Faustus Quotes Flashcards
Establishes Faustus’ low status?
‘No he is born, his parents base of stock’ - did not have high status - establishes connection between Faustus and Marlowe
Classical allusion to Icarus?
‘His waxen wings did mount above his reach’
Faustus is not happy with subjects that are not magic?
‘A greater subject fitteth Faustus’ wit.’
‘Too servile and illiberal for me’
What do we win when we sin?
‘The reward of sin is death’
The syllogism is wrong as it is based on a truncated quotation - it ignores that you can achieve salvation through forgiveness so he is not intelligent - links to Calvinism
Does Faustus like evil books?
‘Necromantic books are heavenly’
Globe version - twinkly background music reinforces his enchantment
What does Faustus want to command?
‘All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at my command’
How does Faustus describe a magician?
‘A sound magician is a mighty god.’
How are the angels dressed in the globe version?
They are dressed as warriors, as a symbol of his internal conflict in this visual spectacular. Represents his psychomachia.
What does Faustus want to do with his power?
‘I’ll have them fly to India for gold, ransack the ocean for orient pearl’
What do the Valdes and Cornelius tell him about the benefits of necromantic books?
‘Like lions shall they guard us when we please’
‘The miracles that magic will perform’
Does Wagner know where his master is?
‘God in heaven knows’
How do the scholars react to Faustus’ descent?
‘I fear he is fall’n into that damned art’
‘O, but I fear me nothing can reclaim him’
What does Faustus say when he begins to conjure Mephistopheles?
‘Then fear not, Faustus, but be resolute’ - fricative illeism
Globe version - black clothed extras face away from the audience and chant in Latin
What are the stage directions when Faustus conjures Mephistopheles?
‘Faustus sprinkles holy water and makes a sign of the cross’
Ironic as he is enacting the rituals of the Christian church to summon a demon
What does Faustus say when Mephistopheles first appears to him?
‘Thou art too ugly to attend on me. go, and return an old Franciscan friar, that holy shape becomes a devil best.’
Shows the corruption of the catholic church
Globe version - Mephistopheles appears as a goat skull
How does Faustus praise Mephistopheles?
‘How pliant is this Mephistopheles, full of obedience and humility!’