The Learning Process Flashcards
Learning Theory
o B – Behaviorism (observable and measurable responses to stimuli)
o I – Information Processing (computer system as model for human learning;
gathering and representing info [encoding], retaining of info, retrieving that info
when needed)
o C – Cognitive Theory (what is going on inside the mind)
o C – Constructivism (philosophy that holds that learners do not acquire
knowledge and skills passively but actively build or construct them based on their
Factors that Affect Perception
o G – Goals / Values (how you see the world,things valued highly are pursued
o S – Self Concept - what they think about themselves
o T – Time / Opportunity (remember performing a stall but not really
understanding what exactly we were doing until later on)
o E – Element of Threat (adversely affects; narrows perceptual field)
o P – Physical Organism (need to see/hear/feel/respond when in the air)
Acquiring Knowledge
o M – Memorization - (memorizing facts about steps in a procedure, checklist)
o U – Understanding - (organizing knowledge in useful ways and a collection of
memorized facts give way to understanding)
o C – Concept Learning (tend to group objects, events, ideas, etc. that share one or
more major attributes that set them apart. describing many things at once)
The Laws of Learning
o R – Readiness (basic needs satisfied before ready to learn; clear reason; interest
in learning what they believe they need to know next; teachable moments)
o E – Effect (behaviors that lead to satisfying outcomes are likely to be repeated;
needs success to have more in future)
o E - Exercise - things that are most practiced are held better
o P – Primacy - correct information first time.
o I – Intensity - vivid impression least likely to forget
o R – Recency - recently learned are best remembered
Domains of Learning (Cognitive)
o R – Rote (Most basic, can not apply to anything)
o U – Understanding (2 or more concepts together and can explain
o A – Application (2 or more concepts together to form something new)
o C – Correlation (applying to scenarios, building on your training)
Domains of Learning (Affective)
o A – Awareness (willingness to pay attention)
o R – Response (reacts or complies)
o V – Value (acceptance)
o O – Organizing (organize training in his or her belief system so it’s effective.
o I – Integration (aka characterization; incorporate value into life)
Domains of Learning (Psychomotor)
● O – Observation (watching instructor do a maneuver)
● I – Imitation (doing maneuver after he showed you)
● P – Practice (this is self explanatory)
● H – Habit (making this muscle memory)
Characteristics of Learning
o P – Purposeful (types of preparation in regards to your familiarity of the task)
learn on purpose
o E – (result) of Experience (only doing grounds and never flying)
o A – Active Process(participate in group rather than watch group)
o M – Multifaceted (fully exercise their minds and feelings)
Acquiring Skill Knowledge
o C – Cognitive Stage (no prior knowledge; memorize steps required to
perform skill; typically requires all of learner’s attention; instructor should
provide clear step by step example)
o A – Associative Stage (practice is necessary to learn to coordinate muscles
with visual/tactile senses; as proficiency increases, verbal instructions
become more meaningful; still requires deliberate attention but better able
to deal with distractions)
o A – Automatic Stage (by product of practice; less attention required to carry
out so able to multitask better; when it “clicks”)
Types of Practice
o D – Deliberate (aimed at a particular goal; practices specific areas for
improvement and receives specific feedback pointing out discrepancies
between actual and desired performance)
o B – Blocked (doing the same thing until it becomes automatic; in “blocks”;
Forcing myself to do steep turns in the sim for as long as it took)
o R – Random (mixes up skills to be acquired throughout session; better
retention because learner starts to recognize similarities/differences of each
skill which makes it more meaningful)
Scenario Based Training
o H – Has A Clear Set Of Objectives
o I – Is Tailored To Meet The Needs Of The Student
o C – Capitalizes On The Subtle Differences Of The Local Environment
● Errors
o Slip – When one plans to do one thing but that inadvertently does another
▪ trying to land on Runway but land on taxiway
o Mistake – Plans to do the wrong thing and is successful
▪ Planned to land on taxiway instead of runway and land on taxiway.
Reducing Error
o D – Developing Routines - Use of standard procedures for routine tasks help
o R – Raising Awareness - raising awareness in which errors are known to
o C – Checking For Errors - be looking out for errors
o U – Using Reminders - errors are made when things are out of sight out of
o L – Learning And Practicing - higher levels of knowledge and skill help reduce
o T – Taking Time taking things at a comfortable pace.
Types of Memory
o Sensory Memory (receives initial stimuli from environment and processes
according to individual’s preconceived concept of what is important; selective
process; only capable of retaining info for a very short period of time and
relevant info passed on to short term memory within seconds)
o Short Term Memory (stored for roughly 30sec, may rapidly fade or sent to
LTM; time limited but also capacity limited to about 7 chunks of info)
o Long Term Memory (relatively permanent storage of unlimited info; affect’s
person’s perceptions of the world and affects what info in the environment is
noticed; usually has some significance attached to it)
o R – Retrieval Failure (inability to retrieve information)
o I – Interference (learning of similar topics has interfered)
o F – Fading (not using information for a period of time)
o R – Repression (unconscious) does not want to remember because the
feelings associated with it)
o S – Suppression (conscious) does not want to remember because the feelings
associated with it)
o M – Meaningful Repetition Aids Recall (practice is opportunity for learning
but does not cause it)
o R – Recall Is Prompted By Association (stimulate memory w something
o L – Learning With All The Senses Is Most Effective (fuller understanding and
greater chance of recall)
o A – Attitudes That Are Favorable Aid Retention (people learn and remember
only what they wish to know; without motivation small chance for recall)
o M – Mnemonics (AARC)
▪ Acronyms (A.N.D.S)
▪ Acrostic (poem, puzzle)
▪ Rhymes
▪ Chaining ( creating a story in which words give cues)
o P-Praise Stimulates Recall