The Kurds Flashcards
Who are the Kurds?
They are the worlds largest stateless population found in Eastern Turkey, Armenia, Northern Iraq and Western Iran
How many Kurds are there?
There are 30 million worldwide, who link to Kurdistan through ethnicity and language
Key features of the Kurdish population
- Typically less educated in Turkey
- Regarded as second class citizens and discriminated against
- Minority group with fewer rights than the majority
What did the UN say about the Kurds?
Kurds in Iran suffered “disproportionate inadequacy of services such as water and electricity”
What happened to the Kurdish state?
It was planned post-ww1 but the idea collapsed when Turkish nationalists won British support in preserving their own former empire, as a result of knowledge of oil reserves being there
What are the percentages of Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Armenia?
20% Turkey
15-20% Iraq
10% Syria
8% Iran
1.3% Armenia
What is the Kurdish diaspora like?
Large; 35,000 in UK and over 400,000 in Germany
What is the argument against a Kurdish state from the 4 main countries?
- A new Kurdistan will disrupt their own national security and power balance
- They have no intentions of giving up their land to rivals, especially if there are oil reserves there
Which country doesn’t support Kurdistan (outside region) and why?
- Doesn’t want to destabilise Kurds in Northern Iraq
- They believe that the Kurds live along a major geo-political fault line
According to the USA, Kurdistan marks a border between:
- Weak but rich states of the Gulf
- Countries that the US deem enemies (Iran) and Allies (Turkey)
- A tinderbox (ignited) of anti-US feeling in Iran and Iraq
What has Turkey’s rejection of autonomous Kurdistan led to?
A struggle of recognition for the Kurds and the formation of the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party). This has lead to violence as the PKK launched an armed fight with the Turkish Government
What are some examples of PKK violence?
1980s - Guerilla tactics such as kidnapping tourists, suicide bombings and attacks on Turkish diplomat offices in Europe
2005 - 6 killed 15 injured in train bomb attack in Bingol Province
- Bombing at Kusadasi Holiday resort killed 5 including a British and Irish citizen
2010 - Attacks on Turkish security forces, killing 10 Turk soldiers
What was Turkey’s response to the PKK violence?
- Banned political parties from seeking rights for the Kurds
- Prohibited teaching and broadcasting of Kurdish
- 1992-1998 destroyed 3000 Kurd villages and productive land to deprive PKK of financial support
What is the PKK’s financial situation like; where does it come from?
They’re well funded and the diaspora is generous.
London’s 25,000 Kurds have collected over £500,000 annually, German Kurds 5x that amount.
Some money comes from drugs; PKK have own labs and control routes for transportation (80% of UK heroin comes from Turkey, says INTERPOL)
How many members does the PKK have?
Declined since 2000; 3000 to 5000 fighters
What are the PKK’s aims now?
To gain political autonomy within Turkey, rather than full independence. They’ve also recently received support from the EU, who want Turkey to join the EU and be peaceful and stable.
Who are the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons and what is their aim?
A violent branch of the PKK, that has been responsible for bombings in Turkey’s tourist hotspots, injuring Brits (eg. 2006). Their aim is to undermine the tourist industry which is a major source of Turkish income.
How many Kurds are in Iran?
6 million, facing discrimination and repression including arrests and hangings by their government
What is Iran and the Kurds relationship like now and in the past?
- Kurds fought alongside Iraqis during the Iraq-Iran war in 1980s
- The Iranian government massacred people suspected of helping militants during the conflict in the 80s (as many as 30,000 people)
- 2005 Iranian government used 100,000 troops and helicopter gunships along the Iran-Iraq border to dampen pro-Kurdish demonstrations
Define De Facto
Exercising power or to serve a function without being legally recognised
Who was the president of Iraq during the most vicious anit-Kurd action?
Saddam Hussein, who died in 2006
What occurred as a result of Saddam Hussein’s leadership?
- 1988, Kurdish villages were bombed with chemical weapons (eg. poisonous gas) and over 180,000 Kurds were executed
- After the Gulf war, Saddam tried to ‘cleanse’ the Kirkuk province by deporting 250,000 Kurds
What happened after the 1991 Gulf war?
Kurds enjoyed autonomy, forming a de facto state protected by US and British forces. Kurdish nationalists persuaded Kurdish rebels to rebel against Saddam but they were crushed and 1.5 million Kurds fled to Iran and Turkey.
What happened to Saddam Hussein in 2003?
His government collapsed and the Kurd’s celebrated the end of the genocide and ethnic cleansing against them
Define repatriation
Sending someone back to their country of birth, citizenship or origin
How many people had died by 2011?
30,000 people had died in a battle for Kurdish rights.
What did Turkey do in 2007?
Positioned 100,000 troops along the Iraq border in an attempt to combat PKK fighters within northern Iraq.
What has Turkey’s application for membership of the EU lead to?
- Pressure on the Turkish government to reform its attitude towards the Kurds
- Government now recognises the right of people in Turkey to use other languages and dialects (eg. publishing and broadcasting in Kurdish)
- Repatriation of hundreds of thousands of Kurds, evicted in the 1990s