The Merchant's Tale Context Flashcards
Chaucer’s position within society?
He came from the merchant class
He became a member of the royal court
Other tales about marriage?
The knight’s tale - idealised view of marriage
Miller’s tale - adultery
Wife of Bath - How she achieved dominance over 5 husbands
Franklin’s tale - Selflessness and mutual trust in marriage
Chaucer’s marriage?
Marred Phillipa in 1366 in a career marriage. They had two children - Thomas and Elizabeth. He declared his intention to never remarry after her death - ‘to falle of weddyne in the trappe’
Accusations against Chaucer?
Accused by Cecily Champain of ‘raptus’, which may have been rape, kidnapping or inappropriate seizure. Chaucer called the mayor of London as a witness. She released him in 1580 from all charges, presumably due to a payment. There may have been a child, Lewis, born in 1381. She may have been is mistress.
Religious context about the sin of lust?
Sex outside marriage was viewed as a sin. Sex inside marriage marriage is also a sin unless it was for the purpose of children. There were many days when you weren’t allowed to have sex, including feast days, Sundays and Holy Days. This amounted to 40% of the year. The punishment for this was 20 - 40 days fasting on bread and water. It was believed that children conceived on Holy days would have leprosy.
The king’s young mistress?
Edward III had a young mistress - Alice Perrers - who had manipulated the king for her own benefit
What was the framework of the narrative inspired by?
Bocaccio’s Decameron, which tells various tales of love from erotic to tragic - took the framework of people telling stories to each other. It also borrows the scene with a love triangle and a tree
What did Medieval England believe was a form of contraception?
What can Januarie be described as?
A senex amans
What is the relationship between May and Damyan?
A parody of courtly love
When was the black death?
1348 - 30% of the British population died. Worst in London but Chaucer was in Southampton collecting taxes upon wine
How many kings did Chaucer serve?
‘From 14 to the end of his life he acted as a royal servant for three kings’
Edward III - (1327 – 1377)
Richard II - (1377 - 1399)
Henry VI - (1399 - 1413)
What war did Chaucer serve in?
‘Chaucer was captured by French forces in 1359 (the Hundred Years’ war) – He was ransomed four months later, for £16!’
What was Chaucer granted for his poetic ability?
Edward III gave him a gallon of wine each day for the rest of his life
Was Chaucer a knight?
In 1386 he was nominated as MP for Kent as an honorary knight of the shire and on two occasions in 1388 he was sued for debt.
Was this a time of instability?
‘Chaucer was at the centre of events at a time of huge instability e.g. the election of two rival popes in 1378’
What was the purpose of Pilgrimage?
Visitation to the shrine of a saint or other holy places in order to learn, express devotion or earn forgiveness for specific sins.
Many went to Canterbury and its cathedral as it was the place of death of the Christian martyr Thomas Beckett, as seen in the Beckett letters
What was the class system?
The feudal system
What is a fabliau?
A short story designed to make you laugh, containing sexual functions and including vulgar and crass language. It was made popular in Medieval France.