Citizens Final Exam Flashcards

  • British philosopher (political philosopher)
  • His ideas on the way gov. should operate and personal freedoms laid the ground work for our Declaration of Independence
  • These ideas were fairly revolutionary at the time; created terminology for idea that gov. should derive power from people; the people don’t know the gov. is there, but they are there to keep order and make sure you’re safe
  • In his opinion, gov. should stay out of the picture for the most part

John Locke (1632-1704: 17th century)

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  • Inventor/writer/one of our key founding fathers/scientist/diplomat/politician
  • Very versatile
  • Business man, started first hospital, library, and fire department (in the US/colonies)
  • Ambassador to France~ “The Father of France” because he was a playa

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790: 18th Century)

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  • General in the Revolutionary war
  • Became president of our country
  • Came from being wealthy farmer/planter
  • No kids
  • Very dignified, every one respected him as a leader
  • President of Constitution Convention
  • Office of Presidency created just because he was around

George Washington (1732-1799: 18th Century)

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  • Thought of as brightest president
  • Spoke many different languages as well as some Native American dialects
  • Botanist/politician/philosopher/architect/author
  • Author of Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826: 18th/19th Century)

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  • Not popular during presidency, which was marked by the American Civil War
  • Failure at everything until being elected president
  • Died in the same year that the Civil War ended
  • Was willing to do things others weren’t at this time to keep the Union together
  • Is credited with keeping the Union together
  • Republicans and Democrats both view him as the best president ever
  • The only time he ever displayed happiness was one day after the war ended
  • Assassinated five days after the war ended

Abraham Lincoln (1806-1865: 19th Century)

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  • Unlike Lincoln, adored by only one party
  • New Deal: get people to work by building stuff we may be able to use in the future, in an attempt to get us out of the Great Depression. But, this put us in debt
  • Was President of the US during WWII
  • Only person to serve more than two terms, served into his 4th term
  • Had polio

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945: 19th/20th century)

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  • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s wife and distant cousin
  • Possibly most popular first lady of our nation’s history
  • Was newspaper writer and had own career
  • As first lady, she wrote news columns and opinion columns
  • Stood in for FDR at high level meetings
  • First US representative to UN, wrote Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN’s foundation)

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962: mostly 20th century)

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  • Born into royalty, was a prince (Hindu)
  • Born into town in modern day Nepal, back then was actually India
  • Father sheltered him from everything outside the palace walls
  • In his 20s, he left the palace against his father’s wishes and saw sick and dying people that he never knew existed
  • Meditated on it for 49 days to feel what the sick felt
  • Came up with the idea that our problems stem from our desires
  • Name means “the awakened one”

Buddha {Siddhartha} (563-482 BCE)

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  • Leads Jews out of Egypt and back to the Promise Land
  • Gets angry and smashed 10 commandments
  • Has to get another copy from God
  • Kicked out of Promise Land

Moses (13th Century, B.C)

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•Foundation of Christianity


Jesus Christ {Yoshua} (0-33)

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  • Not only started a religion, but was the first ruler of the Islamic Empire
  • In Islam, it is not allowed to display a depiction of this person

Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

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  • Close advisor to the Prophet Muhammad
  • First successor of Muhammad dies, this person is the second successor
  • This person swiftly expands Islamic Empire
  • All the places he took over are still under Muslim control, aside from Israel

Umar ibn al-Khattab (586-644)

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  • Last successful invader of the British Isles
  • From Normandy (Northern France)
  • 1066 - leads troops out of France and successfully invaded British Isles (last time that happened)
  • Defeats the Saxons, Anglos, also Gaelic who spoke Germanic languages
  • This person spoke French
  • Overtime, the two mixed and became English (specifically for the Saxons and Anglos) (Germanic + Romance = English)

William the Conqueror (1027-1087)

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  • Linked with the Protestant Reformation
  • Had a problem with the way the Catholic Church functioned in 1500
  • Creates another schism in Christianity
  • Posts 95 things he has a problem with on walls of church
  • He believed Latin Christian church is corrupt

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

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  • Invented printing press
  • This invention increased literacy immensely
  • Sparked the Renaissance
  • This allowed for books to exist (for everyone), newspapers
  • Before this, there was no real need for people to become literate because they had no access to books

Johann Gutenberg (1400-1468)

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  • Was a Tsar
  • Westernized/modernized Russia
  • Founded St.Petersburg
  • Established a Russian Navy
  • In order to defend against Mongols (because there were no real natural defences), this guy had the Russians bury the capital (Moscow) in the middle of a forest, because this impairs horses
  • Russia was part of dark ages but not the Renaissance, and they never really left the dark ages
  • This dude recognizes this and goes and travels incognito through Europe to figure out how to make Russia better
  • Was a pretty nice dude actually

Peter The Great (1672-1725)

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•”Workers of the world: Unite!”
•German Jew that was not a ruler, he created idea of Communism
•Economist/Economic Philosopher–Author
•Writes: *The Communist Manifesto (communist bible)
* Das Capital (a critique of capitalism)
•”Workers of the world, unite!” – the person
•Calls for working class revolutions


Karl Marx (1818– 1883)

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  • Still living
  • Perestroika (the Reconstruction of Russia)
  • Becomes Soviet Premier in 1985
  • Becomes first college educated leader (of USSR/Russia) since Lenin
  • Much more liberal than crueler forbearers
  • Wants to open up country to rest of the world, more trade, less cruel
  • Gives people more individual freedoms, but he ended up ending the USSR – new countries are independent
  • This essentially ends the Cold War
  • Wins the Nobel Piece Prize in 1990
  • Wins Time Man of the Year
  • Russians hate him pretty much – this eliminated them as one of the two superpowers of the world
  • 90s were rough, basically run by the mafia

Mikhail Gorbachev (1931– )

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•”A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
•Turned communist//marxist government into ruthless
totalitarian government
•Lenin’s successor
•Is responsible for 20 million deaths (more than Hitler)
•Was Georgian
•Changed name to what we know him by today
•His new name meant “Man of Steel”


J.V. Dzugashvili {Stalin} (1879–1953)

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  • Didn’t implement Communism that is found today
  • First guy to try to implement Marxist ideas on a grand scale
  • Smart guy
  • Wrote 65 books
  • Very radical
  • Brother tried to kill the tsar, was captured and executed
  • Believed in ideas of Marx
  • Was imprisoned in 20’s and sent to Siberia, then released and sent to Germany
  • Last college educated leader in Soviet Union until 1989

V.I.Ulyanov {Vladimir Lenin} (1870-1924)

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  • Born right around the time the Protestant Reformation began
  • This influenced her a lot
  • Daughter of King Henry VIII
  • The citizen was the first Protestant born ruler of England
  • Defies the Pope, who then decried it wasn’t a sin to assassinate her
  • Claimed throne when 25, ruled for 45 years
  • This is regarded as the Golden Age
  • Laid out the beginning for the country’s empire
  • “Married to England”
  • Most beloved ruler in the history of England
  • Knighted Pirate Francis Drake because he stole Spanish jewels

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

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  • Sean, you are supposed to hate her
  • Becomes Queen at 18, rules for 64 years
  • Responsible for British stereotypes (formal, proper, serious, Victorian morals)
  • Husband died, she wore black every day for the next 40 years
  • Overran Ireland, put them under British rule, Irish hate her
  • When she died, became a rule that all doors in British Empire had to be painted black
  • Even now, almost all Irish doors are painted very bright, because this Queen was pretty the human embodiment of everything that wasn’t Irish

Queen Victoria (1819-1901)

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  • Roughly 100 years before Jesus
  • Is going to be stabbed by his friends (betrayed –> where “stabbed in the back” comes from)
  • Only Roman Emperor for 1 year, but easily most famous
  • Very charismatic
  • Great speaker, military general, writer
  • Legendary playboy
  • “He was every woman’s man and every man’s woman”

Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.)

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  • Born into power and came into power at 18
  • Roman history says she was beautiful
  • Julius Caesar’s most famous love interest
  • Sees young Roman Empire that now has a new ruler and has idea to marry Caesar and merge Empires
  • Puts this plan into action, meets Julius Caesar
  • One thing leads to another and they get married and she has his son
  • He is assassinated so her plan starts to fall apart
  • Hooks up with Mark Anthony and they have twins, then she leaves him and tries to hook up with Augustus Caesar
  • She is rejected, so she commits suicide by snake

Cleopatra VII (69-30 B.C.)

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* Also known as Octavius * Julius Caesar's nephew * Greatest of Roman Rulers in terms of what he accomplished * "Benevolent Despot" (so 'good dictator') * Had total power and used it for good * Augustus inherited culture that was out of control - heavy drinking, sexual promiscuity, basically one huge frat party * So, by using despotic power, he makes it illegal to not be married and not be faithful, kids have to go to school * Wants to create society that isn't built on what he views as immoral
Augustus Caesar (63 B.C. - 14 A.D.)
* Classic Greek author * Second most ancient citizen * 2,800 years ago * Author of the Odyssey and the Iliad * Odyssey is required reading most places on the globe still to this day * Those texts are older than the Bible, Odyssey formed basis for adventure stories * Believed he went blind at some point
Homer (8th Century, B.C.)
* "The unexamined life is not worth living." * One of the many ancient Greek philosophers * Is the earliest of the Greek philos. * Didn't write anything down, wasn't author and didn't work in education * Lived in city state of Athens * Was the old wise guy in town * Brilliant, but just liked to talk to people * Had a following of young people who thought of him as mentor * His way of discussing things was very strange * Basically just questioned everything people said * Would question you until you questioned yourself and eventually agree with him
Socrates (470-399 B.C.)
* Young student of Socrates * Writes 36 books * Writes "Dialogues", which was a book about conversations people had with Socrates * "Republic" where he discusses the ideal form of government, or how the ideal form of government would work * Ideal form of government is an aristocracy according to him (aristocracy: led by most knowledgable/ethical-he said the best) * First person we know in history to advocate for gender equality * Starts very first big school called "The Academy" * One of his prize students was Aristotle
Plato (427-357 B.C.)
* Ancient Greek Philosopher * Basically walking encyclopedia * Was the expert on everything * He was super smart, was extremely hard to dispute anything he said * Was the authority and ideas weren't challenged for a very long time * Said government should fund public schools, and scientific research * But he also did things like argue that the universe revolves around the earth * Also argued that slavery was good :'( * Argued that women are naturally inferior to men :'(
Aristotle (384-322, B.C.)
* Expanded Greek Empire considerably * was from Macedonia * Dad was Philip of Macedon * Born into monarchy * Basically a stud * Would lead troops into battle and then left unscathed * Never defeated, never lost a battle * Solders thought he was immortal * Became so powerful that when he marched towards Egypt they immediately surrendered and made him Pharaoh --> Alexandria, Egypt * Problem on personal level was that at age 33 he died of a fever * When he died, he was buried in honey, but no one knows where
Alexander the Great (356-323, B.C.)
* Believed women should have a choice with pregnancies, not the husband * Mom had 18 pregnancies in 15 years * Dying during this time period wasn't uncommon * Born around the time that the Comstock Law was put in place, which made birth control illegal, and made it illegal for doctors to even tell patients about it * Magazine: woman rebel: argued women should have a choice when it comes to their body * She got the idea of birth control out to the public, and it became an accepted part of society
Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
* "Ordinary men need rules; I am not ordinary." * Generally regarded as the best architect ever * Had a monstrous ego * 280 buildings designed that are still standing * Got his break in 1923 when he designed a house in Tokyo. Earthquake, his house still stood while every other house had broken down * "Prairie Style" Architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
* Born on same day and in the same year as Abraham Lincoln * Goes to college in early teens * Smart but messes around in college and doesn't really pay attention * Science professor offers him spot on HMS Beagle (ship going all around the world to do research) * Ignores dad who says he should finish college first * Did a lot of research in the Galapagos Islands * Wrote "Origin of Species", where he describes basically the theory of evolution through natural selection
Charles Darwin (1806-1882, 19th Century)
* Funded by Queen Isabella to discover new world * Redhead * Italian dude * Accidentally 'discovered' America and wiped out the Natives * Was on his way to India * Was not a great sailor or navigator * He never knew that what he had discovered wasn't actually India and Indonesia (a quicker way there) * Arrested and returned to Spain in shackles
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
* Adored by the French * Went to military school at 16 * Worked his way up and became French military dictator * Expanded France's Empire to largest it ever was * Great at battle but not leading an Empire * Belligerent, kind of vicious * Sold Louisiana Purchase * Tried to invade Russia and failed (haha bro you thought) * Left Haiti which was profitable because of sugar cane, but left because the slave uprising was successful * In prison and then broke out * Then defeated at Waterloo * 5'7'' warrior, average then but short now * Feisty
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
* Instead of Barbaric tribes, he united groups of Barbarians * Conquered different groups of Barbarians and united them under on Barbarian Empire * Only person to do this * Did this with twin brother until he killed him * Died of nose bleed on wedding night
Attila the Hun (405-453)
* She is maybe the ultimate French icon or hero * 600 years ago, there wasn't a whole lot of gender equality at the time * 13 years old * Visions from God that she needed to raise an army and restore King Charles to the throne * She believed it was her destiny, and actually did it * King Charles does reclaim the throne * Continues fighting the British until captured and burned at stake at age 19 * Probably had fatal disease that would have ended her life early (Tuberculosis???)
Jeanne d'Arc {Joan of Arc} (1412-1431
* Most important guy in the history of medicine * Back then, people didn't accept that germs make you sick and die * Got germ theory accepted * Invented pasteurization, as a way to remove harmful organisms to make beverages safer to drink * Came up with idea of vaccines, though he didn't actually develop vaccines * Because of him, life expectancies all over the world have almost doubled
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
•Computer??? before computers
Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
* Most quoted author of all time * Plays and sonnets * His plays and stories are about the human condition, things that all humans go through * Elizabethan author (during the time that Queen Elizabeth ruled) * YOU'RE A SAUCY BOY!!!
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
* The preeminent rocket scientist * Was responsible for German V1 & V2 rockets * Nazis had best tech when it comes to this * We found him instead of the USSR * Started NASA
Wernher von Braun (1912-1977)
* Opened field of psychology * Psychologist * Father of Psycho-Analysis * Idea that your personality and problems, as well as what drives you all stems from your early childhood * Saw dreams as representations of your subconscious * Was fairly obsessed/overly interested in sex/sexual repression?? * Big fan of cocaine
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
* Russian, Jewish * Moved to US with family because of Anti-Semitism * Became top Zionist fund raiser * Became first female Prime Minister in Israel/Middle East * Had to disguise herself as a man to meet with leaders of neighbouring countries * First world leader to kind of have to stare down modern day terrorism * 1972 Israeli Olympic team was taken hostage and eventually murdered * Palestinian terrorist entered Olympic compound and took hostage and eventually killed the Israeli team (11 people) * German law enforcers sucked
Golda Meir (1898-1978)
* Her father at the time of Pakistani Independence became early Pakistani ruler until assassinated * Very westernized, modest * Became first and only female ruler of a Muslim country * People wanted her to marry rich Pakistani businessman in order to rule * He sucked, removed her from office, and exiled her * She went to London where she worked to help establish democracy in Pakistan * She was on the ballot for the elections * Osama bin Laden warned her not to come back to Pakistan * When she moves forward with plans and campaigns in Pakistan, Al-Qaeda shooters kill her on Christmas Day in 2007
Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007)
* Naturalist | * House burned down
Aldo Leopold
* French mathematician and philosopher * Geometry, x&y axis, these were things he created in his spare time * Most noted for being Renaissance Philosopher * We are well into the Renaissance when he shows up, he is as much a symbol of the Renaissance as anyone else * Doubt everything, basically * "The only thing I know for sure is that I exist because I can think" * 'I think, therefore, I am'
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
* Swiss born but French speaker * Mom died while giving birth to him * All kinds of mental problems * Renaissance era philosopher * Believed in natural good of mankind * Nature makes you good (when you are born) but society corrupts you * Rebel when it comes to belief in individual freedom * Said kids learn best by experiencing, said school was the worst way to educate kids * Had many love affairs, didn't marry until 56
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
* Known for Helio Centricism * Polish * Bible and Aristotle said Earth was center, and no one disputed this for a long time * Renaissance kind of marked by opening up of the mind, and he is one of the key figures of the Renaissance * Said Earth is one of the many rocks that circle around the sun * But, he waited until he was on his deathbed to release this info so he wouldn't be punished * Started Copernican Revolution
Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543)
* Comes after Copernicus * Still earlier part of the Renaissance * Is deeply religious himself, but also believes deeply in experimentation * Responsible for scientific method * However, his support of the ideas of Copernicus got him into some trouble by challenging Aristotle's ideas on whether heavy things drop faster than light things * Built very powerful telescope * Finds out that gravity hypothesis was right * Finally put on trial for believing in Helio Centricism * Has to recant everything he said and live in house arrest for rest of life
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
* British prime minister during WW2 * "Man of the half century" * Very versatile, author, artist, won Nobel Peace Prize (for literature as historical author {author of history}) * All across the board, amazing accomplishments * Kind of stubborn, argumentative * Highly intelligent * Huge ego, always had to have the last word (great mastery of English language)
Winston Churchill (1875-1965)
* Leader of Nazi Germany in WW2 | * Responsible for mass genocide of millions of people in the Holocaust
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
* Italian Renaissance philosopher (one of the early philosophers whose thoughts weren't really controlled by religion) * He wrote "The Prints", which is basically an instruction book for training someone who will later be ruler to be a good ruler * Quote that he didn't actually say (theme of his book): 'the ends justify the means'... so do whatever you have to do to achieve the result you want * This book basically becomes a handbook for how to be an evil dictator * He says 'Heaven is full of honest beggars and losers, and he'll be in hell with Kings and Rulers'
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
* Was not well respected in her time * Viewed as kind of immoral, a bit of a tramp * Spent some time in jail * Had child out of wedlock, which was not culturally accepted at the time * The father left her * Self educated, worked as a nanny * Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women", and "An Education of Daughters" * Married again during 30s and got pregnant, had daughter but 11 days after giving birth she dies * Her daughter ends up taking the name Mary Shelley * Mary Shelley was author of Frankenstein * 100 years later, the afore mentioned woman's books become foundation of Feminist/Women's Rights movements * Really first women's rights activist * British
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)
* The Mahatma, "Great Soul" * Mahatma is a nickname * People that met him tended to report the same impressions that people way back when who met Jesus reported * Super calm, couldn't shake his confidence or will power * During the main part of his life, nationalism grew in popularity * He led India to independence in 1947 * What was different about him in comparison to other revolutionaries, he was all about, above everything else, non-violence * Indian nationalism rose in the early 20th century –wanting independence from British rule * He promoted non-violent resistance * Boycott- refusing to purchase (British goods), Fasting- galvanized country in support of the cause * Also worked to improve the treatment of the untouchables and of persecuted Muslims * Was assassinated by a Hindu fundamentalist
Mohandas Gandhi {The Mahatma} (1869-1948)
* Generally been as _____, but as of 2016, she became Saint _____ of Calcutta * Born in Albania, she was small, 4'10'' * She decided early on that her calling was to go find a place with the highest concentration of misery in the world and go there to live and work everyday to go make their lives better * She herself never wanted publicity and basically lived in poverty herself * Went to go walk the streets in this Indian city to go find dying untouchables to help them, because she said she believed no one should die alone * Anti-abortion * Catholic nun
Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
* Was a 3rd generation Baptist Reverend * His work was inspired by Gandhi (getting change and doing it in a peaceful way without violence) * Working for civil rights at same time as Malcolm X, who was doing it through violent means * Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as voting act * Won Nobel Peace Prize * I have a dream * Assassinated at Garbage collector's strike on his balcony (Memphis Hotel//Tennessee) * FBI detective went to great lengths to try to prove he was a criminal, but couldn't * But he did find out that he had various affairs in different cities he was in
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
* Essentially the George Washington x5 of South America * Liberated 5 South American countries from Spanish rule * He himself was Venezuelan * Ruled Venezuela after but was a failure as a ruler * Died depressed and in poverty after being ousted from Venezuelan rule
Simon Bolivar (1783-1830)
* Evita - musical based on her life, then became a movie * Had pretty awful upbringing * No father around * Lived in poor rural Argentina * Responsible for raising most of her siblings * She became a prostitute at 13 to support her family * As she gets into later teens, she hooks up with musical group's guitarist * Ends up in Buenos Aires and starts own career * Military General takes interest in her and she leaves her guitarist boyfriend * General soon becomes Military Dictator * Upper class hated 'young tramp first lady' * She then fought hard for poor people and women's rights * The two of them bankrupt Argentina but institute some forms of democracy
Eva Duarte Peron (1919-1952)
* American inventor * Most important inventor ever * Holds over 1,000 patents * Had 3 months of formal education before it was determined he was retarded * Wasn't, but hard of hearing * Became obsessed with whatever problem he was trying to solve * Forgot to sleep, eat, his own wedding, nothing would distract him from solving his problem(s) * "Genius is 2% inspiration, and 98% perspiration." * Not naturally gifted, but just worked super hard
Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
* Wasn't American born * Born in Scotland, move here when 35 * Worked with the deaf * Actually married one of his deaf students (she was an adult) * Through his work with sound, invented the telephone * Went to patent office and got patent * Then wants to sell patent to make his fortune * But, Western Union didn't see use in telephone * Started own company called American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T)
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
* Invented dynamite in 1800s, which is funny because he was a huge pacifist * Invented it for construction * Educated in Russia * Appalled by dynamite's use in warfare * Made a fortune off of his invention * No one to leave it to, so he creates a fund, out of that, yearly there would be an award given out called the ______ ______ Prize (endowment fund = invested money, builds and builds and builds) * Nowadays, winners are given $1.5 million
Alfred Nobel (1833-1896)
* French-Swiss (he was Swiss) * Founder of the Red Cross * First Nobel Peace Prize winner * Also founder of YMCA * Basically got nothing for winning Nobel Peace Prize
Jean Henri Dunant (1828-1910)
* Living around same time as Buddha * First great Chinese philosopher * Known for his view on morality * He would say you don't worry about human rights, but human obligations such as respecting and worshipping family (parents, grandparents, ancestors), all about reflecting honour for your family) * Kind of the foundation of Chinese culture even today
Confucius (551-479) B.C.
* Name means old teacher * Credited with writing 'Tao Te Ching' * Which becomes sort of Bible for ____ism * May not be religion but definitely has philosophy attached to it * Tao means way, the way we are, our spirit * Not really a lot of ambitious activities that go on
Lao Tzu (4th Century B.C.)
* Combines all these warring states into China which he ruled * Guy who started/ordered construction of the Great Wall, (which was a brutal process) * He becomes obsessed with gaining immortality * Physician gives him a ton of Mercury which killed him and made him even crazier * Then he ordered a terracotta army to be built and put in formation around his tomb when he dies to protect him in the spirit world, and had a moat of mercury around his tomb as well. All soldiers slightly different, based on real guys
Shih Huang Ti (259-210 B.C.)
* During the Han Dynasty, he was working in the Chinese government as a eunuch * Since he had some spare time, he made paper out of bamboo * Presents it to the Emperor, and the government understood the value and their advantage and hid the recipe * 600 years later, the Arabs stole the recipe
Ts'ai Lun (approx. 105 B.C)
* Is responsible for communism in China * He was usually referred to as Chairman ____ * When he ruled, he ruled more people than anyone had ever ruled over * Born into rich family in Shanghai, which is ironic because usually poor people like the idea of Communism a lot more than rich people
Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976)
* Was emperor (shogun) of Japan * His name was changed to _____ after he died * Was around our age when he became Emperor * This was during Japan's most pivotal point in history * Has choice to fight to keep Japan closed off from the rest of the world (when he knew he would lose the fight) or join the rest of the modern global world * Wrote 100,000 haikus? So 5 or 6 every single day for 50 years * Smart kid * Samurai code based on honour (loyalty, die even if they lose, against the change) * Mutsuhito (his original name) makes decision that it has to change (Japan) * Modernizes Japan, liked the Peter the Great of Japan
Meiji Tenno {Mutsuhito} (1852-1912)
* Funded Christopher Columbus * Queen of Spain – ruled at height of Spanish global power * Very Catholic * Spanish Inquisition - citizens of Spain must be Catholic -convert or get out (those who didn't were tortured) * Sparked the beginning of the end of the Spanish Empire
Queen Isabella I (1451-1504)
* Came up with the term Utopia (perfect society) * Was the head of the Catholic Church in England before the Protestant Reformation * Beheaded by King Henry VIII
St. Thomas Moore (1477-1535)
* Most influential scientist * Invented Calculus/algebra * ______'s Laws of Motion * Knighted
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
* German Jew * Was on the Nazi's most wanted list * Man of the 20th Century * Worked backwards through the Scientific Method * Genius/Nutty Professor * "Time slows down the faster you're moving" * e=mc^2 * Created the technology for the atomic bomb (was not proud of this) * Created technology for television
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
* The most brilliant man alive today * Theory of the Universe * Diagnosed with ALS in college and was told he had 2 1/2 years left to live, but fifty years later, he is still alive today * Expert on Physics
Stephen Hawking (1943-present)
* Scientist * Polish * Discovers radium and polonium * Learns Physics when she is 20, in a foreign language * She and her husband win Nobel Prize together in Physics * 10 years later, she winds a Nobel Prize in Chemistry * Sticks a piece of Radium next to her bed and ended up dying from leukemia which often develops from radiation * Close friends with Einstein
Marie Curie (1867-1934)
* Just getting into Renaissance, just coming out of the Dark Ages * Italian, from Florence * Best example/earliest example of a Renaissance man (a jack of all trades) * Known for the 'Mona Lisa', 'The Last Supper * Really into high society life, everyone liked him * Total of only 20 paintings * Da Vinci didn't really invent stuff, just very imaginative blue prints that were ahead of his time * Seemed to kind of start things but not finish them
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
* Living same time as Leonardo * Living in Florence * Hated Da Vinci, thought he gets a lot of credit that he doesn't deserve * People came to him to get stuff done, but no one wanted to hang out with him * Nonstop working * Known for Sistine Chapel, though he hated the project (the Pope asked him to do it, so he couldn't just say no) * Known for sculptures (King David sculpture) * Also an architect * Sort of a contemporary, but opposite of Leonardo
Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564)
* Dutch Artist (Netherlands) * Very Very Dutch * Like 2,000 pieces of art from him * Like the ultimate painter of portraits (known for portraits)
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)
* 'Water Lilies' * French painter that is credited with impressionist style of painting * Kind of starts impressionism with his painting 'Impressions' * Later in life goes blind, but continues to paint, does pretty well * Amazing display of perseverance * Over 3,000 paintings of his
Claude Monet (1840-1926)
* Was impressionist painter * Started painting as a form of art therapy * Because he was depressed and mentally unstable * Ended up in a mental institution * Never made money off his paintings when he was alive * Cut off his own ear because he had an inner ear infection * Winds up shooting himself in the gut
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
* Mainly 20th Century * Spanish Artist * Influenced a lot by Spanish Civil war * Ended up becoming the most well known artist in the world during his time * Lived it up * Symbol of creativity, well respected * Most well known for cubism * Made tons of art, not just paintings (sculptures, pottery, paintings, ballet scenery, drawings, photography)
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
* very renowned opera composer * Became prominent and influential composer * German * Revolutionized western music * Castle built for him in Germany * Lasting legacy/influence: most of the antagonists/villains in his operas were Jewish, and while he insisted he wasn't anti-Semitic, Hitler loved his operas
Richard Wagner (1831-1883)
* German * Was an organ player (for his church) * Master of counterpoint * Composes 800 pieces of music * Not very well known during his time * Not naturally gifted, just worked really hard to get to be successful
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
* Created one of the fiercest fighting groups ever * Largest land empire ever (Mongolia/Golden Horde) * Brutal and vicious * Enslaved as a child and fought his way
Genghis Khan (1162-1227)
* Began writing music at age 4 * Musical genius * Had social problems * Did not revise his music (he made it perfectly in his mind) * Died young and unhappy
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
* Used music to get away from his chaotic life and past * Had a bad temper * Not a very likeable person * His greatest symphonies were written when he was deaf * Committed suicide when he went deaf because music was the only thing that made him happy
Ludwig V. Beethoven (1770-1827)