"The Awakening": Reading Check Flashcards
What was the green and yellow parrot shouting at the beginning of the book?
“Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi! That’s all right!”
English translation: “Go away! Go away! For Heaven’s sake!”
Who was the only one that could understand the parrot?
The mockingbird that hung on the other side of the door
What day was it when the book began?
Why wasn’t Mr. Ponteller reading the Sunday paper?
The Sunday papers had not yet reached the Grand Isle
How old was Mr. Pontellier? Describe him.
He was a well-kept man of medium height and slender build
What time of day was it in the beginning of the story?
Who accompanied Mrs. (Edna) Pontellier on her beach adventure?
Robert Lebrun
What did Mr. Pontellier do before he left for Klein’s?
Kiss his two children goodbye and promise to bring them back bonbons and peanuts
What words were used to describe Mrs. Pontellier’s eyes?
Quick and bright;
Yellowish brown, like her hair
Mrs. Pontellier: Handsome or beautiful?
More handsome
What did Robert smoke?
A cigarette because he could not afford cigars
What occupation did Robert have?
He held a modest position in a mercantile house in New Orleans
What was Robert’s dream?
To go to Mexico, where fortune awaits him
Where is the story taking place in the beginning?
Grand Isle
What’s Mr. Pontellier’s first name?
Does Mr. Pontellier love his wife?
It is described that his wife was the sole object of his existence
What gender was Mr. Pontellier’s children?
What did Mr. Pontellier do for a living?
He had a brokerage business
What did Mrs. Pontellier do after Mr. Pontellier fell asleep?
Why did Mrs. Pontellier cry?
She doesn’t know the reason why, but it’s a common occurence;
She was just having a good cry
Where was Mr. Pontellier headed to?
Carpndelet Street
Was Mrs. Pontellier a mother woman?
Who was seen as the ultimate mother woman?
Adele Ratignolle
How long was Ratignolle married?
7 years
Every two years of her marriage, what did Ratignolle think of?
Having a child;
She had three at the time of the story
Was Mr. Pontellier a Creole?
What characteristic of a Creole has Mrs. Pontellier disoriented?
Their absence of prudery and freedom of expression
What age is Robert in the story?
How old was Edna Pontellier?
28 years old
Is Edna Pontellier enticed by the ocean? Why so?
Because the ocean is a place where she is able to lose herself “in mazes of inward contemplation”
What happened on a Kentucky summer day?
Little Edna Pontellier walked through tall grass
Did Edna marry her husband, Leonne, out of love?
It as described as an accident
What three people were Edna infatuated with? Name them in order.
- Calvary officer
- Young engaged man
- A tragedian
Where is the Goncourt Robert was assigned to give?
The bookshelf over the small table
What happened on the night of August 28?
Mrs. Pontellier experienced a dream-like night, she even learned how to swim;
Robert says it’s because on this night, a spirit haunting these shores has found Edna to be someone worthy of his company
What happened after the dream-like August 28 night?
Edna started spending more time with Robert
What color was the lateen sail of Tonie’s boat?
How did Edna react to news of Edward’s sudden departure to Mexico?
She was upset
Why is Edna upset when Robert leaves?
She loves Robert
Where do the Pontelliers live?
On Esplanade Street in New Orleans
How long had Edna been married to her husband?
6 years
What did Edna and Leonne first fight about when they went back to New Orleans?
Over Edna’s poor cooking of highly seasoned soup
What did Edna do after her first fight with Leonne back?
She removed her wedding ring an flung it;
Then, she broke a vase
How old was Victor?
A new version of Edna emerges upon her return to the city. How does this affect Victor?
He seems more interested in her
When does the story take place?
Postbellum; Post-Civil War America
When did the Doctor meet with Mr. and Mrs. Pontellier?
On a Thursday
What are the names of Leonne and Edna’s children?
Etienne and Raoul
Why does Edna love Robert?
Because she does
In what chapter do Edna and Alcee Arobin kiss?
Chapter 27
Does Edna love Arobin?
He’s more so there to satisfy her needs
Who were unable to attend Edna’s dinner before her moving?
Madame Ratignolle;
Madame Lebrun
In what order were the characters seated at the dinner?
Mrs. Highcamp;
Victor Lebrun;
Mrs. Merriman;
Mr. Gouvernail;
Miss Mayblunt;
Mr. Merriman;
Mademoiselle Reisz;
Monsieur Ratignolle
How old is Edna Pontellier?
29 years old
Why was Mr. Pontellier scared of Eda moving?
He didn’t want others to think that they were downgrading on their house
Why did Robert return from Mexico?
The Mexicans weren’t very congenial and he saw as much opportunity in where Edna lived as in Mexico
Did Robert and Edna keep in touch after Robert returned from Mexico?
He didn’t visit her, and Edna didn’t want to visit him on impulse
What did Edna find in the safe space she encountered in Chapter 36?
A sleeping mulatresse, a drowsy cat, and a glass of milk
What does Edna call her newly bought house?
What was the real reason Robert went to Mexico and came back?
Because he fell in love with Edna, who was not free