smile;
He smiles after Elizabeth leaves him;
He smiles when Elizabeth confronted him;
He even smiled at the pale visages of the world despite being deemed a bugbear
Were the deputies able to confront Mr. Hooper?
They felt as though the veil acted as a border between Mr. Hooper’s heart and them, acting as a symbol of a secret
Who was the only person in the village unaffected by Mr. Hooper’s black veil?
His fiancee, Elizabeth
How did Elizabeth view Mr. Hooper’s black veil?
She simply saw it as a double fold of crape hanging down his face
What does synod mean?
High governing body in certain Christian churches
What does plighted wife mean?
How did Elizabeth’s confrontation with Mr. Hooper go?
-Elizabeth requests the Hooper remove the veil, but he doesn’t because he wants to wait for the right hour, presumably death
-He doesn’t want anyone, even his fiancee, to see his face under the veil
How does Elizabeth’s confrontation with Mr. Hooper go? (Part 2)
-He stated that he wears it to typify a sin of his
-Elizabeth reasons that he should just tell why because people may start assuming it’s because of something very grave
What does obstinacy mean?
When does Elizabeth start to experience the effects of the black veil?
When all her tries to get her fiancee to explain it do not succeed
What happened when Elizabeth confronted Hopper? (Part 3)
-She tried to leave, but Hopper said that he’ll remove the veil if she becomes his
-Elizabeth states that she’ll only become his if he lifts the veil right now, but he doesn’t
What reasons did the village think Mr. Hooper wore the black veil for?
-Popular opinion: He was a bugbear; he committed a great crime that even he couldn’t look at himself
-Unpopular opinon: It was an eccentric whim
How did Mr. Hooper begin to be treated around town?
People avoided him;
There were some people who threw themselves at his way to try and see his face under the veil;
He couldn’t look at himself
What was the benefit of the black veil?
Its gloom enabled Mr. Hooper to sympathize with all dark affections;
He became a really effecient clergyman
What does bugbear mean?
Something causing needless fear
What does preternatural mean?
How does Hawthorne use hyperbole in the story?
When he states that Mr. Hooper’s black veil was so influentil that it caused legislative measures during Governor Belcher’s administration to be characterized by gloom and piety
Did Mr. Hooper wear the black veil even on his death bed?
Who was Governor Belcher?
Jonahtan belcher (1682-1757), the royal governor of the Massacusetts Bay Colony from 1730 to 1741
What are natural connections?
Who attended Mr. Hooper’s funeral?
-The decourously graec
-Deacons and other members of his Church
-Revered Mr. Clark
-Elizabeth, a nurse
What happened when Revered Mr. Clark tried to remove Mr. Hooper’s black veil?
Mr. Hooper snatched both of his hands and pressed them strongly against the black veil, not letting it lift from his face
Did Mr. Hooper ever remove the black veil?
In his deathbed, what does Mr. Hooper say as his last words?
That he sees a black veil on every visage;
That people should also tremble at each other and not just at him