The Merchant's Tale Quotes Flashcards
What is the description of the merchant?
His bootes clasped faire and fetisly
Ther wiste no wight that he was in dette
There is a duality to the character that is typical of Chaucer - he is conman and corrupt but also uses his intelligence to survive
What is the merchant’s opinion on his marriage?
Page 15
Weping and wailing
The worste that may be
She is a shrewe at al
Merchant expresses his misery in a loud melodramatic manner but the irony is that they have only been married for two months
What is Januarie’s early view of marriage?
Page 17
Describes wedlock as a paradise
Bodily delit
To take a wif it is a glorious thing
Talks about marriage as comfortable but this juxtaposes his obvious lustful motives
Early foreshadowing as marriage as a trap?
Page 19
Line 72 - a yoke can bind unwilling partners
Merchant speaks to the benefits of having a wife?
Page 21
Passen as a shadwe upon a wall
Wife will remain longer than you wish - all the positives are undermined
Examples of marriage from the Bible?
Page 25
Ironic biblical illusion of Rebekke engages and entertains the audience
Blurs paegan and Christian
What does Januarie want in a marriage?
Page 27
References to the old beef, tendre veel and flash
Lustful nature of his marriage - animalistic imagery conveys predatory intent
The wax truductio?
Page 29 line 218
Women can be manipulated by their husbands but foreshadows the actions of Damien
What is Placebo’s advice to Januarie?
Page 33
He sucks up to Januarie using superlative adjectives (278) and self degredation
Double negatives in 284 used for emphasis
What is Justinus’ opinion of marriage?
Page 35
Repeated didactic solemn preaching feels reductive and demeaning through the syndetic listing.
Mercantile imagery in line 326
How does Justinus describe his own marriage?
Page 37
Plosive alliteration in 335 and 336
341 wife is characterised as a shoe that gives him pain
The varied iambic pentameter of Januarie’s response conveys his anger
How does Januarie choose his wife?
Page 39
Line 370 with the mirror is an intertextual allusion to the Deschamp text The Mirror of Marriage - inspiration to the fabliau
Putting the mirror in the market place gives it a transactional implication
Last line acts as foreshadowing
What characteristics does Januarie want in a wife?
Page 41
Line 390 - hir middel smal, hire armes longe and sklendere
Asyndetic listing conveys the idealised female form from the courtly romance genre
What is Januarie’s main worry about being married?
Page 43
He has heard that men cannot experience perfect bliss twice, so he may not achieve heaven when he is dead.
429 truductio of tree - tree was seen as a reference to the seven deadly sins
When does Justinus describe marriage as purgatory?
Page 45
458 - she is a place of penance and suffering
Followed by a semantic field of weaponry
When are Januarie and May married?
Page 47
Line 481 - first time May is mentioned by name
485 - scrit and bond - portrays this marriage as a mercantile transaction.
494 - glosses over the religious aspect of the ceremony