South Asia Unit Test Flashcards
Name the largest city in Pakistan:
Name the largest city in India:
What is the capital of India?:
New Delhi
What is the capital Pakistan?:
What is the capital of Bangladesh?:
What is the capital of Nepal?:
What is the capital of Afghanistan?:
What is the capital of Bhutan?:
Why has Afghanistan been so difficult, or impossible, to govern successfully over the centuries?:
Because of lack of resources (for infrastructure, things that a government needs), landscape, drought, and different languages (many different ethnic groups)
Where had bin Laden been operating before returning to Afghanistan? What had he previously done in Afghanistan?:
Sudan, previously mujahideen who helped fight back against Soviet Invasion
Define Caste system:
fixed layers in society, determined by karma from previous life
Define Double-cropping:
to raise two crops per year on (an area of land).
Why are/were there 4 million Afghan Pashtun refugees living in Pakistan? How did they get there?:
they fled major wars in Afghanistan, such as the Soviet-Afghan war
What are Pakistan’s main concerns when it comes to the Kashmir area? What are India’s concerns?:
- Pakistan: human rights (self determination)// Majority of Kashmir people are Muslim, therefore Pakistan argues free choice should deliver Kashmir to Pakistan. // also Indian control of irrigation water from Indus river that is needed in Pakistan.
- India: India has invested heavily in building infrastructure in Kashmir since UN decision to deliver 60% to India, 30% to Pakistan, and 10% to China
What do the terms nationalism, non-violent resistance, and boycott have to do with Mohandas Gandhi? (Show you understand what Gandhi’s life’s work was about):
- Indian nationalism rose in the early 20th century – India wanted independence from Britain
- Gandhi promoted non-violent resistance as means for accomplishing this
- Boycott - refusing to purchase (British goods), Fasting – galvanized country in support of the cause
How are karma and samsara related to the Caste System?:
Samsara= cycle of being reborn (Hinduism) In Hinduism/India, it is a widely held belief that your karma, whether good or bad, affects what social class you will be born into in your next life (Caste system in India)
What do Hindu fundamentalists want?:
Hindu fundamentalists want the Caste system to remain a thing in India
List 3 centripetal (unifying) forces in India:
- Cultural strength of Hinduism
- Democracy & its democratic institutions
- Strong leadership
- India’s (Hindu’s) capacity for accommodating change (flexibility)
What factors account for a decline in death rate in India?:
- improved medical services
- soap became common
- more effective food distribution
- urbanization
- farm production expanded
What is the dominant religion in Bangladesh?:
Approx 90% Muslim
What is the dominant religion in Bhutan?:
What is the dominant religion in Nepal?:
Aside from Indonesia, this country is home to the greatest number of Muslims:
The country with the highest per capita GDP in South Asia:
Sri Lanka