The microbiome & microbiota Flashcards
What is the microbiome?
The collective name for the genes of every microbe in a certain defined area such as the human body or a pond. This is comparable to the metagenome in other, larger ecosystems.
What is the microbiota?
The collective name for all the individual microbe within a certain defined area like the human body or a petri dish. It is equivalent to the community or biota in other, larger ecosystems.
What are probiotics?
Products consumed by humans containing live microbes with the intent to promote gut health and “boost” the immune system
What are antibiotics ?
Substances used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria
What are prebiotics?
Non-digestible food fibres that promote tye growth and activity of benificial bacteria in the gut microbiome
Describe the three ways comppetitive exclusion protects the gut from infections
- By simply taking up space, preventing or making it harder for pathogens gtom establishing themselves 2. Producing antimicrobial compounds/substances – beneficial bacteria release bacteriocinc, microcins and other roxins that inhibit pathogenic bacteria 3. Create an anerobic environment – SCFA’s trigger the gut lining to produce oxygen, inhibiting pathogenic bacteria (mostly anaerobes) from thriving in the gut
How does the human microbiome impact human health?
The microbiome aids in digestion, supports the immune system, produces vitamins like vitamin K (E. Coli), protects against pathogens. The microbiome may affect the central nervous system and impact mood and social capacity.