The Middle East Unit Test Flashcards
Who qualifies as being an Arab?:
Heritage from Arabia, Speak Arabic
Being an Arab is an ethnicity, not a religion
Mostly all Arabs are Muslims, but… Not all Muslims are Arabs
What is the capital of Iran?:
What is the capital of Iraq?:
What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?:
What is the capital of Syria? :
What is the capital of Lebanon?:
What is the capital of Egypt?:
What country is Mecca located in?:
Saudi Arabia
What country is Aden located in?:
What country is Tel Aviv located in?:
What country is Dubai located in?:
United Arab Emirates
What country is Istanbul located in?:
What country is Karachi located in?:
Why are Palestinians without a homeland?:
Jews and Palestinians in the area for a heck of a long time, Jews left for two thousand years, but Zionism and then they wanted to re-establish and protect Israel and other countries supported them, so it became Israel and not Palestine, war was fought but Palestinians lost, so now Palestinians don’t have homeland because they are too weak to fight Israel and win.
What is the common trait in regards to the locations of the major population centers of this region?:
They are all near water, whether the water is an ocean, a river, or a sea.
How does Zionism relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
Zionism was a movement all over that had the intent of the re-establishment and later protection of Israel/ a Jewish homeland
How does Palestine relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
Palestine/ Palestinians were already in the area, Palestine was already a thing before being separated into two independent Jewish and Muslim entities, then finally Palestine fought against the establishment of Israel, and lost, and now Palestine is a section of Israel (lots of conflict).
How does a mandate relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
The British Mandate split Israel and Palestine while basically holding both in it’s sphere of control
How does 1948 relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
1948 Arab-Israeli War, in which the Arab military coalition of the Arab of Palestine tried to fight against the Israeli military force in order to push Israel out of what was formerly Palestine, but Israel won the fight, so, ya know, ISRAEL
What is the most important resource in this region? Why is it scarce?:
The most important resource in this region is water, because it is water and they live in a desert, and the reason it is scarce is because it is the literal desert.
How does the Balfour Declaration relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
Lord Balfour of Britain promised the Jews the same land that was promised to Arabs, but the promise to the Jews was called the Balfour declaration.
How does the United Nations relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
The United Nations Partition: plan created by UN to separate Israel into two different and independent Jewish and Arab entities, while places like Jerusalem belonged to neither of them, and were International stations monitored by the UN
How does the Sykes-Picot Agreement relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
Britain: Fight against the Ottoman Empire with us and we will give you land
Arab States:coughs yeah ok sounds good
Ottoman Empire: loses
Britain: Let’s split up the land
France: wi wi
Britain: cool
Arab States: so about that land promise
Britain: Oh yeah we kind of also promised that to the Jews
How do refugees relate to the establishment of the Jewish homeland?:
Once Israel won and was established, the Palestinians were a people without a nation. Therefore, they became refugees.