"Definition" Reading Check Flashcards
What does the word “definition” mean?
Means spelling out exactly what a word or phrase means
When are using definitions useful?
If one’s essay hinges on one of those disputed abstractions
What are the first two steps in using definition?
- Begin your definition by saying what the term means.
- Expand your definition, if necessary, with an etymological analysis of the term.
What is a lexical definition?
First placing a term in a general class and then showing how it differs from the others found there
What is an etymology of a word?
An explanation of its roots, of what it originally meant
How are etymologies useful?
They shed light on how the current meaning of a word evolved
What are the next two steps to using definition?
- Clarify your definition by stating what the word is not or does no mean.
- Expand your definition with examples.
What is the last step to using definition?
- To define a complex term properly, you may need to practice a combination of techniques: You may have to cite examples, analyze etymology, and/or porvide a lexical definition
What is the last step to using definition?
- To define a complex term properly, you may need to practice a combination of techniques: You may have to cite examples, analyze etymology, and/or porvide a lexical definition
What is the most common student error in using definition?
A circular definition
What is the text featured in this packet?
“Of Altrusim, Heroism, and Nature’s Gifts in the Face of Terror”
Who wrote this text?
Natalie Angier
What is the purpose of the text?
To inform
What is the audience of the text?
Educated readers
What is the language of this text?
Standard English
What is the strategy Angier employes for this text?
Cites evidence from research and theoretical speculation to define the role of altruism and heroism in genetics