The Larynx 2 Flashcards
What is the vocalis?
This is a deep triangular bundle of fibres of the thyroarytenoid complex that lies close to the vocal ligament.
What can the vocalis do?
The fibres of the vocalis can selectively separate one part of the vocal ligament while the rest remains adducted.
Which muscle fibres are responsible for producing sounds of the highest pitch?
The vocalis muscle fibres do this when the vocal ligaments are already maximally tensed by the cricothyroid muscle.
Which muscles do the cricothyroid muscles oppose the pull of?
They oppose the pull of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles on the arytenoid cartilages. They also oppose the pull of the thyroarytenoids.
What will the thyroarytenoids do?
They shorten the span between the thyroid cartilage and the arytenoids.
Where do the cricothyroid muscles lie?
They lie on the outer surface of the larynx.
What is the function of the cricothyroid muscle?
They produce tension in the vocal ligaments. They are especially involved in producing high voice tones.
How do cricothyroid muscles act?
They act by tilting the cricoid cartilage relative to the thyroid at the cricothyroid joints (and vice versa).
How do the posterior cricothyroids assist in the tensing action of the cricothyroids?
By pulling back on the arytenoids.
What is the interior of the larynx lined with?
It is lined with mucous membranes.
From the tongue, what is the mucous membrane reflected onto?
It is reflected onto the epiglottis from the tongue.
In the region where the mucous membrane is reflected, what happens to the mucous membrane?
It is thrown into folds
- 1 median glossoepiglottic fold
- 2 lateral glossoepiglottic folds.
What is the depression of each side of the median fold called?
It is called the vallecula.
What does the mucous membrane form between the inner and outer walls of the larynx?
It forms a piriform recess/ fossa on each side.
How is the plane of the inlet of the larynx orientated?
It is almost vertical.
What does the inlet of the larynx lead into?
It leads into the upper part of the larynx = vestible.
What does the vestibule of the larynx extend from, to?
Extends from the inlet of the larynx down to the vestibular ligaments.
What is the gap between the 2 vestibular folds called?
This is called the rima vestibuli.
Between the vestibular folds and the vocal folds what is there?
There is an opening that leads into the ventricle of the larynx.
What is the most anterior part of the opening between the vestibular folds and the vocal folds called?
This is called the saccule of the larynx.
Where do the ventricle and saccule extend up to?
They extend upwards on the outer side of the quadrangular membrane.
Where does the nerve supply for the larynx come from?
It comes from the vagus nerve through its superior and recurrent laryngeal branches.